Chapter 851 Fiddled like a clown
When Yuwen Lingtian heard the news, he almost died of anger, and hated Yeluxie to death.

But no matter how much he hated Yeluxie, he still had to admit one thing.

Yeluxie is the prince of Beiyao Kingdom, and the most beloved son of the emperor of Beiyao Kingdom. Moreover, this man is so smart that he had become Dongchen's national teacher without showing his face before. If it hadn't been for Yan Heng After seeing through his identity, he still doesn't know it yet.

If such a person is compared with him, he will be fine.

What's more, this person has come together with Yan Heng now, one is enough for him to have a headache, two?

Yuwen Lingtian felt that his Yuwen family seemed to be exhausted.

No, he can't just sit there and wait for death.

Yuwen Lingtian thought about getting up, cleaned up, and took the eunuch to the front hall.

As soon as Yuwen Lingtian appeared, Chu Yunxi knelt down and sued Shao Qingzhu from the Shao family.

"Your Majesty, please be the master for me. That Miss Shao's family is so deceitful. She is clearly a remnant, but she intends to sneak into my Yan family as a concubine. Later, because I saw it through, she became angry. On the day of my wedding I sent someone to assassinate me, please ask the Lord to make the decision for me."

The first Yuwen Lingtian's face turned black, and he thought fiercely in his heart, why didn't he kill you.

But on the bright side, it was hard for him to say this, and he said with a solemn face: "Is this true?"

"Returning to the Holy One, we caught several of the black-clothed assassins yesterday. After interrogation, we found out that the person behind them was Miss Shao Qingzhu, the young lady of the Shao family. That's why my wife brought them into the palace early in the morning."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yan Heng said with a cold face: "If it weren't for this king, Xi'er would have been plotted against by the other party, so please ask the Lord to be the master of my princess. The Shao family is really deceiving people too much, don't you?" Just relying on the status of the empress, it is really annoying to deceive people like this, is it just a display for my Yan family?"

After Yan Heng finished speaking, Yeluxie on the side answered. Yeluxie is the prince of Beiyao, so he is sitting on the side of the hall at the moment.

"I hope His Majesty can make the decision for my royal sister."

Yuwen Lingtian's eyes darkened, and he almost vomited blood and died. Who asked him to help him get people away last time, and now what does it mean to say "Huangmei"?Is this trying to kill him?
Yuwen Lingtian was about to growl in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face, so he almost suffocated himself. Finally, he looked at Chang Fu, the first eunuch standing in front of His Majesty, and ordered: "Go, let People immediately announced the Shao family to enter the palace, and sent someone to Huayi Palace to announce the empress."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Chang Fu hurriedly took orders to go to work.

Empress Shao Baozhu was the first one to come. She didn't know that Chu Yunxi had sued Shao Qingzhu, so when she came, she was indescribably calm.

But seeing that the emperor's face was not good-looking, the queen became a little cautious.

"What's the matter with the emperor's minister and concubine coming here?"

Yuwen Lingtian was about to suffocate, but now he found someone to vent his anger on, and he exploded on the spot.

He raised his hand and angrily pointed at Queen Shao Baozhu and cursed: "Look at your Shao family, none of them can stand on the stage, what are they doing? They don't have that ability, but they just play around like a clown. It's really annoying."

The more Yuwen Lingtian scolded, the more annoyed he became. If he had the ability to clean up Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, he would still find them useful.

Now not only did he not clean up the house, but he also caused the smell of urine all over his body. He was so stupid, so stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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