Chapter 852 What a Big Face

The great majesty bowed his head, and the queen was scolded.

Chu Yunxi, Yanheng Yeluxie, watched with a smile on her face, scolding, it's best to scold all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Shao family, it's best to scold the empress to death on the spot.

Empress Shao Baozhu was really going to die of anger at this time, the emperor scolded her in front of others, it was too embarrassing for her, and she didn't understand what happened, so what's the matter with all this scolding?
"Your Majesty, what did my Shao family do to make Your Majesty so angry?"

Yuwen Lingtian pointed to Chu Yunxi who was at the bottom and said, "Yesterday your niece ordered people to assassinate Princess Yanling, but those people were caught by Princess Yanling's people, so now they are here to sue her."

When Shao Baozhu got angry, she turned her head and looked at Chu Yunxi who was on the side of the main hall: "It's you again, isn't it enough that you have caused Zhu'er enough? She doesn't even dare to come out now, what else do you want? You, woman, are so poisonous and insidious."

Chu Yunxi immediately turned on the queen: "What the empress said is really interesting. Is it my heart that is vicious or the Shao family? Entering my Yanling Prince's Mansion, it is really a big face."

The queen was so angry that Chu Yunxi couldn't catch her breath, she almost gasped, and Yong Yonghuagui's face was bruised and purple.

"you you."

"What's wrong with me? Empress, you have nothing to say. You should be ashamed of the actions of the Shao family. As a daughter of the Shao family, there is such a shameless and scheming family. The empress must be very desperate. Life is better than death." .”

It was the first time that Chu Yunxi attacked others with such a vicious tongue, and the queen was immediately mad by her, and screamed in the hall.

"Chu Yunxi, I'm going to kill you."

As she spoke, she rushed over frantically, trying to tear Chu Yunxi's face off.

In the main hall, Yanheng and Yeluxie moved at the same time, Yanheng quickly pulled Chu Yunxi behind to protect him, while Yeluxie waved his hand and threw the queen out.

If he hadn't thought that this person was the queen, he would have sent her flying with one palm.

After Yeluxie threw the queen out, he didn't even look at the queen, but looked at Yuwen Lingtian at the top of the hall.

"Your Majesty, the Empress is really unrespectable. The majestic mother of a country is acting like a village woman in the mountains. Such a woman is not worthy of being the mother of a country."

The old emperor was dumbfounded, and Chu Yunxi refreshed his new understanding. In the past, he only knew that this woman was smart enough and good-looking, but now he knows that this woman has a vicious tongue. A mouth is a weapon.

Looking at the queen, she was so angry that she went crazy, this woman can't be eliminated, if not eliminated, it is a serious problem.

Although Yuwen Lingtian wanted to get rid of Chu Yunxi, he still had to solve the problem in front of him first.

"Queen, as the mother of the country, what about your manners?"

Yuwen Lingtian didn't have much affection for Empress Shao Baozhu, so when he started training people at this time, he didn't retain any affection.

Shao Baozhu burst into tears immediately, looked at the emperor, then pointed to Chu Yunxi: "My lord, she, she."

She didn't get up for a long time, at this moment, a eunuch outside the hall came in to report: "My lord, someone from the Shao family has arrived."

Mr. Shao, two grandsons and a granddaughter came to Shao's house. Mr. Shao's two sons had official duties and were not at home at all, so Mr. Shao had to bring someone over.

As soon as Shao Baozhu heard that the Shao family was coming, she immediately got up from the ground and straightened her clothes neatly.

She is the queen, and she doesn't want the Shao family to see her in a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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