The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 885 Don't dare to provoke this person

Chapter 885 Don't dare to provoke this person

Yan Heng didn't bother to pay attention to other things, he went from east to west all the way, the more time went by, the more anxious he became.

Although he didn't know how long he had been in the Netherworld, the longer the time, the more disadvantageous it would be for him and Xi'er.

So Yan Heng's heart became more and more anxious, and his body floated very fast, walking forward all the way rapidly.

Surrounded by mist, ghosts walked by from time to time, and even some ghost messengers walked by, but when these ghost messengers saw Yan Heng, they only took a glance and left in a hurry.

One more thing is worse than one less thing, this living soul is clearly a character that is not easy to provoke, they better be careful.

Seeing the time passing by every minute and every second, Yan Heng's heart was so anxious that he was about to lose his mind, but at this moment, Master Mingyuan's summoning voice came from the summoning talisman in his hand: "Prince Yanling, you are back. Three hours is up, the secret door is about to close, come back quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, a guiding light lit up far and near behind Yan Heng.

Where Yan Heng was willing to go back, he still persisted and shot forward.

In the summoning talisman in his hand, Master Mingyuan's call sounded again: "Prince Yanling, you are back, come back immediately, the secret door will be closed soon, if you don't come back, you won't be able to come back."

After Master Mingyuan finished speaking, the voices of Mu Xiu and Wei Li sounded beside him: "My lord, please come back. If you don't come back, what will happen to the Yan family? What will happen to the Yan family's army?"

"Yes, my lord, I beg you, let's find a way to save the princess when you come back,"

Hearing these cries, Yan Heng raised his hand in annoyance and wanted to throw away the summoning talisman in his hand, but the summoning talisman seemed to stick to his hand, and he couldn't shake it off.

But even if he couldn't get rid of it, Yan Heng didn't care, he yelled towards the surroundings: "Xi'er, where are you, I'm here to pick you up, Xi'er, did you hear me?"

Just as Yan Heng finished speaking, he suddenly heard a suspicious voice from ahead: "Yan Heng? Yan Heng."

Yan Heng was overjoyed when he heard that, and quickly turned around to look forward, only to see a ray of red light refracted faintly.

As soon as Yan Heng saw the red light, he flew over quickly, but as soon as he floated over, he saw two ghost guards beside Xi'er in front of him, pushing her and telling her to go forward quickly.

"Let's go, how long have you been dead, and you've been wandering outside, hurry up and enter the gate of hell."

"If you don't leave, we will lock you up with a soul lock."

Seeing the actions of these two ghost messengers, Yan Heng rushed over and shouted coldly: "Stop."

The two ghosts turned their heads to look, and they were shocked. There was such a strong evil spirit in this living soul.

The ghosts would hurt them if they touched them, so the two ghosts dared not come over.

Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng in disbelief and said, "Yan Heng, is it really you?"

At this time, Chu Yunxi knew that her soul had left her body and entered the Netherworld. She also knew that the reason for this was the collision with that giant.

She always wanted to find a way back, but the Netherworld was too big, she didn't know how to go back, so she stayed here all the time.

Who knew that red light suddenly came out from her body before, and she didn't understand what happened at first?Seeing Yan Heng now, Chu Yunxi understood.

She rushed to Yan Heng's side, and said worriedly: "Yan Heng, you are crazy, why did you enter the Netherworld so well?"

Yan Heng reached out and took Chu Yunxi's hand and said, "Go, let's go back immediately."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the two stunned ghost messengers behind him, and pulled Chu Yunxi back along the guide lights.

(End of this chapter)

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