Chapter 385
Su Qingyue looked at the stiff face of the second brother and the flattering expression of the third brother.

I originally thought that the second brother was better than the third brother, but I am not so sure.

The second elder brother was angry with her last time, and he ignored her without saying a word.

Although the third brother is always angry with her, he has never been really angry with her, and always pretends to please her.

She knew that the second elder brother was only half full, so she didn't persuade him any more.

The body is his, and he doesn't even cherish it, so why should she care about it.

"Daughter-in-law, scrambled eggs with wild vegetables are really delicious! Are they bought eggs?" Xiao Yuchuan hasn't eaten such good food for a long time. "And the fried fish tonight is obviously better than the fried fish a few days ago."

She was a little bit emotional, "In the past, I was reluctant to put more oil in the stir-fry, so it was not so delicious. Now I am willing to put more oil, and the dishes are even more delicious. The eggs are not bought, but the bird eggs I found on the mountain last time have been kept until now. It’s just one meal, and it’s gone after eating.”

"Daughter-in-law, the dishes are quite good. There are fried fish and eggs. As long as there is brown rice at home, we don't need such good dishes." Xiao Yuchuan felt distressed. drop down……"

"It's nothing." Not to mention climbing a tree, it's not difficult for her to climb a cliff.

Xiao Yuchuan picked up a chopstick of scrambled eggs with wild vegetables, and just ate the rice, "Daughter-in-law, I'd better save the scrambled eggs with wild vegetables and fish for you..."

"I told you to eat up, so you have to eat up. I'll collect the bowl later." After she finished speaking, she turned and left the room.

After the little miscellaneous hair finished drinking the rice soup, its four little paws ran quickly behind Su Qingyue. It ran so fast that it rolled around in the yard like a ball of fur.

It got up immediately, and shook its small body violently to shake off the dust on its fur.

That little thing is so cute.

Su Qingyue knelt down and touched its fluffy 'dog face', "It's still good for you, little 'dog'. You won't make me angry, and you won't lose your temper at me."

"Wow..." Xiao Miscellaneous Mao wagged his little tail so hard that it almost broke, as if he was very happy with his master's appreciation.

The three men in the room heard what Su Qingyue said in the courtyard, Xiao Qinghe thought, fortunately he never made his wife angry.

Xiao Yuchuan was suffering and couldn't tell, he only hated his daughter-in-law for being too naive and not understanding himself.

Xiao Yushan felt guilty, the daughter-in-law worked hard enough, even if she yelled at herself, she shouldn't ignore her.He couldn't help but apologize.

Qingyue went into the second bedroom and took a new set of clothes bought during the day, and saw two sets of bellybands and underwear folded in the upper corner of the kang.

It was given to her by her second brother.

This kind of underwear was not given by my husband, it must be strange for other men to give it.

She didn't plan to wear it at first, but her family was too poor some time ago, she only had one set of clothes, not to mention underwear, and the outer underwear could be changed to third brother's, but the underwear was not changed, so it was really uncomfortable not to wear it, so , she wore it.

Have been washed many times.

Either way.

However, in order to avoid misunderstanding by the third brother, she did not tell the third brother that the second brother gave her obscene pants in his bellyband.If he finds out in the future, at most she said she bought it.

I took a change of clothes, bath towels, and acacia, and put them in a newly bought wooden washbasin.

In the past few days, I have bought a lot of household items.

I didn't have anything to use at home before, but now I basically have it.

She went out with the wooden washbasin in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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