Divorce failed again

Chapter 1730 Strange Family

Chapter 1730 Strange Family
Fang Liang smiled slightly at Gu Qiaoqiao, took out a box from his bag, and after opening it, Gu Qiaoqiao took a look and widened his eyes in surprise, "Isn't this tree gall a thousand years old?"

"Yes, Uncle Sima and I discovered this by accident when we were out of town. Uncle Sima gave me these two guts, which grew in an old tree. They happened to be a pair, growing on the left and right sides. It has been more than 1000 years, and I am temporarily penniless as an uncle, so I will give these two tree galls to Xiaobao and Xiaobei as a meeting gift."

This thing sounds very precious.

Especially now this kind of tree gall is almost impossible to find.

Let alone more than a thousand years.

A tree without spirituality cannot bear such things.

And judging by the luster on it, it should be the long-lost Phoenix wood.

I don't know where they saw it.

Gu Qiaoqiao said earnestly, "Uncle Fang, I accept your wish, but since you touched this thing, it is destined, and this thing is a treasure. It is good for your health if you keep it by your side."

Fang Liang looked at Gu Qiaoqiao, and said slowly, "Qiaoqiao, although uncle doesn't have any good things to sell, he never takes them seriously. It's for the two children, so just accept it. Now that I have this idea, it proves that this thing is related to the two dolls."

Gu Qiaoqiao suddenly remembered the fetish of the Feng Clan. At that time, Fang Liang didn't know that his leg had the hope of recovery, and there was no Elder Sima, but he gave such a precious thing to him without blinking his eyes. Xiaowen.

Xiaowen laughed beside her, "Qiaoqiao, Brother Fang gave this to Xiaobao and Xiaobei. Don't refuse, just accept it for the two children."

Gu Qiaoqiao no longer hesitated, but took the box happily, "Okay, then I will thank Uncle Fang on behalf of Xiaobao and Xiaobei."

Seeing Gu Qiaoqiao accepting it happily, Fang Liang also felt very happy, not to mention how he will get along with Gu Zhixing in the future.Let's just discuss it from Qin Yize and Gu Qiaoqiao.

But he really didn't want to stay here for too long.

Fang Liang stood up, "Then I'm going first, I have to deal with some things."

Knowing Fang Liang and the Gu family's holiday, Gu Qiaoqiao did not insist on keeping Fang Liang out of the gate with Xiaowen, but Gu Qiaoqiao still asked curiously, "Uncle Fang, what do you say when you go back after you have made up your mind?" Yet?"

"Only say that I have installed the best prosthesis in the world, and I won't say a word about the others."

As for the real reason, only the closest people know, and the closest people will never say it to the outside world, and even if they are told to others, they will not believe them unless they see it with their own eyes. Who is it?Don't talk about Fang's status in Jinling City, just talk about Fang himself, not everyone can get close to him, and no one is so courageous as to roll up his pants to see if his legs are real or fake.

"Uncle Fang, do you have time tomorrow? Ze and I treat you to dinner."

Fang Liang thought for a while, "Tomorrow I have to meet a few friends, and then I have to go back to Jinling City, too much time wasted, I have a lot of things to do."

"That's fine, wait until you have time."

Fang Liang looked at Xiaowen with a smile on his face, "Xiaowen, if Uncle Sima doesn't come back at night, I guess he's going to Tianhai City."

Xiaowen shook her head helplessly, this old man was really relieved of himself, he said a few words when he met him, and left in a hurry when he heard that Gu Junbai was in Tianhai City.

He even said to go with him, but he didn't expect that he couldn't wait.

But she is also busy here, so she can't leave.

Several people said a few more words, and then Fang Liang left Gu Yuan with brisk steps.

Gu Qiaoqiao and Xiaowen looked away when Fang Liang's figure was no longer visible.

After closing the door, the two walked slowly.

The autumn afternoon was sunny and warm, golden leaves hung all over the branches, some were blown off by the wind, floated leisurely and then fell to the ground.

In the past few days, Gu Qiaoqiao had a new idea in his mind.

However, I need to discuss it with Qin Yize first, no, it should be said to discuss the feasibility.

She threw away the thoughts in her heart and looked at Xiaowen, "Sister Xiaowen, how are you and Chu Chengfeng doing?"

If it was said like this before, Xiaowen would be a little shy, but the two of them have been together for so long.It's not as shy as it was at first.

Of course, in good conscience, Xiaowen wasn't so shy at first.

"I wanted to talk to my dad about this, but he left in a hurry before I could say a few words. You heard Brother Fang's words just now. I guess they're all in the car by now."

Father doesn't have a phone, so he can't get in touch if he wants to. Fortunately, Xiaowen is not in a hurry.

"Then have you been to Chu Chengfeng's house?"

I don't know if Qin Yize has been there, but Gu Qiaoqiao hasn't been there anyway.

"I've been there a few times." When Xiaowen said this, her brows were slightly frowned.

"What? Is there any problem with his family?" Xiaowen pondered for a moment, and then said, "There is no problem, but his mother feels a little weird."

"What's weird?" Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't help asking.

"I can't tell you exactly what's weird. You know that I didn't have a mother since I was a child. It was only after I came to Guyuan that I was with your mother to know what kind of relationship between mother and daughter is."

So she couldn't describe the feeling.

"Does his mother not like you?" Gu Qiaoqiao frowned.

"I don't really dislike it, but I feel a little unspeakable feeling. He looks very concerned, but with a touch of alienation, and this feeling is not for me, but for his son Chu Chengfeng."

Thinking of the fluctuating aura on Chu Chengfeng's body, Gu Qiaoqiao and Xiaowen looked at each other.

Isn't Chu Chengfeng a child of the Chu family?
They have thought about this question before, but they have never seriously thought about it.

And it was impossible to say it in front of Chu Chengfeng.

"Forget it, don't think about it, anyway, you two are together, and his parents didn't object, so don't worry about it."

Xiaowen didn't care, "Anyway, my dad doesn't know about it, let's talk about it after he knows."

Speaking of this, Xiaowen pointed to Lian Yuhong's yard, "Qiaoqiao, your two little babies are so cute, I'm going to have a look."

Then he walked forward quickly, even more anxious than Gu Qiaoqiao's real mother.

In the evening, Gu Qiaoqiao talked to Qin Yize about an idea that had been gradually perfected due to an accidental idea in the past few days.

She was also inspired by Qin Yize to come up with it.

Qin Yize looked at Gu Qiaoqiao with admiration. In fact, the Gu family is now considered a big family.

(End of this chapter)

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