Chapter 275 Su Qingyue's Ex-husband 1
Su Qingyue didn't listen to the villagers' gossip, and walked to Aunt Zhang's house with the jar.

After turning a few turns, I passed a large-looking adobe house. Although it was an adobe house, the roof was covered with tiles, and the yard was very large and surrounded by a bamboo fence.

What she passed was the backyard of this family. There was a pigsty on one side of the backyard and a group of chickens scurrying around in the yard looking for food.

Looking through the fence, chicken droppings are everywhere, and the smell of pig manure is horrible.The pig manure in the pen does not know how many days have not been cleared.

Judging from the land occupied, roof tiles, and livestock, the family's conditions are considered good in the village.After all, not everyone's houses are so big that they can afford tiles.

Walking half a circle along the path next to the house, I arrived at the front yard of this family. The firewood piled in a mess in the front yard, no need to think about it, there must be lazy people in this family.

She saw a man with a hoe standing at the gate of the family's main courtyard.

A male voice came out from the room, "Li Wangcai, have you come back so early from the ground?"

The man carrying the hoe replied, "It's too hot, I'll be back when I finish hoeing."

Only then did Su Qingyue realize that the person carrying the hoe was called Li Wangcai, which was one word more than Li Gui's brother's name, Li Cai.She has met Li Cai before, and now she knows another person with a similar name.

She had heard from Chuanzi that Li Gui had only one younger brother, Li Cai, that is to say, Li Wangcai and Li Cai had the same surname and were not from the same family.

Su Qingyue was just passing by, and didn't care what the two were talking about.When he was about to pass by, Li Wangcai glanced at her and said to the man in the yard, "What are you doing in the yard? Your wife is here."

Su Qingyue paused, but before she could speak, a man shouted from the yard, "What nonsense are you talking about? My wife hasn't even married yet."

"I forgot, the daughter-in-law bought by your family was sold to the Xiao family." Li Wangcai did not forget such a big thing, it was intentional at all, "Zhu Nengwen, you are so ruthless, your former daughter-in-law is here, Why don't you come out to say hello?"

"What former daughter-in-law. That woman Su Qingyue is just a poor girl bought by my family. I am a person who wants to be a scholar. I will never marry such an ugly servant." The man named Zhu Nengwen walked to the courtyard the door.

Su Qingyue glanced at the man. His nose bridge was short, his eyebrows were messy, and his facial features were so ordinary that people could forget it at a glance. He was not a little taller than her. She was 1.6 meters. It is estimated that this man was at most 1.6 meters three, and he was dressed more than average. The material on the villagers is slightly better.

It turned out that this was the ex-husband of the original owner of the body.

Su Qingyue glanced at Zhu Nengwen, and snorted coldly, "It's not your fault that you look like a dog, your mouth is so cheap, it's because your mother didn't teach you well."

Zhu Nengwen froze for a moment when he saw Qingyue. In front of him, she was thin and thin, but her breasts were clearly protruding, and a clean woman. Is it really his family's rough girl?

Facing her bright black and white eyes, Shui Lingling's eyes are very beautiful, and her voice is as pleasant as a yellow warbler coming out of the valley.

Hearing her words clearly, he was surprised that not only could she speak, she was ugly, and her skin seemed to be much fairer than before, "What did you say? Are you... really Su Qingyue?"

"I said you are such a wicked man, no wonder you didn't pass the exam for nine years."

"Why am I so immoral?" Zhu Nengwen is a scholar, and he cursed loudly, but still couldn't say it.
(End of this chapter)

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