Chapter 844 Reconcile the Stiff Relationship
Chu Yunxi could hear some of it, but as a bride, she was embarrassed to take off her red hijab to look at the scenery outside.

In fact, she didn't want to wear a red hijab, anyway, no one in the capital has seen her, but Yan Heng insisted that she was too beautiful today, and he didn't want others to see her like this, so she had to wear a red hijab.

But after entering the couple's bridal chamber, Chu Yunxi took off the red hijab after all, and Yan Heng looked at her helplessly.

"Shouldn't this hijab be chosen for your husband?"

Chu Yunxi laughed, waved his hands and said, "We don't need to be so poor, I'm almost suffocated by this all day long, my lord, please don't let me do it again."

As she spoke, she got up and shook Yan Heng's sleeves, acting like a little girl.

Yan Heng looked at her dotingly, and now Xi'er, getting along with him, became more and more casual and relaxed, like she should be cute and cute at this age, which shows that she really has one heart with him.

With joy in her heart, Yan Heng leaned over and cupped her face, and kissed her hard.

Then he took her hand and walked towards the table: "Are you hungry, eat something first, I'm going out to toast, I'll come over and have a drink with you later."

As soon as Yan Heng finished speaking, Wei Li's voice sounded outside at the right time: "My lord, the banquet outside has already begun."

Even though Yan Heng is high and powerful, today is his big wedding, and he invited the guests, so the toast is still to be done.

So Yan Heng listened to Wei Li's words, gave Chu Yunxi a few more words of advice, and went out to toast.

As soon as Yanheng left, Caizhu, Qingyan Qingwu, Hongshang and Bishang who had been serving Chu Yunxi before all poured in.

These people were all old acquaintances, and they didn't refuse to see Chu Yunxi, and all of them smiled and congratulated Chu Yunxi.

"The servant girl is waiting to congratulate the princess. I wish the prince and concubine an early birth to a precious son and a long life with love."

Chu Yunxi was also very happy to see the little girls, immediately waved his hand, and said boldly: "Reward."

All the people in the room thanked happily: "Thank you, Princess, for the reward."

Now that they have a strong heart, the Yanling Palace will no longer be like a purgatory on earth. Before the princess died in a fake death, the whole palace was like a purgatory. Every day, everyone was terrified, for fear of offending the prince.

The lord got angry, he beat him with a board if it was light, and pulled him out and beat him to death if it was serious.

It's a pity that many people died in the palace during that time. Now that the princess is back, everything is fine.

Everyone in the room was happy, when someone came from outside, no one paid attention until the person coughed lightly.

Everyone regained their senses, turned around and saw the door of the new house, and several people came in from the outside.

The leader was actually the old concubine of the Yanling palace, and the old concubine was followed by the princess Yan Xueying of the Yanling palace.

Chu Yunxi didn't know what to say when he saw the old concubine.

Part of the reason for the stalemate between myself and Yan Heng later came from the old concubine, what kind of capacity should she use to get along with the old concubine now.

Although Chu Yunxi was thinking in his heart, he stood up slowly, because this was actually Yan Heng's mother concubine, since he recognized Yan Heng, he had to face this old concubine.

The old concubine also noticed that Chu Yunxi was uncomfortable, but she had to come this time. Chu Yunxi is her daughter-in-law, and this cannot be changed. Since it cannot be changed, it is better to reconcile the relationship between each other. Rigid relationship as well.

(End of this chapter)

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