Chapter 994

Mu Xiuwei, Li Qingyan and the others dodged and went straight to the person who was crying the loudest outside the arena.

Frightened by Chu Yunxi's aura, those people subconsciously wanted to retreat.

Unfortunately, it was soon taken down by Mu Xiu and others.

They cried while struggling: "This is unreasonable, really unreasonable, my man has been put to death, and I can't find an explanation yet."

"Yeah, my son was put to death too, can't I ask for an explanation?"

Chu Yunxi glanced coldly at the few people who were arrested on the opposite side, and said with a sneer.

"We went south from the capital of Dongchen, we treated many patients who looked down on the disease, and nothing happened. When we came to Linqiu, we put people to death. Do you think we are fools?"

Without saying a word, she ordered to go on: "Check for me, find out whether these troublemakers are related to the deceased, if they are found to be unrelated, none of them want to run away, even if they are found to be related, check the patients for me , Was it us who put it to death, or was it killed by others, and then planted dirt on our heads."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunxi glanced at the people present and said, "You really don't know what to do. We kindly treat you for free, but we don't know what is good or bad to make trouble. Do you really think that we have good intentions?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunxi looked at Bi Shenyi who was behind him and said, "From now on, all free clinics in Nanyang City will be cancelled. We don't need to spend money to see a doctor for those who are greedy and wolf-hearted."

Doctor Bi quickly responded, "Understood."

Now the people off the field looked at each other in dismay, looking at Chu Yunxi on the field, they didn't dare to say a word.

Chu Yunxi ordered Mu Xiu and others to investigate the identities of the troublemaker and the deceased, and also ordered Bi Shenyi and others to investigate how the deceased died.

After that, no one dared to snort any more, and some of them muttered softly: "We didn't actually want to make trouble."

"Yeah, who knows how it started."

Chu Yunxi glanced coldly at the people present, and ignored those who spoke.

She really didn't plan to have a free clinic in Nanyang City.

She can treat patients for free, but if these people don't know what's good or bad, she really won't go to save these people who don't know what to do with good intentions.

Outside the arena, Mu Xiu quickly brought people in to report: "Princess, it's been found out. Several of them are not family members of the deceased at all."

Chu Yunxi knew the result a long time ago, because ordinary people don't have such organizational skills, and at most they will cry like ghosts and howl like ghosts, how could they know how to gather people to make trouble.

"Go and find out who is behind them. I will kill these other people and leave no one behind. Today I will let everyone present take a good look at what will happen if they dare to plot against me."

Chu Yunxi's eyes were sharp and she was full of hostility. She frightened the people on the field like this.

These people finally realized with hindsight that although this princess of Yanling did good deeds, she was definitely not a good person. If anyone provoked her, there would be no good end.

Someone on the field quickly knelt down and said, "Princess Yanling, don't do our business, we are not causing trouble."

"Yeah, none of our business."

In the end, he knelt down, Chu Yunxi ignored them, but looked at Bi Shenyi and others who came over, and said, "How is it?"

Doctor Bi didn't have time to speak, but Lin Qiucheng beside him spoke: "Someone poisoned them, and we didn't put them to death at all."

(End of this chapter)

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