The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 899 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 899 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

King Qin was stunned when he heard the news.

"Father, what do you mean?"

Yu Wenyi was at a loss for words, he stared blankly at Yuwen Lingtian above him, feeling that such a father was too cruel and bloody.

How could he let him supervise and kill Shao's family, that was his grandfather and uncles.

King Qin just felt he couldn't breathe, and the hatred for Yuwen Lingtian in his heart surged like a raging sea.

Genius Yu Wenling didn't care what Yu Wenyi thought, he said with stern eyes: "That's right, after three days at the Meridian Gate, all important ministers and aristocratic families will go to watch the execution, and you will be in charge of the execution."

Yuwen Lingtian made a final decision, Yu Wenyi didn't have to speak anymore, Yu Wenyi only felt that his eyes were dark, his body was weak, and cold sweat broke out from his body.

"Father, son, son..."

Yuwen Lingtian no longer gave Yuwenyi a chance to speak, and shouted in a deep voice: "Okay, you can go."

Yu Wenyi went out of the upper study all the way in a daze, and went back to the palace.

Three days later, the entire family of the Shao family was beheaded, and King Qin Yu Wenyi supervised the beheading. All court officials, Chinese, military and military officials went to watch the execution.

In front of the Meridian Gate, there are huge crowds of people, not only the officials of the DPRK and China, but even the common people come to watch the execution.

Everyone was discussing and talking non-stop. Some of them called the Shao family what they deserved, and some sympathized with King Qin. No matter how serious the crimes committed by the Shao family were, they must be relatives of King Qin. The Holy Majesty let King Qin supervise and execute him. This is really cruel up.

Many people in the crowd sympathized with King Qin.

On the execution platform, King Qin's face was pale, and his eyes seemed to have lost their souls, they were numb.

His heart was full of hatred for Yuwen Lingtian, and he wished he could kill that person immediately, wasn't it because he was superior?Isn't it because he is the emperor?If one day he sat in that position, he would definitely not spare Yuwen Lingtian.

Sitting next to the king of Qin were the ministers of Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment and other senior officials in charge of the case. All of these people looked at the king of Qin with sympathy.

The prince is also pitiful enough, His Majesty's move is really too cruel.

However, several ministers also knew that the Holy Majesty's move was to kill the chicken and respect the monkey, and let everyone see that the Holy Majesty was very angry.

As time went by, noon seemed to be approaching.

The onlookers became more and more excited, and the entire Meridian Gate was buzzing.

Just at this moment, someone called out: "The Shao family has arrived."

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads and looked at the long blue brick road on the side, and found that prison cars were approaching one after another. There are several prisoners in the prison van.

Because there are too many prisoners, many people are locked in a cage.

These people are already numb at this moment, all of them are looking outside in a daze, neither crying nor shouting, they seem to have resigned to their fate, or they know that crying is useless, no one can save them, no one will save them .

They are mortal, so they all stare blankly at the people around them.

Until they were escorted out of the prison car one by one.

Finally, some children couldn't help being scared and cried, and finally the woman also cried.

Crying loudly.

Outside the afternoon, the people watching the execution could not help but cry secretly when they saw these women, children and children crying.

But no matter how sad they were, everyone knew that the Shao family had committed a serious crime of exterminating the clan, and it was considered a favor from the Holy One for not exterminating the nine clans this time.

(End of this chapter)

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