Chapter 378 The third brother fell to death

The third brother even agreed to run naked, and told her to hurry up and 'lie down'.Here, I really don't know why...

Touching the silver taels in her pocket, she thought, either go to bribe someone, and let the other party say that fourth brother is more handsome...


The third brother repeatedly said that cheating is not allowed, and she complied.

Cheating and consummating the house with the third brother...

Definitely choose the former.It's just that she thinks that if someone gives money to say that, this thing is so strange, it may be revealed...

I stayed there for a while, the sun was setting and the moon was rising.

No more supper.

She took a deep breath and walked into the yard with her head held high.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the courtyard, the third brother's humble voice rang out, "Daughter-in-law, you finally mustered up the courage to come back? I thought you would continue to stay outside the courtyard, and calculated that you would not dare to step in until tomorrow morning." The door. Or, are you going to dare to come back while I'm asleep?"

The corner of Su Qingyue's mouth twitched, standing a little far outside the courtyard, it was impossible for Xiao Yuchuan in the master bedroom to see her.

Because it faces the window of the master bedroom, the courtyard door is on the left.

Who knew that Xiao Yuchuan was sitting on the window frame of the master bedroom, leaning out, and that's when he saw her.

What the hell... Since I saw her from a distance, I didn't call her.

He also fully understood what she was thinking, this guy was waiting for her to make a fool of herself!
"Third brother, you are really scheming." She said very depressed.

"Who is a daughter-in-law, you are so scheming." He was very polite, "I saw my daughter-in-law, you were touching the silver in your pocket, and you had a sinister smile on your face. I thought you, my daughter-in-law, were going to pay someone else to come back and cheat you It's my husband."

"..." She had this plan, but she didn't make a wicked smile, it was just a wry smile, okay.

"I'm going to cook..." Feeling a little guilty, she walked towards the kitchen.

"Don't go, daughter-in-law." Xiao Yuchuan shouted at her back, "Daughter-in-law, let's consummate the room first, you go to the second bedroom, take off your clothes and lie down, I'll come right over... I'm going to use the crawler, and it will be soon arrive."

"Eat first. Otherwise, you won't have the strength."

"I'm not in a hurry to eat, I'm more anxious to 'squeeze you'. Daughter-in-law, let's go first..." Before he finished speaking, he himself was weak in his hands and feet, and it took all his strength to sit on the window frame and hold on to the edge of the window. After pawing for too long, I had no strength, and my body was leaning too far, and I lost my grip, and the whole person fell down.

boom!one sound.

He fell from the window sill of the master bedroom to the ground in the courtyard, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Su Qingyue looked back at him, curling the corners of her mouth unkindly.

"Ouch!" He screamed, rubbing his head and buttocks, "Daughter-in-law, I stumbled, and it hurt so much!" Turning his head, he saw the corners of her mouth curled up, and he was in a bad mood, "Ms. You almost fell to your death, but you can still laugh..."

"Haha!" She was really happy, "Why didn't you really fall to your death?"

"It's a good idea." He said angrily, "When I grow old, I will put my arms around you into the coffin."


She was silent.

A seemingly ordinary sentence moved her heart inexplicably.

That's what he said casually.

The explanation is the true thought from the bottom of my heart.

He wanted to grow old with her, die with her, and enter the coffin together.

Perhaps his hidden meaning... is that she is old and dead, and he is not alive anymore, so he will die with her?

"Daughter-in-law?" Seeing that she was silent, he looked at her with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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