Chapter 1731 Cry Together
But if Gu Qiaoqiao does this, not only will the Gu family go to a higher level, but it will also be a good thing for the other children of the Gu family.

Although Qiao Qiao is the descendant of the Gu family, it is impossible for her to own all the property of the Gu family.

But these are inseparable if there is no specific regulation.

Although they love each other as brothers and sisters now, human nature can't stand the test sometimes.

From the current point of view, there is nothing wrong with the two daughters. After all, one is married to the Qin family, and the other is to join the Luo family in the future. Neither of these two daughters will worry about the Gu family's property.

But Gu Zishu is the only boy in the Gu family.

According to the tradition of his ancestors, he also wants to inherit the family business, but he has no interest in this aspect, and he is not taking this kind of path.

But he will grow up eventually, marry a wife and have children, he doesn't want to, but what about his wife and his children, so clarifying many things now will be beneficial to them in the future. good thing.

And now the old master is gradually delegating power, not to mention that Zhang Yi was brought out by the old master himself, but now Gu Muran is also gradually in charge of his own affairs. In comparison, Gu Qiaoqiao seems to be a handy shopkeeper.

But no one can replace her, this is something that the Gu family has tacitly understood.

Therefore, the contradictions may not necessarily lead to contradictions. It is also beneficial to future development to plan ahead and nip the buds of some contradictions in their infancy.

Although he thought about it so much, Qin Yize's mind just turned around a few times. While teasing his daughter Xiaobei who loves to laugh, he asked softly, "Qiao Qiao, what about you and Mrs. Did grandpa say it?"

"No, I want to discuss it with you first, after all, you are very experienced in this area."

"It's really a good thing that I support your Imperial Treasure Xuan Co., Ltd. to distribute part of the property rights and shares to the family members, and then form a document. In this way, everyone knows that when the tide rises, all boats rise. Naturally, the heart is also in the same place." up.

"Yeah, I think so too. You said that if Zishu and Sissy don't work in the Gu family property in the future, how will some property be given to them? If they can't manage it, there will definitely be problems.

So I want to be like you, integrate the scattered industries, set up a joint-stock company, and then give them what they deserve. In this way, no matter whether they get married or not, or how many children they have, they will have the capital to settle down ..."

Qin Yize's eyes were full of smiles, but he felt a little distressed, "Qiao Qiao, now you are tired enough to take care of two babies, and this matter is not easy to operate, what do you think?"

"I'll discuss it with my great-grandfather first. Uncle Zhang and Gu Muran are both experienced in this area. At that time, everyone will gather together to discuss and conduct research, and we will always come to a satisfactory result in all aspects."

Qin Yize nodded, "The method you said is feasible, if you need any support, just ask."

"Well, then you can find some professionals in this field for me."

"Don't worry, leave this to me." Qin Yize readily agreed.

Looking at the time, and then at the increasingly beautiful little daughter-in-law, Qin Yize's eyes darkened, and he muttered softly, "Daughter-in-law, Xiaobao and Xiaobei, why aren't you sleeping?"

"What do you want to do?" Gu Qiaoqiao raised the corners of her eyes and asked meaningfully.

Putting down Xiao Bei in his hand, Qin Yize leaned over and kissed Qiao Qiao's earlobe, his voice was hoarse and soft, "Qiao Qiao, we can do it now, I've counted the time, and I've checked your body too .”

"Is it really possible?" Gu Qiaoqiao asked solemnly.

"of course can."

Speaking of this, Qin Yize's eyes became more radiant, and under the radiance, the temperature seemed to be rising little by little.

Stretching out his hand, he wrapped Gu Qiaoqiao into his arms.

Just as he was about to bow his head to kiss, Xiao Bao, who had always been quiet at the side, suddenly kicked his legs and burst into tears.

The two were so scared that they separated quickly.

The two children are now less than three months old.But looking at the arms and legs, the white and tender little face, and the energy, it's almost like someone else's one-year-old child.

Especially the little doll, her voice is very bright when she cries.

Gu Qiaoqiao was really taken aback, because Xiaobao cried very rarely.

I cried once when I was born, and then at the full moon, it seemed that I was impatient to be surrounded by many people. I cried once, and this should be the third time.

Gu Qiaoqiao quickly picked up Xiaobao. The soft and tender little doll, with dark eyes, looked at her unblinkingly. No matter how hard his heart was, he would turn his heart into a puddle of water. Xiaobao's The little hand already had strength, and grabbed her mother's fingers. Although Xiaobao didn't like to laugh like Xiaobei, the natural dependence and intimacy still made Gu Qiaoqiao so gentle that people couldn't take their eyes off .

Qin Yize was dumbfounded.

How I want to throw people down.

However, the daughter-in-law was holding the child in her arms, and didn't even look at him. Qin Yize touched his nose resentfully, and then glanced at Xiaobao. The father and son's eyes were very similar, and they looked at each other inexplicably at this moment up.

Although he really wanted to label this brat as a conspiracy theory, Qin Yize felt that he was overthinking the two-month-old baby.

No matter how smart a child is, it's still a two-month-old baby. Qin Yize felt that his own child was indeed different, and also felt that his own child was much smarter than other people's children.

And at present, it is not clear which of the two children has inherited the talent of the Gu family, or neither of them.

Qin Yize didn't care about these.

Xiaobei, who was playing obediently and spitting bubbles there, started crying without hesitation after hearing Xiaobao's cry, and verified the twins very seriously, doing everything It is a rhythmic argument.

So Qin Yize hurried to coax Xiao Bei again, the beautiful and romantic scenery just now was completely shattered by the cries of these two children.

Seeing Qin Yize's stinky face, Gu Qiaoqiao giggled unkindly.

It made Qin Yize hold the child in one hand and Qiao Qiao in the other, and kissed him several times before he gave up unwillingly.

After the two children went to bed, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Although Qin Yize thought about it very much, he could only hold his wife in his arms regretfully and turn off the light.

The slightly cool moonlight enveloped the place like water.

Gu Qiaoqiao had already fallen asleep. Even with her own family members watching over her, the two children were really tired, not to mention physically exhausted and mentally exhausted.

So Gu Qiaoqiao hugged Qin Yize's arms a few times, and then fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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