Chapter 887 So What If I Bully You
Chu Yunxi flashed out from the room, and there were people standing outside the room, all of them were Yan family's bodyguards, led by Mu Xiu, Wei Li, Qing Yan, Qing Wu, Long Yuan and others.

As soon as they saw the scars on Chu Yunxi's face, they all knelt down and said, "Princess, my subordinate is willing to bomb the Shao family with the concubine."

Chu Yunxi said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

She shot out one step ahead, and several figures behind her followed her.

Chu Yunxi is currently an eighth-rank great martial artist. Although he is not as good as a master of the Martial King Realm, in Dongchen Kingdom, this kind of skill is already extremely powerful.

So after a few falls, she quickly shot outside the gate of Shao's house.

At this time, the Shao family has become a mess. Shao Lin, the general who protects the country, was ordered by the emperor to take him into Dali Temple. Dali Temple has always been a place for interrogating criminals. If Shao Lin enters Dali Temple, can he still end up?Old Master Shao woke up and passed out again.

At this moment, Chu Yunxi rushed to the door of Shao's house. She jumped up, stood in the air, and shouted at Shao's house.


"Shao family, do you really think that my Yan family is easy to bully? You have bullied our Yan family over and over again. Not only that, but you also set up a bureau in the palace to murder my concubine, thinking that this concubine is afraid of your failure. , today I will bombard your Shao family."

Chu Yunxi's voice exploded in the air like a thunderbolt, and everyone in the Shao family rushed out to wait and see in a panic.

Chu Yunxi raised her hand, and cast out the peach blossom in the peach spirit space, and her spiritual power was quickly poured into the peach blossom.

Chu Yunxi yelled: "Five Spirits God Formation, go, blast away the Shao family."

Taohua turned into five giant spirits and went straight to Shao's house.

Loud rumbling noises continued, and more than half of the Shao family in Nuo Da was destroyed in the blink of an eye.

The houses that were bombed were splashed in all directions, and many people were injured.

These people cried for their fathers and mothers and wailed.

The entire Shao family was miserable.

At this moment, several figures stood out from the Shao family and jumped into the air, stood opposite Chu Yunxi and shouted coldly: "Chu Yunxi, you are too deceitful."

The person who spoke was Shao Qingzhu, the daughter of the notorious Shao family's prostitute.

Several young disciples of the Shao family who followed behind Shao Qingzhu glared at Chu Yunxi angrily.

Chu Yunxi sneered, and said arrogantly: "So what if you bully you, you are allowed to bully others by your royal family and relatives, and I am not allowed to bully you? If a dog is in a hurry, he will jump over the wall, let alone a human being."

Without saying a word, she didn't say anything to Shao Qingzhu, just raised her hand, and blasted out with a burst of Yuanli.

Shao Qingzhu's face changed drastically, and he quickly stepped back, ordering the brothers behind him to say, "Stop her."

With a wave of Shao Lingchen's hand, several people mobilized Yuanli to resist Chu Yunxi's Yuanli.

It's a pity that the younger generation of the Shao family has the greatest cultivation base of the seventh-rank martial artist, so how can they be Chu Yunxi's opponent.

So soon their Yuanli was torn apart by Chu Yunxi.

From behind, Shao Qingzhu quickly took Yu Xiao out and started blowing.

She played a melody that bewitched people's hearts.

It's a pity that she was in a state of confusion at this time, so the fantasia she played seemed disorganized.

How could such a melody hurt Chu Yunxi and the others, it could also hurt the disciples of the Shao family who were next to her.

One by one hugged their heads with a headache.

On the other hand, on Chu Yunxi's side, everyone looked at her mockingly, as if they were looking at a clown.

Shao Qingzhu was furious. Since Chu Yunxi returned to Beijing, she fell from the clouds to hell. Could this woman be her nemesis? No, she is not reconciled.

(End of this chapter)

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