Chapter 898
Yan Heng smiled softly, and said softly with her lips: "Thank you Xi'er for thinking about your husband."

After finishing his sentence, he stretched out his hand to help Chu Yunxi get out of bed and said, "Since you woke up, go eat something. You were in a coma for a few days before, and then you went to the palace to make a fuss, and you didn't eat anything. Just now I have someone prepare some food for you to supplement."

"it is good."

Chu Yunxi responded softly, got out of bed, went to the flower hall for dinner with Yan Heng and Chu Yunzhao.

In the flower hall, there were soft voices from time to time, the atmosphere was rarely warm, and the faces of the subordinates outside were full of joy.

This is good, the prince and concubine love each other, the young master will no longer fight against his own prince, and everything is going well. When the princess gives birth to a young master, everything will be considered complete.

After the meal, the three of them took a walk for a while, and Chu Yunzhao took them back to rest spontaneously, leaving space for his sister and brother-in-law.

Seeing his sensible appearance, Chu Yunxi couldn't help laughing.

"Yan Heng, thank you, Zhao Zhao is much more sensible now."

Yan Heng's troubles must be indispensable in this, and boys are still suitable to live with fathers and the like. The ancients said that a man who is better than a woman's hand is always too small. It seems that this is true.

In the past, Zhaozhao was always childish, but after staying with Yanheng for a while, he speaks and thinks more generously.

Yan Heng put his arm around Chu Yunxi's shoulder, and led her all the way back to the room where the two of them lived.

"Thank you, he is your younger brother, that is, my younger brother. You should take care of him. Don't worry, I will teach him how to behave in the future, and I won't let him become an overbearing and unreasonable playboy."


Chu Yunxi smiled and nodded, and the person hugging her suddenly stopped, looked at her with burning eyes and said, "Go, go back to your room and give you medicine."

Chu Yunxi nodded subconsciously, not understanding why her eyes were so bright in the last medicine.

But it wasn't until she was carried back to the room by someone that she took the medicine that she realized why his eyes were bright.

Because Chu Yunxi was injured by the fragments of the Soul Eater Bell, her face and body were covered with scars. In order to apply medicine for her, Yan Heng asked her to take off all her clothes. went together.

However, because she was worried about Chu Yunxi's body, Yan Heng didn't ask for more, only once, but it took a long time.

The next day, Chu Yunxi retreated to practice Yuanli, hoping to break through to the ninth rank of a great martial artist in one fell swoop.

During Chu Yunxi's retreat, Dali Temple began to interrogate the Shao family, and one incident after another was uncovered, which caused an uproar in the capital.

Although the Shao family was high-profile before, no one could have imagined that their family could do so many evil things. It was so big that they raised government soldiers and placed them in Wucheng soldiers and horses in an attempt to control the five city soldiers and horses. Small enough to enclose and occupy land, and there are many incidents of injuring and killing people.

Once these things broke out, the city was in an uproar, and everyone cursed that the Shao family deserved it.

Isn't it relying on the queen's mother clan?It's so unscrupulous and hateful.

These matters were finally submitted to the Holy One by the Minister of Dali Temple, and the Holy One was furious. He always thought that under his governance, all the families would be safe and secure. He considered himself a wise and wise emperor. Under his governance, The whole country is safe and peaceful, and there are not so many dirty things, but I didn't expect that the Shao family would bring up so many things.

It can be seen that the aristocratic family has secretly done many dirty things without telling him, so this time it must be dealt with severely.

When the old emperor thought of Shao's family, he became very angry, and finally ordered the eunuch to announce King Qin into the palace.

The matter of supervision and beheading of the Shao family was directly handed over to King Qin for disposal.

(End of this chapter)

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