Chapter 884 The evil spirit is too strong
Mu Xiu and Wei Li still wanted to talk, but Yan Heng shouted coldly, "Go out and watch."

The two refused to leave, Yan Heng said violently: "Does this mean that I want this king to beat you out?"

The two of them didn't dare to say any more, so they had to get up and go out. They could only pray in their hearts that the prince and concubine were fine.

At this moment, Mu Xiu and Wei Li hated the Queen and the Shao family members very much. If it wasn't for them, why would the prince and princess suffer this crime.

So when the prince and concubine are fine, they will never let the Shao family go.

In the room, Yan Heng looked at Master Mingyuan and said, "The Netherworld is so big, how can I find Xi'er as soon as possible? What good method can Master have?"

Master Mingyuan thought for a while and said: "I can write the blood sacrificial talisman, but once this talisman is pasted on the princess' forehead, it will make the princess's soul glow red. It is convenient for the prince to find it, but it will also increase the size If the ghost messenger finds her first, she may be taken away."

Yan Heng's heart tightened when he heard this, and he was in a dilemma. He was worried that the ghost messenger would find Xi'er first, but also worried that if he didn't stick the blood sacrificial talisman, what would he do if he couldn't find Xi'er after three hours?
After thinking for a while, Yan Heng looked at Master Mingyuan and said, "Please trouble Master to write a blood sacrificial talisman, so that you can find it faster. In a place as big as the Netherworld, if there is no instruction, it may be difficult for me to find it." princess."

The master responded and said: "Okay, actually, the prince is looking for the soul body of the princess, don't go into the ghost gate, just look for it in the misty world outside the ghost gate, and the scope will be narrowed a lot."

"Okay," Yan Heng nodded quickly, and then lay down beside Chu Yunxi according to the master's instructions.

Master Mingyuan first drew a blood sacrificial talisman for Chu Yunxi and pasted it on her forehead, then wrote another talisman and put it in Yan Heng's hand, exhorting him.

"This talisman is a summoning talisman. If the time comes, I will call you back. My lord, when the time comes, no matter whether you can find it or not, you must remember to come back. I will light a guide light on the way back. Your lord just needs to follow the light." The route, just walk back.”

"Okay, Master."

Master Mingyuan sighed, and hoped that the prince of Yanling could bring the concubine back this time, otherwise he was afraid that the prince would not come back.

If that was the case, both of them would be dead.

Master Mingyuan stopped talking and began to cast spells, and soon opened the secret door leading to the Netherworld, Yan Heng's soul also left his body, and went all the way to the Netherworld along the secret door.

The nether world is illusory and ethereal, with unknown objects drifting past from time to time, and occasional figures from far and near drift past.

Yan Heng remembered that Master Mingyuan said that he only had three hours, so he didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly started to look around for the whereabouts of ordinary Yunxi.

Because Master Mingyuan cast a blood sacrificial talisman on Xi'er, making her whole body glow red, so Yan Heng found it very quickly.

He only needs to take a look from a distance to see if there is any shadow of Xi'er in the nearby place.

But after searching around, she didn't find any sign of Xi'er. Yan Heng became impatient, and finally couldn't help calling out: "Xi'er, where are you?"

The souls passing by were startled by Yan Heng's cry, but many ghosts glanced at him and then quickly avoided.

This is not only because Yan Heng is a living soul, but also because the evil spirit on his body is too strong, and those ghosts who come close to him will be injured by the evil spirit on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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