Chapter 893

It's just that Chu Yunxi couldn't fall asleep for a while, so he chatted with Yan Heng occasionally.

"Yan Heng, does the Shao family really raise government soldiers? Or did you arrange those people?"

"It's the government soldiers they raised. This was discovered by Qianji Pavilion earlier. Later, I asked them to watch this matter and found that the Shao family had placed the government soldiers in Wucheng Bingma Division. The purpose of their doing so , in order to save the last hand, if the King of Qin does not succeed in the end, they can launch a mutiny, and the soldiers and horses of the five cities are their people, and when the time comes, they will respond to everyone and control the entire capital, so they will naturally let the King of Qin succeed."

Chu Yunxi smiled: "It's a pity that you broke it. What about the defense map of the capital?"

"I had someone steal the defense map of the capital, just to draw out the fact that the soldiers of the Shao family's mansion had been inserted into the Five Cities Army Division."

Chu Yunxi couldn't help but praise Yan Heng: "Amazing."

She said that she slowly fell asleep, after all, she fought with Soul Eater Bell forcibly before, and then went for a walk in the Netherworld, so she was still very weak.

Seeing that she was asleep, Yan Heng leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Seeing the scar on her face, she still felt very distressed.

Although the Shao family is currently in jail, Yan Heng also knows that the real culprits are members of the Yuwen family, and the Shao family is just catering to them, otherwise the Shao family would not dare to touch him.

But since the Shao family is minions, he will get rid of them.

While thinking, Yan Heng quickly thought about what to do now.

Soon, Yan Heng called Mu Xiu to come forward, and whispered: "You immediately spread the news, saying that the princess has entered the palace to plead for the people, and the Holy Majesty has issued an order to bring the Shao family to Dali Temple for trial."

"Yes, my subordinates will do it immediately."

Yan Heng closed his eyes slightly and leaned against the wall of the carriage, thinking with a chuckle, the Shao family is dead, and it will be King Qin's turn next.

The capital city was almost boiling that day. The family of Qin Wangmu, the empress’s family, and the family of the general who protects the country entered the Dali Temple Prison.

The people who watched the excitement blocked the outside of Shao's house.

Seeing the Shao family, who used to be aloof in the past, were taken away like a dog in the water this day, and the glamorous scene in the past no longer existed.

One by one was in a state of embarrassment and misery.

Many people in the crowd talked and talked non-stop.

The most talked about is that the reason why the Holy Majesty severely punished the Shao family was because Princess Yanling entered the palace to plead for the people.

"If Princess Yanling hadn't entered the palace to ask for orders, I'm afraid His Majesty might not be so cruel and imprison the entire Shao family."

"Yeah, that's true, Princess Yanling is doing well."

"The most detestable thing is the Shao family. They are used to being superior, but they don't want to do so many stinky things. It's really embarrassing."

"Forget it, since His Majesty ordered them to enter the house, he will definitely punish them severely."

The discussion of the people in the capital was quickly sent to the palace. Yuwen Lingtian was so angry that his eyes rolled and he passed out.

He will definitely punish the Shao family severely, but now all the credit falls to that bitch Chu Yunxi, how can he swallow this breath.

But no matter how angry and annoyed he is, it still can't change the thinking of the people outside. Now Yuwen Lingtian can't wait to eat Chu Yunxi's flesh and drink her blood.

Compared to Yan Heng, the person Yuwen Lingtian hates most now is Chu Yunxi.

His nightmare began when he married this girl into Yan's house.

Compared with the palace, the old emperor was furious and mad.

Prince Qin's Mansion is relatively quieter.

(End of this chapter)

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