The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 888 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Being Sent From Heaven?

Chapter 888 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Being Sent From Heaven?

Thinking about it, Shao Qingzhu changed a tune abruptly, which was obviously more powerful than the previous one.

One after another sound patterns swayed like waves, and the people who were attacked all swayed here and there.

Someone yelled unbearably: "Stop blowing, stop blowing."

It's a pity that Shao Qingzhu ignored it, and her eyes stared at Chu Yunxi with hatred.

Chu Yunxi sneered and said, "The clown even dares to play tricks."

Without saying a word, she swung the peach blossoms around her body abruptly: "Go, break it."

The peach blossoms quickly gathered into a sharp peach blossom sword and came straight to Shao Qingzhu.

The powerful peach blossom sword rushed straight to Shao Qingzhu's face with the wind and rain, and with a bang, it smashed her from the cloud to the ground.

Behind him, Shao Lingchen and others quickly landed on the ground and ran towards Shao Qingzhu: "Sister, are you okay?"

"Chu Yunxi, are you going to destroy my Shao family? Are you not afraid of being sent by heaven if you do this? Are you not afraid that people in the world will laugh at you?"

Shao Qingzhu spat out a mouthful of blood and struggled to speak.

At this time, outside the gate of Shao's house, there were many people watching the excitement, and everyone was talking about it.

Chu Yunxi said fiercely in front of everyone: "Your Shao family has done so many things to oppress good people, today I, Chu Yunxi, am doing justice for the heavens and seeking justice for those people who were bullied by your Shao family. , I want to see who laughs at me."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, the people around immediately shouted in agreement.

"Princess Yanling is doing well."

"Yes, the concubine is a kind person, and your Shao family doesn't have a single good thing."

So many bad things broke out before, and now I still have the face to say that I was sent by heaven, who is it that will be sent by heaven.

Chu Yunxi listened to the people's comments and said: "You are still bullying the people everywhere, but you even bullied my Yan family and made trouble again and again. The treasure of your Shao family's town house tried to kill me, and the scars on my body haven't gone yet."

"Thinking of my Yan family, I have been loyal to the country and guarded the border for the people. I didn't expect that one day I would end up being punished by others. How can we stop here? Today I will not only destroy your Shao family, but also ask the Holy One for the people. A justice."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, the surrounding people echoed again.

"That's right, my lord please punish the Shao family severely, punish severely, punish severely."

"The Shao family is lawless because they are the mother clan of the King of Qin. Even the Prince of Yanling will deal with him. The Lord of Yanling is the god of war in our Dongchen. If it weren't for them, our Dongchen would have been annexed by the Beiyao Kingdom."


There was great enthusiasm all around.

Outside Shao's mansion, Shao Qingzhu originally wanted to use the pressure of the people to force Chu Yunxi to take a step back.

Unexpectedly, the common people turned to Chu Yunxi.

Shao Qingzhu couldn't bear the stimulation any longer, spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow, and passed out.

Chu Yunxi ignored her, but looked at Yan Heng who was beside him and said, "Enter the palace and ask the Holy Majesty for an explanation."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, while Yan Heng followed her closely, and ordered Mu Xiu behind him to bring the disciples of the Shao family he had found earlier, and together they entered the palace to meet the Holy Majesty.

In the study room in the palace, Yuwen Lingtian was shaking the memorial angrily. The Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, the Secretary of Dali Temple and several important officials in the court bowed their heads cautiously, not daring to look at the distorted face of the Holy Majesty. . .

(End of this chapter)

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