Chapter 843

The wedding ceremony began soon. In the main hall, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi formally worshiped, and the guests on both sides saluted.

After the ceremony was over, Yan Heng took Chu Yunxi's hand and gave a speech in front of all the guests.

"The reason why the king held another wedding today is because the king owed the concubine a wedding. The majesty said the marriage earlier, but the king did not hold the wedding ceremony with the concubine for other reasons. This is a heartache in the king's heart. So today, the king will make a wedding ceremony for the concubine, and the king hereby announces that there will never be any women in the palace of Yanling Palace in the future, and from now on, the king and the concubine will love each other and love each other for a lifetime."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, there was applause in the hall, at first sparsely, and then everyone applauded.

To be honest, when these people knew that Chu Yunxi would not allow King Yanling to take a concubine, they only felt that this woman was jealous. But today, everyone admires her courage. Without her hard work, how could she be where she is today? of monogamy.

That's how people are. At first they feel too frightened by the world and are not tolerated by the world, but when they really think about it in their minds, they don't feel that there is anything wrong with it.

This is like the current situation of Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, many people no longer feel that there is anything wrong with them.

In the hall, everyone praised Yan Heng's affection.

"King Yanling is really a rare and good man in the world."

"Yes, the prince is deeply affectionate, and he is devoted to the princess. He is really a rare real man in the world."

"The princess is so happy."

"This happiness was also won by her."

If it was a different woman, I'm afraid she would have compromised long ago, but she insisted on not compromising, which is why she got such a satisfactory result today.

Everything was said in the hall, and Chu Yunxi, who was under the red hijab, naturally heard everyone's discussion, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she shook Yan Heng's hand with her fingers.

She felt that she was lucky, Yan Heng was different from ordinary men in this world.

So this is her luck, after she traveled here, she can still find such a lover.

Now she is very confident to spend her life with Yan Heng, because he gave her confidence.

Compared with the happiness of Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, Prince Yelu on the side of the hall felt slightly bitter in his heart. Although he had decided to treat Xiao Yunxi as his younger sister, he still liked her. Seeing her and Yan Heng happy, he felt very uncomfortable in every possible way.

But congratulations to them.

Yeluxie thought silently, with a bright smile on his face.

Yan Heng ignored others, he looked down at his little wife beside him, his eyes were filled with deep doting.

Seeing that it was getting late, he lowered his head and picked up Chu Yunxi, carrying her all the way outside.

In the main hall behind him, the steward of the palace had already brought people out to invite all the guests to the banquet hall for dinner.

Xiyuan, a newly built courtyard in the Yanling Prince's Mansion, is where the Molan Palace that was bombed by Yan Heng was originally located.

The current Xiyuan is not divided into east and west like the Molan Temple in the past, but a complete independent courtyard with an indescribably beautiful scenery. In the distance are houses with carved beams and painted buildings, and nearby are lush green trees, stone terraces and green streams.

The whole courtyard was like a magnificent painting. Chu Yunxi was hugged by Yan Heng, so she couldn't see the outside scenery, but Caizhu and others who followed them were surprised and whispered from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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