Chapter 874 Let's talk about a deal

The leader of the guards was surprised: "Is the princess missing in the palace? My subordinates will investigate immediately."

The leader of the guards waved his hand and wanted to lead someone to investigate the matter, but Yan Heng stopped him and said: "The Song guards want to investigate a bell, and it is said that this king and concubine was sucked away by that bell."

"Okay, this subordinate will go immediately."

The guard Song took the people away, and Yan Heng looked at Longyuan and Qingyan Qingwu behind him and said viciously: "If something happens to the princess, you will die and be blamed for it. Now let's take the blame and perform meritorious deeds. Check the bell. If you can save the princess , I spare your lives."

"Yes, my lord."

Long Yuan took Qingyan and Qingwu to the palace to investigate people.

Behind him, Yan Heng looked at the queen's palace in the dark night with blood-red eyes. Not surprisingly, the assassination in the palace tonight must have been caused by the queen.

Empress, Shao's, well, it's really nice.

The king will not let you go.

Yan Heng clenched her fingers tightly, venting fiercely.

Behind him, Mu Xiu and Wei Li looked at their master worriedly: "My lord, what should we do now?"

Yan Heng turned around and looked at Mu Xiu and said, "You take some people to the palace to investigate, I suspect that the bell might still be in the palace."

"Okay, my subordinates will do it immediately."

Mu Xiu also took people to investigate.

Yan Heng looked at Wei Li and said, "Let's go to Huayi Palace. I want to know what the Queen wants to do?"

In the Huayi Palace, the queen sits high on it, with a graceful posture, as if her wishes come true.

This kind of her is completely different from Yan Heng, who is cold and hostile all over her body.

Yan Heng's phoenix eyes were reddish, full of murderous aura, he looked deeply at the queen, and said in a deep voice: "Xi'er was taken away by the empress."

This is an affirmative sentence, not an interrogative sentence.

The queen ignored Yan Heng, but said coldly: "The things that happened in my Shao family recently are all the work of the prince."

"So the empress took away my concubine for revenge?"

Yan Heng's voice seemed to come from hell.

The queen shuddered when she heard this, but thinking of Chu Yunxi in her hands, she sat up straight again.

"It's not revenge, it's just negotiating a deal with King Yanling. The prince stopped immediately, wiped out what he had done to my Shao family before, and then helped my son. I let the princess go."

After the queen finished speaking, she also said meaningfully: "I heard that during the big wedding before, the prince once told the guests in the mansion that he will only marry the princess in the future. Presumably the prince loves the princess very much."

"What if the king doesn't agree."

Yan Heng replied sinisterly, the queen smiled flamboyantly, and said slowly: "This palace gives the prince five hours, if the prince is still obsessed after five hours, then there will be no more Princess Yanling in this world." .”

After she finished speaking, she felt extremely happy in her heart. To be honest, if it wasn't for forcing Yan Heng to submit, she really wanted to kill that bitch Chu Yunxi just like that.

But right now, in order to get Yan Heng's contract, it's better to save her life for the time being.

The queen thoughtfully looked at Yan Heng and said, "My lord may not know the power of the Soul Eater Bell. Not only will the body turn into flesh and blood, but even the soul will be wiped out. In just five hours, there will be no more Princess Yanling in this world." This person, and her soul."

Hearing what the queen said, Yan Heng's face was almost distorted, he raised his hand and blasted out with Yuanli.

With a bang, the main hall of Huayi Palace was bombarded, the queen didn't care, she still stared at Yan Heng.

Yan Heng was on the verge of fury at this moment, if he didn't restrain himself, he would just want to kill this woman.

But the most important thing right now is to rescue Xi'er, otherwise...

(End of this chapter)

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