Chapter 276 Qingyue Fights With Ex-Husband

Every three years in Qiu Wei, he failed to pass the exam for nine years as a scholar, which has always been a pain in his heart. As long as anyone says that he is not a scholar, don't just talk about him, even others, he will feel insinuated , He stared at the abscess on Su Qingyue's face, turned his eyes away in disgust, "You are ugly, no wonder you are my servant, and you were sold by my mother."

Su Qingyue asked Xiao Yuchuan about her stay in Zhu's house. She was bought into Zhu's house by Zhu's mother half a year ago from Ren Yazi from another village for 15 taels of silver.

The Zhu family has two sons, the eldest is Zhu Daqi, and the second is Zhu Nengwen.The Zhu family is considered to be well-off. Originally, it was impossible for such a family to buy a daughter-in-law. The Zhu family was unable to pass the exam for a scholar for two or nine years, and the school education was too expensive. In addition to the rations, the Zhu family sold the surplus food and it was enough for Shu Xiu. money.

The meaning of the old lady of the Zhu family is that she thinks it is too expensive to marry a wife, so she will buy a woman first, and see if the eldest or second child of the Zhu family is willing to accept her as a wife.

Whoever takes a fancy to it, press it into the room to complete the room, and the daughter-in-law who bought it doesn't need to pay for the wedding.

Unexpectedly, the two sons, you push me and I push you, don't like either of them, and no one has consummated the house with Su Qingyue in half a year.In the eyes of the Zhu family, Su Qingyue is an ugly and useless mute, and the old lady of the Zhu family also thought that she lost money buying Su Qingyue, and after half a year, she sold her 16 taels to the Xiao family.

This is what Su Qingyue learned from Chuanzi that the Zhu family asked one of the two brothers to marry her, so she thought that the Xiao family bought her to be Xiao Yuchuan's wife.

In fact, what Xiao Yuchuan didn't say was that the old lady of the Zhu family wanted Su Qingyue to be the wife of the brothers of the Zhu family in the first place, but the two brothers married a daughter-in-law together, which was something only poor households could make do. Said that the Zhu family had no money to marry a daughter-in-law, and the mother of the Zhu family felt ashamed, so she changed her mouth and said everywhere that one of the sons was married.

Since Su Qingyue was also insinuating when she asked Xiao Yuchuan, Xiao Yuchuan also thought she knew, and when she asked, the two of them only chatted one after another, so they didn't go into details, see The seemingly inconspicuous question, the two did not talk about it, but misunderstandings were inevitable.

Su Qingyue said to Zhu Nengwen that she was ugly, with contempt in her eyes. The poor man surnamed Zhu is not her ex-husband at all. She and him have never worshiped or consummated the marriage. The person surnamed Zhu is at best a scumbag that the former owner of the body knew, " With your shabby home, can you still afford servants?"

Zhu Nengwen's face suddenly changed, "How dare you talk to me like that! My family can't afford to be a servant? My family has eight acres of land. Your new buyer, Xiao's family, has no land and no land, so to speak, I have never heard of anyone owed money. You As soon as he was bought, he owed six taels of silver, and even caused the Xiao family's second and third children to fall down, what a bastard!"

"Don't be a servant one by one, who are you? Even if I'm a bastard, it's none of your business." Su Qingyue snorted coldly, "Don't talk about talking to you, I dare to beat you."

"You!" Zhu Nengwen was so angry that his face turned blue, and he really raised his fist to hit you.

Su Qingyue held the basket with one hand, and grabbed the edge of the jar with one hand. Before he hit her, she took a step faster with the other hand, and slapped it out.

Zhu Nengwen was slapped.

Snapped!With one sound, his head was covered with a beating.

Thinking of him as a scholar, his family conditions are among the highest in the village, not to mention that few people in the whole village can read and write. He is respected in the village, and generally no one dares to offend him.

(End of this chapter)

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