Divorce failed again

Chapter 1710 Cherry Lane and Parapet

Chapter 1710 Cherry Lane and Parapet

The friendship between life and death does not require excessive language expression.

Just keep it in your heart.

Su Changan was naturally familiar with Gu Qiaoqiao, but he didn't know Gu Junbai and Ling Nan, after a brief introduction.Su Changan led them to start the car and headed towards the courtyard house he bought for Qin Yize.

They were driving in the north of Tianhai City, and the house they bought was in that area.

It was exactly the opposite direction from where they went last time.

After driving for more than an hour, the car finally stopped.

Gu Qiaoqiao looked out of the window. She was a little satisfied with the walk just now. This is not a downtown area, but it can be seen that the traffic is very convenient. Then I learned from Su Changan that this is the earliest old city .

It is also the place where rich and noble people live in Tianhai City. Naturally, there are many green brick and tile houses in courtyard houses.

And the environment here is really elegant.

The parapet walls are painted with white ash, and the top is black thin bricks and tiles.From time to time, bunches of pink or red flowers can be seen protruding from the wall.

It was the cherry plum and redbud flower that bloomed in early spring.

This cherry plum is now planted on both sides of the main road.

It looks a bit like cherry blossoms. In June, the branches will be full of clusters of fruits, but it is best not to eat the ones on the roadside, because these fruits are full of car exhaust and poisonous, but personally There is no problem at home.

This kind of plum is small in size, a bit like a cherry, and it tastes very good after being frozen in the refrigerator for a few days.

Gu Qiaoqiao calculated the time and shook her head regretfully.

She and Qin Yize couldn't wait for the cherry plums to ripen.

However, no matter how delicious this kind of cherry plum is, she can't eat too much. After all, it's cold, which is not good for a pregnant woman like her.

At this time, the car door was opened, and Qin Yize stretched out his hand, intending to hug Gu Qiaoqiao out of the car, but Gu Qiaoqiao slapped his hand away, "I'm not that delicate."

After finishing speaking, Gu Qiao Qiao quickly got out of the car.

Qin Yize touched his nose disapprovingly, met Su Changan's smiling eyes, and licked the corners of his mouth.

Su Changan took out the key and walked towards the door of a house opposite.

Qin Yize and the others naturally followed behind slowly.

It’s mid-morning at this time. In the north, it’s still cold spring, but in the south, the spring breeze is blowing and the sun is shining brightly. The weather is very good these days. It’s been raining for a long time, and it stopped this morning, and it’s cloudy The sky that had been there for a long time also revealed the blue sky, which made people feel good for no reason.

The road underfoot is clean.

Although it is not a big road, it is a clean bluestone road. It seems that it has been paved for a long time, and the gaps between the bluestone slabs are covered with green moss.These days, under the nourishment of rain, it looks more and more green.

Although the environment here is elegant, it is not a remote place after all.

Gu Qiaoqiao turned her head to look, at the end of the bluestone road, there was a pretty girl in a red plaid skirt, swaying around the corner, like a flower blooming in spring.

It adds a touch of beauty to this sky-blue residence.

There are unique conditions here, which have been the case since ancient times.It is no exaggeration to say that it has a long history. The history that can be recorded is now more than 3000 years old, which cannot be achieved in any city in the north.

In Tianhai City, there are mountains and seas, and the transportation is convenient, just like God's own son.

The development of Tianhai City can be described as changing with each passing day.

At this time, Su Changan had already opened a courtyard surrounded by white walls and black tiles.

Then Su Changan handed the key to Qin Yize, and smiled, "Ah Ze, I bought it according to your request, go in and see if it suits you."

Qin Yize nodded slightly. He hasn't looked inside yet, but he is satisfied with the environment outside.

He reached out and patted Su Changan's shoulder, "Brother, thank you."

Su Changan stretched out his fist lightly, and gave him a thump, neither light nor heavy, but in a reproachful tone, "Since you called me brother, don't say thank you."

Ling Nan has a big heart and a simple temperament, it seems that he didn't see the scene at the door.

It was his first visit to Tianhai City, and everything was full of novelties.

So he took the lead in pushing open the two vermilion gates and walked into the courtyard.

Su Changan and Qin Yize stood on both sides of the door, like two door gods.

At this time, Gu Junbai, with his hands behind his back, observed the Feng Shui layout of this area in a leisurely and calm manner.

This is a natural treasure land of geomantic omen, without a trace of man-made traces, so that the people here can be kept safe no matter what age they are, and they can also be blessed. No matter how this era advances, this piece of building will still be safe and complete saved.

And it will become a landscape and postcard of the city.

Jojo and Aze are both lucky.Sometimes even God is helping them when doing things.

"Little uncle, what are you looking at?" Gu Qiaoqiao asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Gu Junbai said slowly, and then walked into the courtyard at a leisurely pace. Su Chang'an's eyes fell on the young man whom Qin Yize and Gu Qiaoqiao called his little uncle, thinking in his heart, this generation Old enough, it seems that there is no difference in age from Aze, but these two people really respect him.

His eyes can't be said to be sharp, but because he has been in the police industry for too long.It is no exaggeration to say that among the bustling crowd, he can tell which one is a thief at a glance.

And they have also been specially trained in this aspect in school.

Therefore, he has excellent control over the aspects of observing words and expressions and micro-expressions, which has also brought him great help in solving the case.

However, it was not working today, he couldn't see anything on this young man's face.

At this time, everyone also entered the yard. He rubbed his nose and shook his head in disappointment. After staying with that stinky girl for a long time, he became childish.

Gu Qiaoqiao stood in the yard, looked around, and was very satisfied with this place.The same goes for everyone else.

The yard is quite large, with east and west wing rooms.

A large open space is surrounded in the middle, and in the center of the open space is a two-meter-wide bluestone road leading to the main house.

On the two corners of the yard are two large water tanks half a person's height, on which are green lotus leaves swaying in the spring breeze.

I believe that there will be lotus blooms in two months.

Gu Junbai stood in the yard and looked towards the main house, and then looked at the wing room to the east. Because Su Changan was here, he kept silent.

With great strength, Ling Nan, together with Qin Yize, moved the things in the car one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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