Chapter 895 You are a villain

Others in the study nodded and said: "Yes, yes, it's best to make the Shao family's affairs framed by others, so that there will be no stains on the prince."

"Aren't we dealing with the people of the Yanling Palace right now? It's better to blame the death of the Shao family on the Yan family's Princess Yanling. Anyway, this princess has a reputation of being jealous before. It's easy to use it. It is said that Princess Yanling set up a series of schemes to harm the Shao family because she was angry with Miss Shao's desire to marry the prince."

"That's a good idea, it works."

In the study, everyone talked for a while before getting up and leaving. After all the staff had left, King Qin Yuwenyi pinched his brows wearily. To be honest, he lost a lot in fighting King Yanling. On the other hand, King Chu Yu Wenmo, however, is completely sitting on his hands.

In fact, Yu Wenyi already regretted taking action against Yanheng and Chu Yunxi, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

Yu Wenyi thought that the reason why he took action against Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi was entirely because of two people, one was his father, who used the position of crown prince to lure him, and he was fooled.

The other one was that woman Liu Ruqin. That woman found him and vowed to help him deal with Chu Yunxi. .

He thought she was Yan Heng's cousin, so she must be useful to some extent, so he deepened his thoughts on dealing with Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi. If there was no help from this woman, he might not be able to deal with Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi later, but he would not deal with Yan Heng. Heng and Chu Yunxi did not have such a ruined situation like today.

The more Yu Wenyi thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally ordered the servants outside: "Go and call Liu Ji."

Liu Ruqin is currently staying among the dancers in Prince Qin's mansion, known as Liu Ji, everyone only thinks that she is a dancer, but they don't know that she was once the side concubine of King Yanling.

The servants outside the door responded quickly, and went to call Liu Ruqin over.

As soon as Liu Ruqin came over, Yu Wenyi became angry, grabbed the things around him and threw them at Liu Ruqin.

Liu Ruqin didn't even dare to dodge, so the vase thrown by Yu Wenyi was smashed to pieces.

Liu Ruqin looked at King Qin with a pale face: "My lord."

"It's all about you, a villain. Didn't you say that you can help me kill Chu Yunxi? Now that Chu Yunxi hasn't been killed, I have lost the Shao family."

The more King Qin thought about it, the more he hated it, his eyes were full of crimson, staring at Liu Ruqin ferociously.

Liu Ruqin shook her head and said, "My lord, what does the demise of the Shao family have to do with me? The Shao family did a lot of bad things, which is why they ended up like this, but the lord can use the incident of the Shao family to fight back against Chu Yun." Xi, this is the idea that the little girl spent two days looking for for the prince, please take a look at it."

Liu Ruqin struggled to take out a stack of papers from her sleeve, on which were written many plans to deal with Chu Yunxi.

Liu Ruqin hated Chu Yunxi now, and when she was free, she would think about how to deal with Chu Yunxi, and this made her come up with a lot of ideas.

Shangshou Yu Wenyi stood up, walked in front of Liu Ruqin, reached out to take the paper in her hand, and looked at it carefully.

After a while, his eyebrows eased slightly, and he looked at Liu Ruqin coldly and said, "At least it's still useful, if your method can't deal with that woman Chu Yunxi this time, then let me go and serve my king's men." Staff go."

(End of this chapter)

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