Chapter 881 Has She Returned To Her World?
Everyone subconsciously stopped, turned their heads to look at the door, and saw Qin Wang Yuwenyi and several subordinates looking at them coldly.

As soon as the Shao family saw His Highness King Qin, they knew what was good and bad, so they stopped.

But they all ran to King Qin Yu Wenyi and begged.

"Your Highness, you have to save our Shao family."

"Yes, our Shao family is in great trouble. If you don't stretch out your hand, we will definitely die."

"Your Highness, please save us, please save us."

There was a wail of mourning in Nuo Da's hall.

Qin Wang Yuwenyi looked at the dark people in front of him, his face was full of gloom, is this the Shao family, a big family?Why did he look like a puddle of mud? It turned out that he was still counting on them, but what happened?
Yu Wenyi's chest was full of gloom, and it took him a long time to say: "Okay, get up, I'm here to think about countermeasures with you."

No matter what, Yu Wenyi didn't want anything to happen to his mother clan, not to mention that his eldest uncle was a general protecting the country, and he had [-] troops to protect the security of the capital. He couldn't lose such bargaining chips.

The Shao family finally saw a glimmer of hope when they heard His Highness King Qin's words. They all stood up and surrounded King Qin all the way in, trying to figure out a way.

Chu Yunxi slept for a day and a night, but there was still no sign of waking up.

Yan Heng has been guarding her non-stop, but seeing how time has passed, Chu Yunxi still has no sign of waking up.

Yan Heng was about to go crazy. He grabbed Mu Xiu and asked, "Why hasn't the princess woke up yet? Didn't you say she would wake up soon? The medicine was taken and the injury was healed, but why did someone Just didn't wake up."

Yan Heng's heart was extremely flustered, and her thinking was a little confused.

Seeing that the prince was going crazy, Mu Xiu hurried up to check on Chu Yunxi.

But he checked and checked, and found that Chu Yunxi's external and internal injuries showed signs of healing.

According to reason, the princess should have woken up long ago, but why can't she wake up.

Mu Xiu couldn't find the reason either.

"My lord, I don't know why the princess can't wake up. Logically, she should have woken up a long time ago, because the internal injuries in her body have begun to heal."

After hearing Mu Xiu's words, Yan Heng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and a icy cold rushed up from the soles of his feet.

He thought of what Chu Yunxi had told him before, that she was actually a ray of soul from another world, could it be that she had actually left and returned to her world.

If she went back to her own world, would she still want to come back?

Yan Heng's mind was buzzing, and his face was pale.

He reached out and held Chu Yunxi's hand tightly.

"Xi'er, you're not going back to your original world, are you? Don't be so cruel. Come back."

"When we got married, we said we would never leave, and you said you would give birth to two sons and a daughter for this king."

"Come back from your world."

Yan Heng's words fell into Mu Xiu's ears, and Mu Xiu was shocked, thinking that his prince was crazy.

Wei Li and the others outside also heard it, all of them were horrified, rushed in and knelt down together: "My lord."

But Yan Heng ignored them at all.

Mu Xiu and Wei Li looked at each other, and finally Mu Xiu thought of a way, and quickly said: "My lord, the state of the princess is really weird, maybe her soul has been hurt, so she can't return to her place, why don't you ask Master Mingyuan to come forward?" Come to my Yanling Palace, Master Mingyuan is..."

(End of this chapter)

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