Divorce failed again

Chapter 1714 Bluefin Tuna

Chapter 1714 Bluefin Tuna

The moment the black pearl was taken out, there were waves of ripples visible to the naked eye in the surrounding sea water.

Gu Junbai threw the black pearl into the coral cave without hesitation.

Then he stared at the direction of the hole with all his attention.

1 minute passed, 5 minutes passed, 10 minutes passed...

Gu Junbai knew something was wrong.He quickly swam towards the coral hole, and then saw the black pearl floating in the center of the hole, and there was nothing there.

If he remembered correctly, Yunluo should be here.

But there is no one here.

He looked around again, and then checked.

Because this is sea water, not his field of expertise, and there are some places where he can't use his aura and spells.But even so, he detected vaguely that there seemed to be no smell of Yunluo here for many years.

In other words, it has been nearly 100 years since Yunluo left here.

Gu Junbai looked calm, but frowned.Then he picked up the black pearl and looked around, making sure that there was no trace of Yunluo's breath here, Gu Jun floated towards the surface of the sea without looking back.

But at this time, Qin Yize and Ling Nan were having a great time. They had already caught five big fish, enough for them to eat today, and they could even take them home.

And there are two of the most delicious fish in the sea, one of which is tuna.

And there is also a very precious bluefin tuna.

This bluefin tuna seems to have lived for many years, and it is about three meters long by visual inspection.It is said that the longest can grow up to 4.3 meters, and this bluefin tuna weighs at least [-] kilograms.

If you meet ordinary people, you can't catch them.

Without powerful tools, he might be dragged into the sea by this big fish.

But it was Qin Yize who caught them, and with the help of Ling Nan, who was extremely strong, he brought up the bluefin tuna very easily. Gu Qiaoqiao didn't know this fish when he caught it. Only then did I know that this type of tuna is very delicious, and it is said to be the most expensive.

Whether eaten raw or cooked, the taste is extremely delicious.

But she couldn't eat it.

Because Qin Yize had already carefully removed the hook, patted the huge fish head, picked up the struggling bluefin tuna, and threw the big fish back into the sea with all his strength.

Then he told the two people behind him who were full of surprise, and explained, "This breed is getting less and less now."

Oh, so it is.

Gu Qiaoqiao pointed to the other one, which was a little smaller, one meter long, and looked like it weighed more than 50 kilograms, and asked, "Ah Ze, can this be eaten?"

She has never really eaten tuna.

Qin Yize nodded cheerfully, "This breed has a huge population and is extremely fertile. It can be eaten."

Gu Qiaoqiao thought about the recipe in his mind, "Let's make sashimi for lunch."

The other three fish are very ordinary, and one of them is yellow croaker, which can be steamed and tastes very delicious.

And at this moment, a sound came from the sea.

Gu Qiaoqiao turned around quickly, and then saw Gu Junbai floating on the surface of the sea.

Qin Yize put down the fish in his hand.After a few strides, he walked to the side of the ship, and quickly lowered the ladder.

Gu Junbai did not return to the yacht right away, but made a gesture to Qin Yize, Qin Yize understood, he knew what Gu Junbai was going to do.

So Qin Yize waited quietly by the side of the boat.

At this time Ling Nan had already put several fish into a big iron bucket.

Then he also stood beside Qin Yize and looked towards the sea. At this time, Gu Junbai dived towards the distance again, and his shadow was no longer on the sea.

It looked like he didn't find what or who he was looking for.

And it was already noon at this time, Gu Qiaoqiao took Ling Nan to the small kitchen of the yacht, seeing Gu Junbai's appearance, it was impossible to return immediately, they all had to eat at noon, and even if they didn't eat, Gu Qiaoqiao The little baby in Qiaoqiao's belly is something to eat.

The child's father-to-be, Qin Yize, of course knew this, so he moved neatly, observing the movement of the sea, and began to pack up the fish.

There is a generator on board, so you can cook rice with a rice cooker.

This will save trouble.

Gu Qiaoqiao glanced at the kitchen, there were all kinds of seasonings.

She washed the rice and put it in the rice cooker, then put in the right amount of water, adjusted the function, put the rice cooker aside and left it alone.

And Qin Yize and Ling Nan continued to clean up the fish.

After Gu Qiaoqiao chopped up all the ingredients such as onion, ginger and garlic, she had nothing to do, so she walked out saunteringly.

Standing on the side of the boat, Gu Qiaoqiao unexpectedly saw Gu Junbai's shadowy figure on the sea surface. He has already swam so far. What is he looking for?

It's really weird.

But obviously, he didn't find anything under the bottom of the sea just now.

On the deck, there were still two fish left, so Qin Yize stopped cleaning them up and put them in a bucket filled with water.Take back their little yard when you get home at night.

After the two washed their hands, the sea in the distance was still silent. Qiao Qiao and Qin Yize looked at each other, still worried.

But at this moment, there was movement from the sea in the distance. Gu Qiaoqiao quickly looked at it and found that it was Gu Junbai who had swam back, and it seemed that nothing happened, but he was still alone. Something is still not found.

Although he could see Gu Junbai clearly, he couldn't see the expression on his face because he was wearing a mask.

Gu Junbai climbed up the ladder, got off the yacht, took off his mask and snorkel and breathed a sigh of relief, his face was very calm, obviously he didn't have any big ups and downs.

Did he find what he was looking for?

Seeing that the three people were all looking at him, Gu Junbai finally said, "I have a friend here, but she is gone."

So this is ah.

Gu Qiaoqiao blurted out, "Is it a man or a woman?"

Gu Junbai glanced at Gu Qiaoqiao with a half-smile, "You girl, are you so curious?"

Gu Qiaoqiao chuckled, "Little uncle, I really care about you."

"Then I also want to thank you for your concern."

"Thank you, no need, little uncle, tell me, what are you looking for?"

Gu Qiaoqiao was really curious, anyway, he had already asked, so he just asked the bottom line.

Qin Yize pulled Gu Qiaoqiao over and smiled, "Qiaoqiao, let the little uncle change clothes first, it's already noon, let's eat first."

Gu Junbai stretched out his hand, tapped Gu Qiaoqiao, but still agreed to her, "I'll tell you after dinner, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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