Chapter 841 It's Really Disgraceful

It was lively outside, but inside, Yan Heng became more and more frustrated and annoyed as he listened to it.

Today is the joy of his and Xi'er's big wedding. This flirtatious guy stole all their glory. He wouldn't intentionally ruin his wedding, right?

Yan Heng thought suspiciously, Chu Yunxi in his arms naturally felt the unsteady emotions in his heart, she took off the red hijab on her head, looked up at Yan Heng and said: "Okay, don't be angry, ignore him That's it."

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her arms to wrap around Yan Heng's neck, then moved closer and kissed Yan Heng's lips.

Slowly encroaching on Yan Heng's tongue bit by bit, the anger in Yan Heng's heart was finally dispelled by this kiss. His attention was not on the topic of the people outside, but he focused on kissing the little girl in his arms. wife.

No matter what, from now on, Xiao Xi'er will be his wife. The two of them are united by love, and no one can separate them again. It feels so good.

A sly smile flowed from the corner of Yan Heng's lips.

Yanling Palace is full of guests.

Although the officials of the court did not dare to get too close to Yan Heng, they also did not dare to offend him, so basically all the people who received the invitation today came.

For a while, the house was full of excitement.

Many people eagerly talked about Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi's wedding today.

The young men and women all thought that King Yanling's move was deeply affectionate, and he was very infatuated with Princess Yanling, especially the female guests who came, all of them were envious of Chu Yunxi, but those old-fashioned people shook their heads and sighed. Agree with this move.

"The world is getting worse, the majestic prince, to do such a thing for a woman is really insulting."

"That's right, the lord has lost his status. In order to make the woman happy, the lord even got married for the second time. What's the matter?"

"Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by the beauty pass. It's a pity for a hero like the prince."

"I'm afraid that in the future, in order to win the favor of women, the children of the aristocratic family will make a mess, how can they let women climb the top like this."

"Forget it, forget it, don't worry about it, how many Yanling princesses are there in this capital, she is too strong."

In the main hall of Yanling Prince's Mansion, there was everything.

Just at this time, the servants in the palace shouted all the way to the old concubine's yard.

"The sedan chair is coming, here comes the sedan chair."

When the lively people in the main hall heard the talk, they all got up.

"The bridal sedan chair has arrived, so go and have a look."

"Go, go."

A group of people walked towards the gate in a mighty manner, and the steward of the palace had already led the servants in the palace to line up on both sides of the gate.

The Yanling Palace at this time was indescribably bustling, not only was it crowded in front of the gate, but there were also quite a few common people standing across the street, all pointing and talking lively.

Because today's wedding was provided by the prince of Yanling to the concubine, it was held in an extraordinarily grand manner, a hundred tables were set up for the banquet alone, and the Yan family also set up a free porridge shed for half a month in the east of the city.

All this shows that the prince values ​​the concubine very much, so they naturally wanted to watch the excitement.

The guard of honor at Yanling Palace soon arrived. Everyone looked around, but they didn't see the figure of the bridegroom, Prince Yanling. Instead, they saw Prince Yelu, who was dressed in white and had black hair fluttering on Gao Ju's horse.

Now everyone was amazed and commented in amazement: "God, what's going on? Why did Prince Yelu appear in the wedding party..."

(End of this chapter)

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