Divorce failed again

Chapter 1715 A Delicious Lunch

Chapter 1715 A Delicious Lunch
After finishing speaking, Gu Junbai went into the cabin to change clothes, and Gu Qiaoqiao followed Qin Yize into the kitchen with a smile on his face. The rice was already cooked, and the next step was to cook fish fillets and steamed yellow croaker.

There are brewed seaweed and a bag of eggs in the cabin, so you don't have to think about it, it must be fresh.Gu Qiaoqiao looked at the vegetables and fish in front of her, thought for a while, and decided to make seaweed and egg drop soup.

There was still a piece of pork belly in the refrigerator. After asking Qin Yize, Gu Qiaoqiao cut up the pork belly and fried it with washed red peppers in the vegetable basket. It tasted delicious too.

A few people did not eat in the cabin, and they ate at sea for the first time when they went to sea. Naturally, they were on the deck, and what is rare is that today is sunny and cloudless, and the most important thing is that there is no wind. The sea without wind is calm like A large blue mirror, deep and beautiful, makes people fascinated.

Sashimi made from freshly killed fish, paired with the dipping sauce prepared by Gu Qiaoqiao, put a piece in the mouth, the extremely fresh and delicious taste filled the mouth in an instant.

This is the real sweetness of the lips and teeth.

And not to mention the taste.

There are indeed some differences between the boat and the land. At least the seaweed egg drop soup tastes different from the one made on land. I feel that the seaweed is very fresh.

Even the twice-cooked pork fried here is better than those on land.

Because the sea is calm, flocks of seagulls fly here from time to time. Maybe they feel that these people are not harmful to them, so they become more and more courageous. Some even landed on the deck, staring at the black eyes, looking Human beings who are feasting.

Gu Qiaoqiao has never fed the seagulls, and she doesn't know what they eat, but she thinks that they are also birds, and they should like to eat all the things that birds like to eat, so Gu Qiaoqiao filled a bowl of rice and came to the place where the seagulls gathered One place on the deck in front, and then put the rice on the deck little by little with a spoon.As soon as the group of seagulls were put down, they rushed up.Those mouths were really ruthless and precise, and in the blink of an eye, the bowl of rice was eaten up by them.

Gu Qiaoqiao stood up and looked into the distance. Why did it feel like there were so many seagulls flying towards the yacht?
Is it because you feed them yourself and are smelled by these seagulls?
The noses of these seagulls are really amazing.

Gu Junbai glanced at it, he knew that it was because of Qiao Qiao's hand, otherwise there would not be such a large number of seagulls rushing here. Seagulls flying on the sea can add beauty to the ocean, but if there are too many, It's also an annoying thing.

Gu Junbai flicked his fingers, and as soon as he saw the imperceptible white light, he headed towards the sea directly in front of him.

Then those seagulls that flew over one after another, together with the seagulls on the deck, huffed and flew in that direction, circling and dancing on the sea, not knowing what they were doing.

Gu Qiaoqiao watched curiously.

It was really the first time I saw such a wonderful scene, it was really beautiful, so I greeted Qin Yize who was eating, and quickly took pictures of her, let alone such a beautiful scene, I took a lot of pictures just now , and now I have taken a lot of photos, but Gu Junbai and Ling Nan are obviously not interested, and they are still eating lunch leisurely.

At this time, there were more than a dozen seagulls on the deck, and they seemed not to be afraid of people, squatting on the side of the ship, watching them quietly.

It also added a beautiful view.

The person he was looking for was not found. Gu Junbai was still very calm. After eating and drinking tea, he simply told Gu Qiaoqiao. It was really simple and nothing complicated. It was a friend of his who met many years ago of.

That friend didn't know where she came from, and most of her memory was lost. Later, she reached a high level of practice and found that she was very close to the ocean. She felt that she must have some relationship with the ocean, because she was not afraid of water at all. It sank to the bottom of the sea without any need, and there was nothing wrong with it, just like a born frogman.

So when she reached a bottleneck in her practice, she sank herself into a cave formed by coral polyps.

Later, the two separated.

There has never been any news of this friend. After Gu Junbai came out of the painting, he always wanted to come and have a look. Although he was not worried, he hadn't seen each other for so many years. It would be a lie if he said he didn't miss it. There is a friend.

Of course, this friend is a girl.

About the same age as him.

As for what he looked like, Gu Qiaoqiao naturally wouldn't say it without asking Gu Junbai.

Gu Qiaoqiao stood on the side of the boat, looked down at the sea, and shook her head in disappointment after a long time. Her skills were not strong enough to sense any strange smell in the sea, but there were quite a lot of fish here.

Regardless of whether it is in the river or the sea, it is better to eat fresh fish.

Anyway, they lived by the sea, and it was very convenient to eat seafood. There was no need to make a lot of them and put them in the refrigerator, which would make the taste much worse, so they stopped fishing in the afternoon and left the area. The sea area, slowly walking towards the nearby sea surface that can be driven.

After playing for a whole day, I was very tired, so Qin Yize and Gu Qiaoqiao also went to bed early at night.

But Gu Junbai couldn't sleep.

I always feel that he didn't do a good job in today's affairs. It is impossible that there is no Yunluo's breath in that coral cave. According to the relationship between the two of them, if Yunluo wants to leave, she will definitely leave a message for herself. Let him know what the hell is going on.

But now there is no news, so something should have happened, but what happened is still unknown.

In the dark, Gu Junbai felt that he couldn't just give up like this, so he quietly woke up Ling Nan.

It was more than nine o'clock in the evening, and the lights in the east wing had been turned off.

It was also quiet when the two left.

However, Gu Junbai felt that Qin Yize should know that they had gone out.

Gu Junbai originally wanted to take Ling Nan away, but after thinking about it, he stood at the door without moving. Ling Nan didn't know why the little uncle stopped again, and looked at him in surprise.Then he saw the door they closed opened from the inside, and it turned out that it was Qin Yize who came out.

He held a key in his hand and handed it to Ling Nan, but smiled and said to Gu Junbai, "Uncle, our car is in the garage opposite, and this key is for opening the garage door. Where is the key, it is more convenient to drive your own car."

Ling Nan cheerfully took the key to the garage door.

He likes to drive that extended car very much, it is simply not too comfortable.

If it wasn't for Gu Qiaoqiao on the car, he could reach the highest speed, it would really be like lightning.

Gu Junbai nodded and waved his hand, "Go and accompany Qiao Qiao, we will go out and have a look and come back."

Then he left with Ling Nan.

 New article preview:
  "Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack"

  Introduction: Shen Mingxi didn't know that she was the heroine of a book until she died.

  She also didn't know that the cousin who traveled over brought the so-called female supporting role counterattack system and took away everything that should belong to her, causing her family to be destroyed.

  In that life, she was called the Sangmen Star by her grandmother since she was a child, and she was beaten or scolded. Her parents and relatives died tragically one after another. The whole life was hard and painful.

  And she died tragically in a car accident in the end, but when she opened her eyes again, she found that she had returned to the 70s.

  In this life, she will never repeat her fate, make money and tear up the scum to counterattack and slap anyone in the face. If anyone harms her dearest relatives, she will pay back a hundredfold.

  The system, the female supporting role, all come here, she wants them to know.

  Who is the heroine!
  I have released a new book, I beg my darlings to collect it, I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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