Chapter 880 Like Ants on a Hot Pan

After Mu Xiu finished speaking, he immediately took out the healing pill and fed it to Chu Yunxi. In addition to feeding the healing pill, he also fed Chu Yunxi a blood-enriching pill.

After finishing all this, Yan Heng waved them out, and he personally used Yuanli to heal Chu Yunxi's injuries.

Time passed by, and Chu Yunxi never woke up.

Yan Heng was in a hurry, stopped her hands and put her down, called Mu Xiu outside and said, "Why hasn't Princess Wang woke up, shouldn't she wake up logically?"

Mu Xiu checked Chu Yunxi again and said, "The injuries to the five viscera and six lungs are much better, and they should wake up soon, so don't worry, my lord."

Yan Heng felt restless and anxious when he heard this, and finally suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and waved his hand to order Mu Xiu: "Someone get water to come in, and this king will wash the princess himself."

Mu Xiu walked out in response, and ordered Qing Yan to fetch water and bring it in.

In the room, Yan Heng carefully took off Chu Yunxi's clothes, and cleaned her up. After cleaning, she saw that Chu Yunxi's body was covered with scars, which were caused by the explosion of the Soul Eater Bell and the injuries caused by those fragments.

The more Yan Heng thought about it, the more angry he became. After cleaning and changing clothes for Chu Yunxi, his anger reached the peak of an explosion.

"Mo Xiu."

Outside the door, Mu Xiu hurried in.

"Immediately order them to do it. Immediately, I don't want to endure the Shao family anymore."

"Yes, my subordinates will do it immediately."

Mu Xiu stepped out, and in the room, Yan Heng stretched out his hand and held Chu Yunxi's hand tightly, leaning against her side and whispering.

"Xi'er, are you okay? You'll be fine, but why am I so worried? I'm always afraid that something will happen to you in a panic, so wake up quickly."

"I know that you forcibly collided with the Soul Eater Bell because you were afraid that I would be controlled by the queen and the Shao family, but I don't want to see you like this, so you wake up quickly. If there is anything wrong with you, I will not forgive you my own."

"Xi'er, you forgot what you said, after we get rid of those guys, we will have two sons and a daughter."

In the room, Yan Heng whispered softly, and everyone outside the room who heard it felt distressed.

It's so difficult for the prince and princess, why do they always meet those people who are looking for trouble.

The Shao family was in a panic at this moment, and this time it was really flustered.

Old Master Shao knew that the Soul Eater Bell was destroyed, so he couldn't catch it immediately, and he vomited blood and passed out on the spot.

The rest of the Shao family were worried because of Chu Yunxi's injury.

One by one like ants on a hot pan.

At this moment, everyone couldn't even think about the old man's life and death, and complained to each other.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have provoked Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi. Now it's over, Yan Heng will definitely retaliate."

"It's not all about your big house. Follow His Highness King Qin's words and take action against Chu Yunxi. Otherwise, what would happen to us?"

"Yeah, didn't your second wife also agree? I didn't see you objecting."

"You all took action to deal with others and caused trouble. How can we object? Now it's all right. We have to bear the evil things you have done."

"When you borrowed our big house, why didn't you say that you would blame us if you were in trouble now, shameless."

"You guys are shameless."

In the end, the two rooms actually started to swear, until they started fighting, not only the master, but also the servants joined in and started fighting, completely messed up.

Until a cold shout sounded: "Stop."

(End of this chapter)

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