Chapter 878 She Will Be Disappeared Soon
Chu Yunxi did it as soon as he thought of it, and immediately began to practice according to the moves in his mind. With her practice, she already felt the timidity of the space she was in. This thing is afraid, so her move is absolutely useful of.

Moreover, Chu Yunxi found that there was more and more green water under the lotus seat, and it had already reached half of the place where she was. If it continued to rise like this, she would not be able to stay in the space.

So she had to leave this thing immediately. Chu Yunxi rehearsed the final moves again. Finally, holding the sword in her hand, she slowly began to perform the Eighteen Moves of the Devil Sword, the move of eating the sword with the body, the No.18 move , It looked very slow, but it slowly became faster and faster, and finally Chu Yunxi's light and shadow could not be seen at all, only a sword with blood-devouring evil spirit rushed towards the soul-devouring clock like a dragon.

Huayi Palace.

Yan Heng was glaring at the empress Shao Baozhu with cold eyes.

Shao Baozhu's face was smug at this moment, so what about the prince of Yanling?It's not that he obediently accepts his fate, he can only obey the orders of the Shao family in the future, and he will be a dog of the Shao family and her son from now on.


Yan Heng naturally saw the queen's arrogant look, and his heart burned violently.

But thinking of Xi'er's current situation, he could only endure it.

The first queen said slowly: "Prince Yanling has thought about it, it will be five o'clock soon, and after five o'clock, Princess Yanling will be out of her wits."

"Okay, this king promises you, tell me, what are the conditions?"

"First, immediately smooth out what you did before. I don't care what tricks you use, those things must have nothing to do with my Shao family. Second, in the future, I will do my best to help my son get up."

"Okay, according to you, immediately turn on the Soul Eater Bell and release Xi'er."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, the queen immediately took out a treaty with a smile on her face, and told a nun next to her: "Let King Yanling sign it."

"Yes, ma'am."

The nanny walked up to Yan Heng holding the treaty in response: "My lord, please."

Yan Heng glanced at the things in front of him. Apart from the two things the queen said, there are many regulations in the treaty, but generally they must not go against the wishes of the Shao family and the queen, and must obey no matter what they do in the future. Shao's arrangement.

Yan Heng held the pen in his hand, wishing that it was the queen's head, he crushed the head of the woman on it with his palm.

But thinking of Xi'er, Yan Heng's heart tightened, and she felt an indescribable pain.

I'm afraid Xi'er is very scared right now, he can't delay any longer, so it's better to sign.

Yan Heng raised her hand to sign her name.

Just at this moment, there was a rumbling sound outside the hall.

The deafening sound even shook the Queen's Huayi Palace.

Outside the hall, Mu Xiu and Wei Li rushed in and reported: "My lord, there is an explosion in the northwest, let's go and have a look."

The face of the first queen immediately changed.

Yan Heng saw something strange at a glance, immediately threw away the contract, shot out of Huayi Palace, and headed all the way to the northwest.

The queen behind shook her head with a pale face: "No, it won't, it won't, the person trapped by the Soul Eater Bell can only die, and they won't come out, it must be something else."

Here the queen is devastated, outside Yan Heng had already led people to dodge and headed for the northwest direction.

As soon as he shot to the northwest direction, he saw a body covered in blood falling from mid-air in the huge waves that soared into the sky.

 Asking for a ticket, I didn’t add it recently because I saved the manuscript, there may be an explosion this month, all the little princesses

(End of this chapter)

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