Chapter 871
In the meeting hall of Shao's family, Mr. Shao saw the queen and hurriedly stood up to greet him. Although he is the old father, what is the identity of the queen?

"Your Majesty, please greet the Empress."

Shao Baozhu helped his father up: "Father, you don't need to be polite."

After she finished speaking, she dragged her father to the desk in the middle of the conference hall.

"Have you guys negotiated a result?"

Mr. Shao shook his head, and the queen said with deep eyes, "Father, have you forgotten that my Shao family has a town house treasure?"

Old Master Shao's expression changed, and he looked at the queen.

The queen said slowly: "We use that to take down Princess Yanling, but we don't believe that King Yanling won't compromise."

Old Master Shao was worried: "I'm afraid this is inappropriate, and King Yanling may be even more angry."

This prince attaches great importance to his concubine, if they take her down, I'm afraid he will deal with the Shao family even more frantically.

"Father, even if we don't deal with them, they won't be soft on us. It's better to fight hard. Besides, as long as we take down that woman Chu Yunxi, we can threaten Yan Heng to sign a treaty with us and ask him to write down the terms of assistance." My son is the heir apparent, so I won't move the Shao family's treaty, if he doesn't sign it, we won't let Chu Yunxi go, I think he will definitely sign it."

"With this agreement, if he attacks the Shao family again, we will stab this in front of the Holy Majesty. The Holy Majesty has always wanted to touch him. If he gets this, there will be a reason to deal with him. As an important minister in the court, How could the Holy Majesty spare him lightly for forming a party with the prince for personal gain, and the people of the world would laugh at him, I think with this, he would not dare to act rashly."

After the queen finished speaking, General Shao Lin immediately nodded in agreement and said, "I think my sister's method is feasible."

Mr. Shao hesitated. This is undoubtedly a tiger's beard. It would be fine if the tiger listened to their arrangement, but if the tiger didn't listen to their arrangement, I'm afraid they would die sooner.

But in the meeting hall of the Shao family, more than half of the people agreed with the queen's method.

As long as he gets Yan Heng's contract, he will be subject to them in the future.

Thinking about King Yanling submitting to them, they were very happy.

So in the conference hall, voices came out one after another: "Father, just do as my sister says."

"Yes, do as my aunt said."

"Yeah, that's right, do as my aunt says."

Mr. Shao saw that everyone in the hall was in favor of the queen's idea, so he had to compromise in the end. Whether it was successful or not, it was a matter of one action. Whether the Shao family would perish or the Shao family would be put to death and reborn, all depended on this time.

"Okay, the treasure of the town house, please."

In Yanling Prince's Mansion, Chu Yunxi slept until the afternoon before waking up. After waking up, she still felt pain in her back.

But the lower body is cool and comfortable, and I know that it must be Yan Heng who applied the medicine for him. This guy is very shrewd now, and he always puts some medicine for her afterward. touch her.

Chu Yunxi sat up lazily while thinking, and asked Qing Yan who was waiting by the bed, "Where is the prince?"

Qing Yan glanced at the master on the bed, she was naturally coquettish, her charming eyes, lazy and seductive posture made her feel flustered as a woman.

Qing Yan hurriedly lowered her head and replied softly: "My lord has been summoned into the palace by the Holy One."

Chu Yunxi nodded, but she was not worried about Yan Heng. According to Yan Heng's ability, the old emperor couldn't plot against him.

"Go and prepare the bath water, I want to wash up."

"Yes," Qing Yan went away in response, and quickly prepared bath water. Chu Yunxi soaked for a while, and then ate something. Seeing that it was getting late, Yan Heng hadn't come back yet.

(End of this chapter)

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