Divorce failed again

Chapter 1709 Perseverance

Chapter 1709 Perseverance
Qiao Qiao's womb is full of twins, he will soon have a son and daughter, he can't wait for the whole world to share this good news with him, of course he wants to inform his family as soon as possible.

Why not?

His brain, which has always been smart, was a little confused by the news of the two babies, so of course he didn't understand.

Gu Qiaoqiao thumped him lightly, and said reproachfully, "If they know, do you think I can go out in the future? Not to mention that we are going to Tianhai City the day after tomorrow, your mother and my mother will kill each other Yes, do you believe it or not?"

Qin Yize was stunned for a while, feeling a little regretful in his heart, why did he take Qiao Qiao to such a far place in Tianhai City to play, wouldn't it be better to go later?

The husband and wife have been together for a long time, so they naturally know something in each other's eyes, Gu Qiaoqiao raised her eyebrows, and threatened in displeasure, "Qin Yize, if you dare to go back on your word, you can go live downstairs for me right now. "

To live downstairs?

How can that be!

That is strongly disagreed.

Gu Qiaoqiao then softened her voice, "You and I know all about this. Look at my physical fitness, what can't I do, do you know? My mother was still working in the fields for the first half month after giving birth to me. "

This is not to say that the Gu family abused their daughter-in-law, but that Lian Yuhong is indeed in good health, and her nutrition can keep up during pregnancy, so the three children of the Gu family are all in good health.

Therefore, Lian Yuhong naturally knew what she could and couldn't do.

But that doesn't mean his Jojo can do that.

"Qiao Qiao, there's no comparison." Qin Yize looked relieved, but he didn't object any more, but his voice softened, "But you have to promise me, don't bear any discomfort along the way."

"Don't worry, I'm not such a fool. We're not going to perform some great mission. We're just here to play in the mountains and rivers."

Gu Qiaoqiao said in a relaxed tone.

Qin Yize thought about it again, they went to Tianhai City this time, and they drove the extended car he bought back. This is a product newly researched and developed in Germany. It has excellent performance and is very comfortable. The most important thing is that it is easy to drive. It is extremely stable, even if a person with motion sickness sits on it, there is no discomfort at all.

Now in the 90s, the policy is becoming more and more loose, and he also has his own ideas about cars, so he bought a state-of-the-art product first for use and second for research.

So now it's time to drive him to Tianhai City.

What's more, it is still the same way today. Unlike the north, the north is vast and sparsely populated. Sometimes there is no one family for hundreds of miles, but it is different when going south. You can adjust your time to rest anytime, anywhere.

In terms of safety, don't even worry about it, even a little bit of worry is a stupid idea, so the current problem is mainly concentrated on Qiao Qiao and the two babies in her stomach.

At this time, Qin Yize's mind was clear. Thinking of being accompanied by his little uncle and having a vehicle with excellent performance, he couldn't bear to disappoint Qiao Qiao who was looking forward to this trip to Tianhai.

After thinking about this, Qin Yize no longer struggled.

He smiled and nodded cheerfully, "Okay, Qiao Qiao, I promise you everything."

As long as Qiao Qiao is happy, let him do anything.

So Qin Yize refrained from telling his family the good news that Qiao Qiao was pregnant with twins.

But even so, it took a lot of effort for them to come out and finally persuade the family.

However, it was still delayed for a day. After Shen Manru and Lian Yuhong prepared a lot of things for Qiao Qiao, they let them go on the road.

It was Gu Qiaoqiao's first time riding in this kind of car.

The chassis is relatively high, and the inside is well-equipped. There is a small refrigerator, a round table, and leather seats. It is very comfortable to sit on. There is an air conditioner on it, and the air is very fresh. It looks like a small mobile house.

This car has been undergoing various tests in the research institute, and Qin Yize didn't drive it until there was no problem. This is also the first time driving in the true sense.

It was already April when they left the imperial capital, and the further south they went, the warmer the weather became.

Correspondingly, the clothes I wear are getting thinner and thinner.

Sure enough, there was nothing different from Qin Yize's plan, and the journey was leisurely, because unlike last time, both of them had missions on them, but this time they were both without officials and without any problems, just to play.

Rest when you are tired, and stay for a day when you see a good view. Even Gu Junbai is in a happy mood.

I thought to myself that people are really getting smarter and smarter, and they will always invent all kinds of things so that they can enjoy more fun in their short life.

Airplanes, cars, trains and ships, I don't know what will happen in the future, but it can be imagined that it will get better and better.

In the memory of his previous life, in the five or six years, the living conditions of people at that time were very different from those now.

Especially in rural areas, there are malnourished and disheveled people everywhere. The food harvest is small, the population is large, and there are few job opportunities. The daily hard work and the food produced are sometimes still not enough to eat.

But in less than ten years, earth-shaking changes have taken place, and he was shocked by the increase in grain production.

Rice and white noodles are no longer a luxury, but a staple food that can be seen everywhere on people's tables.

Society is always getting better and better.

Gu Junbai glanced at Qin Yize who was driving, and a trace of anticipation suddenly rose in his usually calm heart, wondering what this young man could do in the future.

At this time, they had already reached the urban area of ​​Tianhai City.

When planning to go to Tianhai City, Qin Yize had already called Su Changan and entrusted him to buy them a yard with an elegant environment here.

Although Gu Junbai seemed peaceful, he didn't like places that were too lively.

So for places where people gather like buildings, it is the first place to click off, so courtyards are the best choice. Fortunately, Tianhai City is also an old city, and there are many courtyards like this, especially now that houses are also open for sale, as long as you With money in hand, it is very simple to want to buy a desirable house.

However, Qin Yize has one requirement, which is to be closer to the land he bought.

When they arrived in Tianhai city, Su Chang'an, who got the news early, was already waiting for them by the side of the road.

When Su Changan saw Qin Yize get off the car, although he already knew that there was nothing wrong with him, but for some reason, at this moment, the eyes of this tough man were still moist. He stretched out his hand to talk to Qin Yize briefly. Hugged and nodded, everything was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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