Chapter 386 Qingyue loses money 1
The little miscellaneous hair followed her, its wounds had already healed, so she let it go.

When the three men in the room saw her leaving the yard, Xiao Yuchuan yelled, "Daughter-in-law, where are you going?"

"Go take a bath in the river." She replied.

"Don't, daughter-in-law!" He said worriedly, "What if I meet someone and get stared at by others?"

"If I don't say it, who knows. If you speak louder, others will know about it." After she finished speaking, she had already walked a long way.

Xiao Yuchuan supported the kang with his hands, and moved to sit by the window, looking at her receding back, his face turned into a bitter melon.

The eyes of Yanshan and Qinghe were also filled with worry.

"My daughter-in-law is so courageous..." Xiao Yuchuan said sullenly, "The reputation of a woman is so important, I haven't heard of any woman who dares to take a bath in the river..."

"What we don't say, no one knows..." Xiao Qinghe said, "I believe my wife will not let others see."

Xiao Yuchuan thought of the time his daughter-in-law 'threw herself into the river', and used to think that her daughter-in-law was jealous of Liu Xianglian, and cared so much about him that she didn't want to live anymore.Ask my daughter-in-law, she also admits, what she said is to throw herself into the river for him...

Thinking about it now... the daughter-in-law made it clear that she lied to him for throwing himself into the river.

He can now be sure that his wife didn't throw herself into the river at all that time, but went take a bath.

The reason why I didn't think so before was because who would have thought that a woman would go to the river to take a bath.

Xiao Yanshan also thought of the same problem, and he felt ashamed when he thought of the time when he thought his daughter-in-law couldn't think about it and dragged her to death.It turned out that she didn't throw herself into the river... It made him think that she cared too much about the third brother, and every time he thought about it, he felt sad.

He breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want his wife to pay too much attention to other men, including... the third brother.

Su Qingyue took the wooden washbasin and walked to a fork in the road by the side of the village, just about to turn to the riverside path in the south of the village.

I saw two people coming out of the village ahead.

Her eyesight was better than that of ordinary people, and she could see through the moonlight that it was a middle-aged man and a young man in his 20s.

The Xiao family is on the edge of the village, and there are not many households on the edge of the village.

It is estimated to be eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and these two people are coming here at this time.

Looking at the middle-aged man's appearance, Su Qingyue felt somewhat similar to Xiao Yuchuan's concubine Liu Xianglian.

This middle-aged man should be Liu Xianglian's father - Liu Laoshi.

On the day the second elder brother was bitten by a poisonous snake, she beat Liu Laoshi's wife, Liu Zhengshi.She felt that these two people were not kind, and they came to Xiao's house to find trouble.

So, instead of going to the river to take a bath, she turned back home.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, didn't you say to take a bath by the river?" Xiao Yuchuan saw her enter the courtyard from the window, "He's back so soon? It's better not to go. What does a new daughter-in-law look like when she goes to take a bath in the river?" ..."

He was still thinking about it, Su Qingyue put the washbasin into the kitchen.

When he came out, he saw the middle-aged man and the young man entering Xiao's courtyard.

Xiao Yuchuan's voice also rang out, "Liu Laoshi, Liu Dayou, what are you doing at my house at night?"

Before Liu Laoshi opened his mouth, Liu Dayou said, "Our Liu family and the Xiao family still have debts to settle!"

"What account?" Xiao Yanshan's cold voice sounded.

From the window, Liu Dayou saw that the three men in the master bedroom of the Xiao family were all sitting on the kang, and when he saw that Xiao Yanshan's broken leg was clamped with a bamboo board, he became more courageous.

He is the son of Liu Laoshi's elder brother, and he came to support the second uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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