Chapter 879

Yan Heng saw at a glance that the person who fell from mid-air was his Xi'er.

He yelled with extreme heartache: "Xi'er."

The figure went straight to Chu Yunxi, and when he was in mid-air, he stretched out his arms and hugged Chu Yunxi.

At this time, Chu Yunxi was covered in blood, his eyes were closed tightly, and he didn't respond at all.

Yan Heng looked at her in grief, hugged her and called, "Xi'er, Xi'er."

Two figures descended from mid-air, behind them Mu Xiu and Wei Li jumped over.

I saw the princess who was alive and kicking before, now lying dying in the arms of the prince, without any reaction.

Mu Xiu didn't want to think too much, and stepped forward to investigate for the princess.

After investigating, he breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "My lord, my concubine is still alive."

Yan Heng breathed a sigh of relief, but looking down at the bloody man in his arms, his whole heart was burning with burning pain.

"Xi'er, I will definitely avenge you, I will."

He picked up Chu Yunxi and turned to leave, just as the emperor and empress rushed over with people.

The two of them saw the bloody Chu Yunxi in Yan Heng's arms at a glance.

Yuwen Lingtian was indescribably happy that this bitch Chu Yunxi was dead, it's good that he died.

Yan Heng is sad now, this is a good opportunity for them to do something.

The queen's face was pale. Is Chu Yunxi dead?So is Yan Heng going to deal with the Shao family?

Yan Heng stared coldly at Yuwen Lingtian and the queen, with a bloody and cruel smile on the corner of his lips, and walked out slowly step by step.

Behind him, Yuwen Lingtian pretended to say, "Prince Yanling, let the doctor come over and treat the princess."

Yan Heng's bloodthirsty voice came: "No need."

It seemed that he was so kind to them, that's why he made them worse.

Yan Heng couldn't express the regret in his heart. If Xiao Xi'er had something wrong, he would not forgive himself. If he had dealt with Yuwen's family long ago, where would her crime today come from.

Yan Heng left the palace with a group of people and went back to Yanling Palace.

In Yanling Palace, everyone knew that the princess was in danger in the palace, everyone was frightened now, the princess will be fine, no.

Before the concubine had an accident, everyone still remembers the terrifying appearance of the prince.

In the master bedroom of Xiyuan, Yan Heng put Chu Yunxi on the bed and ordered Mu Xiu to come forward and treat Chu Yunxi immediately.

Mu Xiu stepped forward to check Chu Yunxi's pulse carefully, and finally confirmed that Chu Yunxi was injured because he forcibly collided with the Soul Eater Clock. Her five viscera and six lungs were severely injured.

Yan Heng's heart tightened when he heard this, and he looked at Mu Xiu and asked nervously, "Is there any serious problem?"

"Although the five viscera and six lungs are seriously injured, after feeding the elixir, the prince can use Yuanli to heal the princess' injuries. In this way, she should be fine."

Yan Heng breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and ordered Mu Xiu: "Hurry up, feed her the healing pill immediately, and this king will heal her immediately."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, seeing the bloody person on the bed, she couldn't help but frowned and said in a deep voice, "The five viscera and six lungs were seriously injured, why is there blood all over my body?"

"This is the trauma caused by the collision with the Soul Eater Clock. Although the trauma looks scary, it's actually not a problem."

Mu Xiu didn't think it would be a problem, but Yan Heng didn't necessarily think so: "There won't be any scars."

If Xi'er wakes up and realizes that she has scars on her body, she will be very sad.

Mu Xiu said quickly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, after treating Wang Hao's internal injuries, you can wash it and then apply the medicine to remove the scars, and there will be no scars."

(End of this chapter)

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