Chapter 836

Three days later, the weather was clear and the sky was blue and cloudless.

Chu Yunxi was pulled up early in the morning to dress up, and she felt miserable. If she had known that it would be such a trouble to get married again, she would have decided not to hold any wedding.

Not only did he feel sleepless, but he didn't even have to eat. It was said that he was afraid that the bridegroom would want to go to the toilet in the sedan chair, which would be inconvenient.

What kind of bullshit rule is this, but luckily Yan Heng prepared a few exquisite snacks for her in advance, which barely filled her stomach.

Chu Yunzhao also came back from Baifeng Academy. Seeing his sister put on her wedding dress again, Chu Yunzhao was indescribably novel.

"Sister, why are you married again?"

"Your brother-in-law did it," Chu Yunxi was a little unhappy because he didn't sleep well in the morning.

Chu Yunzhao stared at her and praised: "Sister, you are so beautiful, you are a beautiful bride."

Chu Yunxi remembered Chu Yunzhao's going to Baifeng Academy, and hurriedly asked him if he was comfortable in it.

Chu Yunzhao nodded, for a cute and talking kid like him, the people inside like him.

Seeing that he accepted it well, Chu Yunxi finally let go of his heart.

The two siblings were talking here, and the sedan chair outside was already approaching. Since Chu Yunxi's natal family was empty, only Chu Yunzhao was alone, so they set off from the other courtyard in the southern suburbs, and all the ceremonies were kept simple.

Outside, Yan Heng was wearing a black wedding dress with red borders, and walked in slowly. The hijab on Chu Yunxi's head was not covered. When he saw him coming in, he raised his head and looked over, feeling that the man in front of him was really rare handsome.

A pair of phoenix eyebrows are thick and black, and the stars under the phoenix eyebrows exude a cold brilliance like a crescent moon, but when he looks at her, his eyes are full of tenderness, and he moves towards her step by step. When she came, her eyes were full of her.

Chu Yunxi stood up subconsciously. In the room, Qingyan hurriedly took Xiao Yunzhao out and let the room out.

Xiao Yunzhao was not very happy at first, but then he went out anyway.

Only Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were left in the room. Yan Heng stretched out his hand to look at Chu Yunxi, Chu Yunxi put his hand in, Yan Heng pulled her into his arms, he held her, He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Death and life are inseparable, talk to Zicheng. Hold your hand and grow old together. Xi'er, I, Yan Heng, will live up to you in this life."

Chu Yunxi smiled lightly, looked up at him and responded, "If you don't let me down, I will never let you down. If you don't let go, I will depend on you for life and death. If you promise me forever, I will promise you forever."

Yan Heng was terrified in his heart, leaned over and kissed Chu Yunxi's pink lips fiercely: "Xi'er, I'm lucky to marry you."

"My blessing is to marry you."

The two were talking tenderly, when Mu Xiu's voice came in from outside: "My lord, it's time to leave, don't miss the auspicious time."

Inside the door, Yan Heng strode over to the table beside her, took a red brocade handkerchief and covered it for her: "Xi'er is so beautiful, I don't want others to see it."

Chu Yunxi's heart was as sweet as honey, and the smile on the corner of her mouth could not be concealed no matter what.

Yan Heng stretched out her big hand and immediately picked her up, and strode out.

Outside the door, Mu Xiu led the servants of the Yanling Palace, and thanked respectfully: "Congratulations, my lord, and my concubine."

A group of people left the courtyard in the southern suburbs, those who got on the horses got on the horses, those who got on the sedan chairs got on the sedan chairs, Yan Heng was sitting in the sedan chairs with Chu Yunxi in his arms, the mighty motorcade was covered with red brocade silk everywhere, and they could see at a glance , the festive colors of red and bright.

(End of this chapter)

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