Chapter 850 Brother-in-law should be more generous

Thinking of this, Yeluxie couldn't help laughing, the old emperor was really interesting, he recognized a righteous sister, he sent someone to ask him what he meant, he told the guard unceremoniously, what he meant by recognizing his sister.

Chu Yunxi didn't hide Yeluxie's secrets, and said directly: "Didn't someone try to kill me yesterday? Later, a few people were caught, and those people handed over to Shao Qingzhu from the Shao family who instigated them behind the scenes, so I and Yan Heng intends to enter the palace and ask His Majesty to make the decision and give me an explanation."

When Yeluxie heard this, he immediately said, "I will accompany you into the palace to face the saint, and I will let the emperor decide for you."

Yan Heng was not happy when he heard that, his eyebrows were a little cold, he looked at Yeluxie and said angrily: "Prince Yelu, this is the king's family matter, Prince Yelu should not worry about it, and Prince Yelu is the son of Bei Yao. Prince, don’t you have nothing to do? You’re always wandering around in this king’s mansion.”

Yeluxie smiled lazily and said: "Gu Zheng intends to return to the country, but before he leaves, he must at least go to the palace and tell the old emperor that Xiao Yunxi is an orphaned righteous sister. He should treat Xiao Yunxi better anyway. Otherwise, Gu will not let it go."

Although Yeluxie had good intentions, Yan Heng was not happy. This was his woman, and he would protect it himself, so he didn't need anyone else.

Yan Heng was about to speak, but Chu Yunxi who was on the side spoke: "Okay, you two don't argue, let's go to the palace together, right now we should deal with the Shao family, not fight here."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yeluxie answered, "Xiao Yunxi is absolutely right, we should all speak together now."

Without saying a word, he looked at Yan Heng and said lazily: "Brother-in-law should be more generous, don't be a chicken belly."

After Yeluxie finished speaking, he walked out first. In fact, he was afraid that Yan Heng would turn his face if he disagreed with her.

So he hurried away, Yan Heng's complexion turned dark in the back, and his phoenix eyes stared at the man in front of him gloomyly.

Chu Yunxi knew that the reason why Yan Heng targeted Yeluxie was because of his taste, but now Yeluxie has become her righteous brother, not to mention that he will leave soon, so let him go for a while.

Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand to hold Yan Heng's big hand, and when Yan Heng looked over, he gave him a gentle smile, and then said to Yan Heng with his lips.

Don't be angry, he's leaving soon.

Seeing that Chu Yunxi was on her side, Yan Heng was not angry anymore, he was the biggest winner right now, Xi'er chose him, Yeluxie was just his defeat.

He could only take advantage of it verbally. After thinking about it, Yan Heng finally stopped being annoyed and dragged Chu Yunxi to the gate of the palace.

A group of people quickly entered the palace, the old emperor in the palace didn't go to court today, because he was so angry that he didn't sleep all night because he received a message from his guards.

When it was almost dawn, he was not in good spirits, so he was resting in the bedroom of Longtai Palace.

Hearing the eunuch Chang Fu report that Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi asked to see each other, Yuwen Lingtian intuitively felt that something was wrong, so he planned to refuse to see him.

It's just that Chang Fu quickly added another sentence: "In addition to the prince of Yanling and the concubine of Yanling, Prince Beiyao also came into the palace together."

As soon as Yuwen Lingtian heard Chang Fu's words, his face became even darker.

Earlier, he asked the guards to ask Ye Luxie if he was plotting to recognize Chu Yunxi as his righteous sister, but he only said that he recognized his sister, and there was no trick.

(End of this chapter)

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