Divorce failed again

Chapter 1780 Self-examination

Chapter 1780 Self-examination

Sima Xiaowen continued, "I trust my intuition, although I forgot, there must have been many things that happened between us, which made me a little afraid of this person, so when you made this suggestion, I immediately I just don't think it's feasible." Sima Xiaowen said seriously.

"Will it be so serious?"

Gu Qiaoqiao is not stupid and sweet, so naturally she doesn't think of people so well. The reason why she doesn't care is because she has the ability.

Have the ability to protect the family.

Therefore, I really didn't take Liu Ling to heart.

Regardless of Liu Ling's many gimmicks, she is still far behind Gu Qiaoqiao.

"...Prevent troubles before they happen, you are worrying too much now, so don't take risks if there is no need to take risks."

Gu Qiaoqiao felt that what Xiaowen said made sense, and nodded in agreement, "Well, I understand, but what should we do about this matter?"

"I'll handle it."

Sima Xiaowen said slowly.

"Are you going to tell Chu Chengfeng about this?"

Sima Xiaowen gave Gu Qiaoqiao a blank look, "I'm too lazy to talk to him, don't worry, you just pretend you don't know about it."

Seeing that Sima Xiaowen was so determined, Gu Qiaoqiao could only agree.

The abilities of Sima Xiaowen and Elder Sima are obvious to all. This matter may be better than her participation in handling it. After all, this is an internal matter of their Phoenix Clan. Anyway, she, Gu Qiaoqiao, is really good at the moment. is an outsider.

Well, she seems to have taken it for granted.

Gu Qiaoqiao made a self-examination.

After Sima Xiaowen drove away, Gu Qiaoqiao told Qin Yize what happened just now.

Qin Yize frowned when he heard it at first, but after hearing that Sima Xiaowen took care of it by himself, he slowly relaxed his brows, rubbed the top of Gu Qiaoqiao's head, and said dotingly, "...you .”

"……what happened to me?"

Gu Qiaoqiao was a little unconvinced, "She can do it, why can't I say it, and what she did was wrong in the first place, so why is the person who did the wrong thing justified."

"I didn't say what you did was wrong. In the final analysis, you were angry because you saw Liu Ling attacking a child."

"That's right, that's it. This is Liu Ling's evil debt, and she has to pay it back."

"But have you ever thought that Liu Ling's ability to do such a thing proves that she has no feelings for the Qi family at all. Such a person can be regarded as ungrateful."

"Just like Chu Chengfeng." Gu Qiaoqiao said angrily.

Qin Yize smiled slightly, "Qiao Qiao, don't be angry when I say this, she is still different from Chu Chengfeng, although Chu Chengfeng said that he treated Sima Xiaowen after recovering his memory, he did it in a very unreasonable way. Wicked, but other than that, he's done a good job."

"Where did he do well?"

"Haven't you noticed that Chu Chengfeng always looks half short in front of Sima Xiaowen and Elder Sima?"

Gu Qiaoqiao pondered for a moment, "I didn't notice that."

"Yeah, how did you find out? You can see that it's too late for him to get angry, but Chu Chengfeng doesn't treat others like this."

Qin Yize continued, "This proves that he is now trying his best to make up for his mistakes, so Chu Chengfeng is not a hopeless person, but Liu Ling. We don't understand, and people's hearts are unpredictable. We should be careful." Well, after all, she is now the wife of the future patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, and the four elders all admit that they have been together for a long time, and this is considered to be a family matter of the Phoenix Clan, so we don't get involved."

Gu Qiaoqiao turned her eyes slightly. In fact, when Sima Xiaowen said she would handle it, she knew that it was most appropriate for Sima Xiaowen to do it.

Because she doesn't understand Liu Ling's behavior style at all now, if she is bitten back, the loss outweighs the gain.

So Gu Qiaoqiao threw herself into Qin Yize's arms with a smile, and said with a chuckle, "Okay, I understand, I hope this matter can be resolved satisfactorily."

The idea is good, but sometimes it always backfires.

Before Sima Xiaowen went to look for Liu Ling, Liu Ling came to look for Gu Qiaoqiao in the morning.

She came to a conclusion after thinking about it all night.

Gu Qiaoqiao should have seen what she did to Qi Fang.

When Gu Qiaoqiao saw it, she would definitely not be silent, and Sima Xiaowen would naturally know, because since Gu Qiaoqiao rescued Qi Fang, it meant that she would not stand idly by.

In fact, Liu Ling didn't know that Gu Qiaoqiao saw her at first, she just felt uneasy, so after talking to Chu Chengfeng for a few words, she started looking for Qi Fang again.

She knew that Qi Fang would definitely not come alone, and there would definitely be family members by his side. Since she had already denied it, she naturally did not want to have anything to do with the Qi family.

How could she have thought that she saw the old man Qi and his two grandsons in the square downstairs, one of them was Qi Fang, and the three of them were counting the money in their pockets, maybe they were discussing whether it would be cheaper to take the train or the bus?
Poor sour phase as always.

But knowing that they were going back to Yanjing, she didn't bother to talk to them.

Of course she hid her figure, but when she walked past the three of them, she realized that the aura she put on Qi Fang was swallowed up, and what followed was A familiar air of Xuanmen.

Then she knew that what happened between herself and Qi Fang was seen by others.

She stood guard on the other side of the gate, hiding her figure, and then saw Gu Qiaoqiao and An Xiaotong coming out of the shopping mall with big smiles on their faces. They obviously bought a lot of things.

The expressions of the two are also very happy.

And only the two of them, no one else.

The three grandparents naturally left. After all, what could she do in front of the crowded No. [-] shopping mall under the watchful eyes of everyone?
No matter what you do, you will attract the attention of others, let alone Gu Qiaoqiao.

She stayed for a while, she didn't pick up the phone, Chu Chengfeng couldn't find her, and when she found her, she finally confirmed that in this shopping mall, except for Gu Qiaoqiao, only she and Chu Chengfeng were from the Taoist sect.

In other words, it was Gu Qiaoqiao who devoured her Feng clan's aura just now.

She waited all night, but did not get a call from Gu Qiaoqiao. She was not sure what Gu Qiaoqiao wanted to do, so she just came to the door directly.

The moment Gu Qiaoqiao saw Liu Ling, she was still taken aback for a moment, but she still welcomed Liu Ling in, the visitor was a guest.

At this time, everyone in the family was busy with the New Year, but Gu Qiaoqiao was the one with the most leisure time, so she took Liu Ling to the small living room.

Liu Ling didn't hide it, but asked Gu Qiaoqiao directly, "Miss Gu, was that you at the mall yesterday?"

(End of this chapter)

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