The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 873 The Power of the Soul Eater Bell

Chapter 873 The Power of the Soul Eater Bell
As soon as Yan Heng returned to the palace, the steward hurriedly reported to him: "My lord, concubine Hui is ill in the palace, the queen ordered the eunuchs to come and take the concubine into the palace to check on concubine Hui."

Yan Heng's face immediately changed, and he cursed, "Damn it."

He turned around and left the Yanling Prince's Mansion, leading people straight to the palace.

Chu Yunxi, who had already entered the palace at this time, met several black-clothed assassins who assassinated her.

These people surrounded her, but fortunately, Long Yuan who had been hiding in the dark and the two subordinates brought by Long Yuan appeared.

A group of people fought against the black-clothed assassin, but they would not be defeated.

It's just the result of both fighting each other, which destroyed many places in the palace.

With a loud bang, Long Yuan once again collided with Yuanli fiercely with the black-clothed assassin on the opposite side, Yuanli exploded, and countless broken branches and leaves beside him exploded.

Everyone dodged one after another, and at this moment, a huge darkness overwhelmingly blasted down from above their heads,

This huge darkness went straight to Chu Yunxi.

Qingyan and Qingwu who were not far away from Chu Yunxi yelled, "Princess, be careful."

The two subordinates rushed straight to Chu Yunxi, and Chu Yunxi also used his energy to blast towards the huge black shadow that was coming.

But soon she found that her own energy had no effect on the huge black shadow, but the huge black shadow actually had an adsorption effect, a strong adsorption force, and sucked her body straight into it.

Chu Yunxi's complexion changed drastically, and she struggled out quickly, but unfortunately she couldn't overcome the strong adsorption force, so when her eyes went dark, she fell into a huge black shadow.

The faces of Qing Yan, Qing Wu and the others outside all changed, and the two exclaimed in surprise: "Princess."

At this time, Qingyan and Qingwu had already seen clearly what the huge black shadow was, it turned out to be a huge bell, and the princess was sucked into it by this bell.

Qingyan raised her hand and slammed at the bell, Qingwu shouted from behind: "Don't, the princess is inside."

While speaking, the huge clock became smaller in the blink of an eye, and was blasted by Qingyan's Yuan force, and flew out directly, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Qingyan and Qingwu were all stunned, Longyuan and the others looked ugly, and struck more and more fiercely, but those black-clothed assassins began to retreat. The purpose of their appearance tonight was to catch Princess Yanling. People have been caught, what are they left to do.

The leading assassin in black raised his hand: "Withdraw."

Several figures dodged and retreated, before Long Yuan and the others had time to chase, several figures shot from the dark behind them, and the leader was Yan Heng.

Yan Heng looked at the several people in front of him with a cold face, and said in a deep voice, "Where is the princess."

Long Yuan and the others knelt down in unison: "My lord, please punish me, my subordinates failed to protect the princess, and the princess was sucked away by a huge bell."

"What?" Yan Heng's eyes were cold and bloodthirsty, and his whole body was full of murderous aura.

"You are really useless."

As soon as he yelled, many people rushed out under the dark night. These people held torches high in their hands, and they were the royal guards in the palace.

The movement here earlier alarmed them, and they rushed over.

When these people saw Yan Heng, they were shocked, and the leader hurried over to pay respects: "I have seen the prince, is this the prince?"

Yan Heng said with a gloomy face: "The king wants to trouble the guards of Song Dynasty, immediately lead the guards in the palace to search and find the concubine of the king. Unexpectedly, there was an assassin in the palace, and the assassin took the princess away with a spiritual weapon."

(End of this chapter)

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