The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 872 Believe it or not, I Kick You Off the Carriage

Chapter 872 Believe it or not, I Kick You Off the Carriage

Chu Yunxi was a little worried, and immediately ordered Qingyan to go to the front to ask if the prince was delayed in the palace because of something, why he hasn't come back yet.

As a result, there was no news about Yan Heng, but another news came.

"Concubine Hui in the palace suddenly fell ill, and the doctors in the palace couldn't cure her. The empress ordered the eunuchs to come and ask the concubine to come to the palace to check on Concubine Hui."

As soon as Chu Yunxi heard this, she felt that something was wrong. Yan Heng entered the palace in the afternoon and did not come back. Concubine Hui fell ill in the evening. The queen sent someone to invite her to the palace to treat Concubine Hui.

This matter is obviously tricky, is the queen trying to deal with her?
Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking about it, Qingyan and Qingwu in front of the bed quickly said: "Master, I think it's better not to enter the palace. The empress has made it clear that she is uneasy and kind."

"Yes, the empress must have come up with some idea to deal with the master. It is better for the master not to enter the palace. Right now the prince is not in the palace, and the subordinates are worried about the safety of the master."

Chu Yunxi also knew that it was not safe to enter the palace, but the queen sent eunuchs out to announce the decree. If she did not enter the palace, she would be guilty of what happened to Concubine Hui later, and the queen would take this matter out for a walk People all over the world are afraid that they will laugh at her. She built Xianyu Peak with a high profile earlier, saying that she would treat the poor people for free, but in the end, even the concubine Hui did not save her.

Then everything she did before was in vain, Chu Yunxi said with a deep expression, "Enter the palace."

Not to mention that if you don't enter the palace, you will lose your reputation, it's the Queen's mother's will, if she doesn't obey, it's rebelling against the order, and the queen has the right to find trouble in the Yanling Palace.

Chu Yunxi looked at Qingyan thoughtfully and said, "Go and tell the butler, let him arrange someone to go into the palace to find the prince, and tell him that I was taken into the palace by the empress."

"Besides, we just need to be more careful, besides you, there is Longyuan in the dark."

Qingwu quickly said: "Master, please bring a few more people with me."

Chu Yunxi shook his head: "No need, you forgot that Long Yuan is a master of the second-order Martial King Realm, and we are not weak, so don't worry too much."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, she got up and led the people out. In the room, Caizhu followed her with a face full of tears: "Miss, you must be fine."

Chu Yunxi pinched her face in a funny way, and teased her, "Okay, Miss, I'll be fine."

A group of people left Yanling Palace while they were talking, got into the carriage in the palace,

On the way, Chu Yunxi ordered the eunuch to detour to the palace by another road.

The eunuch driving in front was stunned for a moment and said, "My lord, we have always followed this path before."

Chu Yunxi didn't speak, Qingyan in the carriage shouted coldly: "Go as soon as the princess tells you, why are you talking so much, if you don't leave, believe it or not, I will kick you off the carriage."

The eunuch driving in front didn't dare to say anything, and hurried to the palace by another road.

Chu Yunxi entered the palace gate with the front foot, and Yan Heng returned to the Yanling Palace with the back foot.

In the afternoon, the Holy Majesty announced him into the palace. He originally thought that the Holy Majesty called him into the palace to ask him about the Shao family.

Unexpectedly, when the Holy Majesty called him into the palace, he didn't even ask about the Shao family's affairs, but only asked about his body, and then pulled him into a game of chess.

Yan Heng didn't know why at first, but later felt that this matter was unusual, so he quietly gave the old emperor some medicine, which made the emperor feel sleepy, and finally let him go back to his residence.

(End of this chapter)

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