Divorce failed again

Chapter 1779 If

Chapter 1779 If
With that said, he ran downstairs.

Although Gu Qiaoqiao didn't follow, she walked to the window, saw the young boy, and ran to an old man and a boy, stood there for a long time, whispering something...

Gu Qiaoqiao thought for a moment, then walked towards the shop where An Xiaotong was staying.

When An Xiaotong saw Gu Qiaoqiao coming, she didn't ask her what she was doing, but asked Gu Qiaoqiao for her opinion with a piece of clothing.

No matter how good the sisterhood is, it is not necessary to ask clearly about everything.

Besides, according to Qiao Qiao's personality, if she could say that she would have told her with joy.

Gu Qiaoqiao hadn't figured out how to deal with this matter yet, and it was naturally impossible to tell An Xiaotong, after all, Chu Chengfeng was involved here.

So be careful.

It's just that there are still a few days before the New Year's Eve, Gu Qiaoqiao thought, it's best to settle this matter before the New Year's Eve, so that the family can have a peaceful New Year's Eve.

And how could this family be as ruthless as Liu Ling said, just go out to the eldest sister and elder brother-in-law of the Qi family to find her, and you must know that even if they are biological, some may not be able to do this.

Leaving aside, just standing in front of her, An Xiaotong, who was shopping with her with a smile on her face, is still Han Zhuomei's biological daughter, or a real biological daughter, but what happened?
She would rather choose the child of a lover who has no blood relationship with her than love her own daughter.

So there are everyone in this world, and everything can happen. The reality is far more exciting and complicated than the world of fiction.

Some things that happened in reality, even novels dare not make up such things, but they did happen, so there is no need to question that life is unpredictable in the world.

Gu Qiaoqiao temporarily put aside these thoughts, and went shopping with An Xiaotong at ease.

In the evening, Gu Qiaoqiao called and asked Sima Xiaowen to come to her for dinner, and told her about it by the way.

But Gu Qiaoqiao was not prepared to let Sima Xiaowen intervene.

And this matter is not going to let Chu Chengfeng know for the time being.

If possible, narrow the scope of this matter.

Sima Xiaowen knew that Gu Qiaoqiao had something to tell her, but it was obviously inconvenient to talk on the phone, so she drove to Qin's other courtyard.

After playing with Xiaobao Xiaobei for a while, it was time for dinner. After dinner, Gu Qiaoqiao took Sima Xiaowen to the study, and then told Sima Xiaowen about it.

Before Sima Xiaowen could speak, Gu Qiaoqiao emphasized, "Sister Xiaowen, let me tell you, this matter is not for you to intervene, but just to let you know that you don't have to feel guilty about Liu Ling, to put it bluntly , from what we know so far, neither of you owes anyone anything."

"Judging from the affairs of the Qi family, Liu Ling is not a kind person."

"From this point of view, there is a fight with Chu Chengfeng. After recovering the memory, he will turn his face and deny anyone."

"If I hadn't known Miss Xiaowen and Elder Sima, I would have thought that everyone in the Phoenix Clan was like this..."

Sima Xiaowen looked at Gu Qiaoqiao amusedly, but she didn't answer what Gu Qiaoqiao said just now, but joked, "I said Qiaoqiao, why do I feel that your physique is a bit special? Others may spend a lifetime You have touched everything that you can't even touch."

Gu Qiaoqiao blinked her eyes. What Miss Xiaowen said makes sense. Maybe she is really such a special person. Alas, sometimes I really don’t do it on my own. These things just break into her come forward.

Maybe she is the chosen daughter, otherwise how could she be reborn?

Everyone is saying, what if, what if.

But there is no arrow to turn back, and who can turn around to make up for their regrets and correct their mistakes?
This is if God only gave Gu Qiaoqiao alone.

Gu Qiaoqiao nodded happily, "Oh, it's really hard to talk about it, and I don't want to, but what can I do if it happens to me, I didn't want to get involved, after all, this is Liu Ling and the Qi family. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, but who would have thought that Liu Ling should be too ruthless in doing things, even wanting that child to be stupid, if you say that, I can't stand it, right?"

"Of course, if I'm in front of you, I don't care about her relationship with the Qi family, but I definitely won't stand idly by when a child is attacked."

"So there is no way, this thing has already happened, and we can only find a way to solve it."

"Then what did you mean when you said you wouldn't let me interfere?" Sima Xiaowen asked in surprise.

"I'm going to find Liu Ling alone tomorrow, but you pretend not to know and don't tell Chu Chengfeng about this."

Gu Qiaoqiao continued, "Because of Liu Ling's disappearance, the entire family of the Qi family was in chaos. She got sick, resigned, and she left gracefully, erasing the traces of the past. She has suffered, the most important thing is not to let the eldest sister and elder brother-in-law of the Qi family look for it outside foolishly."

"Isn't this obvious? I can't find it for a lifetime. Doesn't this ruin the family? What will happen if the Qi family knows the real situation?"

"So long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. The Qi family has the right to know the truth. There must be some temporary pain, but seeing how much their family attaches importance to Liu Ling, Liu Ling's life is now many times better than in their family. I think according to the heart of that family, they will only bless her, and will definitely not hold her back."

Sima Xiaowen frowned slightly, and Gu Qiaoqiao said a lot, which was quite reasonable, "Qiao Qiao, it's okay to do this, but have you ever thought about whether Liu Ling will vent his anger on you? How is that going to be bad for you?"

"Why did she vent her anger on me? I'm helping her. This matter will be discovered sooner or later. Rather than being passive at that time, it is better to take the initiative at this time. You can use the loss of memory to make excuses. Isn't this round?"

Gu Qiaoqiao didn't realize how complicated it was.

"Qiao Qiao, I don't have any memories of Liu Ling in my mind, but I heard from my dad that he is not a simple person. But because as the patriarch's wife, he can't be stupid for nothing, so they are very concerned about some insignificant details. I never cared about it, but with the matter of the Qi family, this woman, as you said, is not a good person, so you should not wade into this muddy water."

Sima Xiaowen stood up, and Gu Qiaoqiao looked at her wonderingly, "Will it be as serious as you said?"

"Qiao Qiao, you must not have the intention of harming others, but you must have the intention of preventing others. Even if you don't tell Chu Chengfeng, because of this matter, Liu Ling will definitely feel that you have pinched her."

(End of this chapter)

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