Chapter 894 Discuss how to fight back
King Qin called his staff into the study to discuss countermeasures.

"My lord, all the current trends are not good for my lord. The Shao family has committed such crimes. I'm afraid it will be difficult for my lord to obtain the position of heir."

"That's right. There is no prince of any dynasty or generation. If the mother clan commits such a thing, he can still ascend to the throne smoothly. He already has a stigma on him."

"Could it be that the prince has worked so hard for so long, and it was in vain."

"When the prince wanted to attack the prince of Yanling before, I said that it is not appropriate to attack the prince of Yanling. It is best to win him over. Now it's fine."

"That's right, I've said the same thing. It's not advisable to go head-to-head with the King of Yanling. This man can control 20 Yan family troops. He is very powerful. It's not something ordinary people can handle."

"You will say now, why didn't you object at the time, it was an afterthought."

"Why didn't we say it, did you listen? Didn't you try your best to take the prince and attack the king of Yanling, so as to win the favor of the emperor."

In the study room, two groups of people started arguing loudly.

Qin Wang Yu Wenyi was so angry that his liver hurt and his stomach hurt. He raised his eyes and looked coldly at the two noisy groups of people in the study.

"Shut up, the king summoned you here to find a solution, not to let you come and quarrel, and don't talk about the past, just talk about how to deal with this now?"

After Yu Wenyi got angry, all the staff in the study quieted down, and one of them got up slowly and said: "My lord loses the Shao family right now, which is equivalent to losing a big arm. It turns out that the Shao family has five cities, and it is very convenient to do things. Now it is gone, so the prince needs to find another arm right now."

"As for the Prince of Yanling, it is impossible to ease the relationship. Since there is no way to retreat, we can only face it. The death of the Shao family is a certainty. The prince can use the matter of the Shao family to counterattack the King of Yanling and princess."

The person who spoke was an aide surnamed Wen under Qin Wang Yu Wenyi, known as Mr. Wen.

Mr. Wen is known as Zhi Duo Xing, very talented. His old mother died before, so he went back to his hometown to worship his mother. When he comes back, King Qin has already confronted King Yanling. If he was here, he would definitely not allow such a thing existing.

Qin Wang Yu Wenyi also believed in Mr. Wen's words, so he nodded slightly when he heard it.

In the study room, everyone began to make comments based on the two points put forward by Mr. Wen.

"If the lord wants to become the crown prince, the first thing he needs is military power, but now that the General Protector's Mansion is doomed, the lord's military power is gone, so he has to think of another way."

After this person finished speaking, someone else said: "It is possible to win over the Pang family. The Pang family currently controls the 20 soldiers of the Chu family. If General Pang Long helps, the prince can also take over."

"How to win over General Pang Long, if he doesn't have a big bargaining chip, he won't stand on the same front with us. Right now he is the Holy Majesty's man."

"It would be great if there is no princess. You can marry General Pang Long's daughter Pang Wenying as Princess Qin. In this way, General Pang Long will definitely stand by the prince's side."

The speaker was extremely regretful, Qin Wang Yu Wenyi's eyes flickered, and he stopped talking.

Another person talked about the current deadlock between King Qin and Prince Yanling, and quickly said: "If the prince wants to ascend to the throne smoothly, the Shao family can't let the Shao family have the reputation of treason. Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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