Chapter 900

On the beheading platform, all the Shao family members were pressed on the guillotine, and Xie Zi held up the big knife in his hand, waiting for the order from the beheading officer, and then swung the knife to kill people.

Without exception, all the beheaded people stared at His Highness King Qin who was sitting on the beheading platform with blood-red eyes.

They have come to this day, all thanks to the gift of the King of Qin. Everything they did was because they wanted to push the King of Qin to the throne, but in the end it was the person they pushed to the throne who beheaded them with his own hands.

Hahaha, someone laughed.

Shao Lin laughed first, then Shao Nan laughed too, Shao Qingzhu giggled wildly, she looked at King Qin Yu Wenyi and said.

"Cousin, don't you have nightmares at night? You wait for me to come to you, and I will definitely come to you."

In fact, if the Shao family committed a crime this time, if King Qin wanted to save them, he could have secretly rescued a few people.

But in order not to let himself be disappointed again in Yuwen Lingtian's heart, he didn't do anything in a daze.

This is also the reason why the Shao family hates him, but if it is said that the Shao family members are all dead, at least the few Shao family members who identified them before were not sentenced to death, but exiled for three thousand miles.

On the beheading stage, Yuwen Lingtian didn't dare to look at the pair of red eyes below, he was sweating all over, and his head felt dizzy for a while, at last he didn't dare to look any more, he just waved his hand and threw out the beheading order.


The big knife in Xizi's hand swung out, and soon the Meridian Gate blood flowed into a river, and there were dead bodies all over the body.

This time the Shao family had 180 members, except for a few identified family disciples who were exiled, the rest were all beheaded for public display.

Blood flowed all over the Meridian Gate, corpses piled up like a mountain, and the people watching were all terrified. Even if this scene had passed for many days, everyone still trembled when they mentioned it.

King Qin fell ill directly because of the beheading this time, and he had a high fever for three days before subsiding. After recovering from his illness, he lost a lot of weight and looked extremely thin and gloomy.

In Yanling Prince's Mansion, Chu Yunxi had been closed for a full 20 days.

Yan Heng was unspeakably worried, and often ran to wait outside Chu Yunxi's closed door, but in order not to disturb Chu Yunxi's cultivation, he kept silent.

On the 20th day, there was finally a commotion in the door, and Yan Heng quickly said, "Xi'er, how are you doing?"

Inside the door, Chu Yunxi opened the door in surprise, looked at Yan Heng and said, "Why are you here?"

"You have been in for 20 days. I am worried about what will happen to you, so I will wait for you here."

Chu Yunxi smiled lightly: "What can be the matter, it's just that the promotion is a bit slow, but fortunately you found the golden bead wind chime, at least I have advanced, and now I am a ninth-rank martial artist .”

Thinking of the cheerful look on Chu Yunxi's pretty face, Yan Heng couldn't help being happy for her.

"Congratulations Xi'er for being promoted to rank nine great martial artist. In fact, your speed is not too slow. Think about how many years we have practiced before we are promoted to the current level of cultivation, and how long have you been practicing?" , and became a ninth-rank great martial artist, it's really too monstrous."

Chu Yunxi also knew that her talent was different from ordinary people, and she couldn't help but wonder what kind of people the original body's parents were, and how they gave birth to such heaven-defying existences as her and Zhao Zhao.

"Who do you think my parents are? The two children they gave birth to are both talented, and Zhao Zhao is even more powerful."

(End of this chapter)

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