Chapter 993

Chu Yunxi's face turned cold immediately when she heard that, and her almond eyes were even more chilly. She said sarcastically: "I'm not afraid of her hands and feet, as long as she has something to do to me, what I'm most afraid of is that she will do harm to innocent people." Human hands and feet."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, there were footsteps outside the door, and Qingyan's voice came from outside the door.

"Master, there is an accident in Linqiu. Divine doctor Bi sent someone to ask the master to come over immediately, saying that a patient was put to death there, and now the family members of the deceased are making trouble. If it is not handled well, it may cause an explosion."

In the room, Chu Yunxi looked up at Yan Heng and said, "Look, that woman Ye Liyue has made a move. She dare not touch me, so she just took the people around me. It's really despicable and insidious."

Yan Heng got up abruptly with an ugly face and said, "Let's rush to Linqiu immediately."

Chu Yunxi didn't delay, if she didn't go, Miracle Doctor Bi and the others couldn't handle it.

A group of people hurried out, and when Yan Heng was about to leave, he ordered Mu Xiu: "Immediately inform the king of Xiangjun to go to Linqiu. If there is no accident, the princess of Xiangjun is at Linqiu right now."

Mu Xiu rushed to Xiangjun Wangfu to report.

Here, Yan Heng led Chu Yunxi and a group of subordinates to use their strength to rush to Linqiu. Fortunately, Linqiu County is not far from Nanyang City.

So a group of people used their energy and hurried to Linqiu County for more than an hour.

When Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi rushed to the place where Linqiu was treating the people, before they landed, they heard a lot of noise from a distance. Among them was the voice of Bi Shenyi trying to defend himself, and the people shouting and cursing while taking advantage of the riot. Voice.

This time when Bi Luo merged together, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi shot towards them, and at a glance, they saw Master Bi and several doctors under him, trying their best to argue with the rioting people that they would not put people to death.

But the family members of the deceased obviously didn't believe it, and all of them frantically pointed at Bi Shenyi and others' noses and cursed.

"You deceitful people, don't you just want to gain fame? But your medical skills are too bad. My good man was put to death for you. My man was put to death. I'm not alive. You should give me back soon." man."

"Woooo, you give back my son."

Some of them shouted loudly: "Hit them for me, kill them to avenge the dead."

As soon as one person spoke, many people flocked to Bi Shenyi and the others.

Bi Shenyi and others actually have strength, but they dare not fight back, for fear of hurting innocent people and causing even greater riots. ,

But Chu Yunxi is not a kind-hearted person. As soon as she saw those people intending to hurt Bi Shenyi and others, she immediately raised her hand, and Yuan Li rushed to her hand. With a wave of her hand, the several figures who were besieged came He was sent flying.

This is the reason why she suppressed Yuanli, otherwise these people would have been beaten to death directly.

After Chu Yunxi threw out the troublemakers, he landed next to Miracle Doctor Bi and the others.

Seeing Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng appearing, Bi Shenyi, Wan'er and the others immediately found their reassurance, and they all gathered around Chu Yunxi.

On the opposite side, the people who had been blasted out by Chu Yunxi reacted, and they all screamed.

"Ah, people have been beaten, the mortal has beaten people, we are dead."

"We fought them."

"Is there any law in this? It is unlawful for those who put to death to beat people."

Chu Yunxi glanced coldly at the people on the field, and could tell at a glance that the disturbance this time was organized and purposeful.

Some of them were in the lead, and Chu Yunxi didn't talk nonsense to these troublemakers, and directly ordered the subordinates behind him.

"Come here, take down the one who cries the most."

(End of this chapter)

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