Chapter 896
The singers and dancers in the Qin Palace are used by the King of Qin to entertain various guests and staff.

Although Liu Ruqin stayed in the dancer's house, she had never served anyone else, so when King Qin said it, her face was indescribably pale and her body was on the verge of falling, but it was a pity that King Qin didn't feel any pity for her.

He doesn't care about women that Yan Heng doesn't want.

"Go out."

"Thank you, Lord."

Liu Ruqin breathed a sigh of relief, struggled to get up and walked out, panting every time she took a step, her whole body was indescribably weak, but the hatred in her heart supported her, so that even though she was weak, she could still live well .

She lived to see with her own eyes that woman Chu Yunxi get what she deserved.

In the study, after Liu Ruqin left, King Qin carefully looked at Liu Ruqin's idea again, not to mention that it was really good.

The anger on King Qin's face calmed down quite a bit. Outside the door, a guard stepped in and quickly reported: "My lord, Miss Shao family wants to see my lord."

When Yu Wenyi heard this, his eyes darkened, he didn't move for a long time, and finally waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about it."

Right now, the Shao family is in a dead end, and there is no way to turn around. I am afraid that the Shao family will die, and Shao Qingzhu is no exception.

If Shao Qingzhu was still the former Shao Qingzhu, King Qin might be able to rescue her and give her the position of side concubine.

But now Shao Qingzhu's reputation is ruined, he not only has to take responsibility for saving her, but also how to arrange her, the father is currently angry with the Shao family, if he violates the law, the father is afraid that even he will be annoyed.

So he can't move, Zhu'er, it's only your fault that you are too weak to let yourself fall into such a situation.

In the dungeon of Dali Temple, it was dark and humid, and the air was full of blood, which made people sick.

In front of the door of a certain cell of a felon, a woman was holding the cell door and looking out, her eyes full of expectation.

Cousin, you must save Zhu'er once, you must save me.

I have liked you and admired you since I was very young, no matter what you ask me to do, I am willing to do it.

Shao Qingzhu looked expectantly at the end of the corridor outside the cell, until a prison guard came all the way, she stood up excitedly and looked behind the prison guard, but unfortunately there was no one behind the prison guard, Shao Qingzhu's heart ached A little cold, at a loss.

The prison guard came over and said in a low voice, "My lord said I won't see you."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, ignoring the lifeless woman behind him.

Shao Qingzhu slowly came to her senses, she felt as if her heart was dead without any warmth, she smiled sadly, hahaha, hahaha, the royal family is the most ruthless since ancient times, it's ridiculous that I can't understand it, I deserved to end up like this ah.


In Yanling Palace, Chu Yunxi slept until it was almost dark before waking up, but was still woken up by voices outside the door.

"Is the little boy all right?"

"It's okay. Fortunately, the prince had the foresight and sent someone to secretly protect the young master, so the young master was not injured."

"That's good, otherwise the princess will feel distressed."

Chu Yunxi heard that Qingyan and Caizhu were talking about her younger brother Chu Yunzhao, what happened to Zhaozhao?
Chu Yunxi turned over and sat up because she was worried, and called someone outside: "Caizhu."

Caizhu hurried in, and Chu Yunxi asked impatiently, "What happened to Zhao Zhao?"

As soon as Caizhu and Qingyan who came in from behind heard their conversation, they knew that the master had heard their conversation, and the two quickly said: "Miss, don't worry, Zhaozhao is fine, someone assassinated Zhaozhao earlier, but the prince sent someone to protect Zhaozhao secretly , so nothing happened to him."

(End of this chapter)

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