The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 842 Princess Yanling's fate is really good

Chapter 842 Princess Yanling's fate is really good
Many people crowded to the door to watch the fun.

"Yeah, those who didn't know thought it was Prince Yelu who was getting married. Fortunately, he was wearing white clothes. If he was wearing red clothes, people would definitely regard him as the bride."

"But what happened to him appearing here, and look at the dowry behind him, there are so many, you can't see the end at a glance."

While everyone was talking lively, Yeluxie jumped down from his horse, and he greeted the people at the gate of Yanling Palace with a smile on his face as soon as he stood up.

"Today, the lonely imperial sister got married, so I came here to see her off."

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded.

It took a long time for someone to react, and the discussion started immediately.

"Isn't the wedding of King Yanling and Princess Yanling today? Why is it the wedding of King Yanling and Princess Beiyao?"

"Oh my god, did the prince change his mind temporarily and married Princess Beiyao, what about the princess?"

"Poor princess."

All of them sympathized with Chu Yunxi with pity on their faces.

In the bridal sedan chair, Yan Heng's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker, and now he is almost sure that this damned Yeluxie is here to make trouble sincerely.

Yan Heng couldn't sit still anymore, he walked out of the sedan chair with Chu Yunxi in his arms.

As soon as Yan Heng came out, everyone was attracted by him.

To be honest, Yan Heng, who was dressed in a happy attire, was like a god, not as cold and gloomy as in the past, but with an extraordinarily bright look, his eyebrows and eyes fluttered, as if a god had descended.

In front of the gate of Yanling Palace, the housekeeper and servants immediately shouted happily: "My lord, my concubine."

Today's big wedding, Yan Heng didn't ask people to prepare those cumbersome brazier steps. He hugged Chu Yunxi and walked all the way to the gate of Yanling Prince's Mansion with gentle eyes. When he passed by Yeluxie, he raised his eyes Give him a warning look.

Yeluxie didn't take it seriously as if he didn't see it, and followed Yanheng all the way to the palace of Yanling Prince. While walking, he lazily talked to the courtiers of Dongchen Kingdom beside him.

"I forgot to tell my lords, Yanling Princess Chu Yunxi will be Gu's imperial sister from now on, and Gu is her righteous brother, so I hope you will take care of me in the future. If Gu knows that some of you are bullying Gu's imperial sister, Gu will Those who bully the imperial sister will not be lightly spared."

When Yelu's evil words fell, the ministers who met him all started talking like a frying pan.

"Princess Yanling has become the righteous sister of Prince Beiyao, what's going on?"

"I don't know, but Prince Beiyao obviously values ​​Princess Yanling very much. If you look at the dowry outside, it's really endless."

"God, won't Princess Yanling have more reliance from now on?"

"Yes, yes, Princess Yanling's life is really good."

All the courtiers of Dongchen Kingdom kept talking, and many people were envious and jealous. How could Chu Yunxi’s life be so good? You see, it’s really embarrassing to have the affection of King Yanling, and a righteous brother who is superior. People are envious.

Chu Yunxi who was in Yanheng's arms in front also heard Yeluxie's words behind him.

To be honest, she felt a little warm when she heard it. She has never received protection from her relatives. She only blindly protects Zhaozhao, Caizhu, and the people around her.

But she didn't expect that one day, someone similar to a relative would appear to protect her, although she didn't quite believe this person.

But his words are still heartwarming.

Forget it, from now on, treat Yeluxie as her imperial brother and look around.

Yan Heng's complexion was indescribably ugly, he had a brother-in-law for no reason, this man was the man who had thought of his princess before, he could be very happy.

But today was his big wedding, so Yan Heng endured it, and carried Chu Yunxi all the way into the main hall in front of Yan's house with his usual expression.

(End of this chapter)

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