Divorce failed again

Chapter 1783 There are many ways to solve the problem

Chapter 1783 There are many ways to solve the problem

She glanced at Sima Xiaowen, and continued, "No matter how strict the rules of heaven are, the loopholes still exist. Don't talk about it in a high-sounding way. Doesn't the existence of us Xuanmen, especially our Phoenix people, just prove this point?"

Sima Xiaowen didn't know Liu Ling, but suddenly found that she was also a eloquent person, yes, how could a cowardly and incompetent person be the wife of the patriarch?
And there seemed to be some truth to what she said.

But Sima Xiaowen knew that this was far-fetched or sophistry, "Liu Ling, you are looking for reasons and excuses for the wrong things you did, but let me tell you, your reasons and excuses are not good, I don't agree with you." You debate about the rules of heaven and earth, about the equality of all beings, and you have your own ideas, but what I want to tell you is that if you want to do something that is above the law, you just wait to accept the punishment you can't think of."

Liu Ling laughed hahaha, obviously she and Sima Xiaowen are the kind of rivals in love, but she still smiled gently, even coquettishly, "...You silly girl, I'm just teasing you, that's all. Why are you so serious, when I saw that child was so persistent in wanting to recognize me, I just didn't want to cause trouble for our Phoenix Clan."

"Don't say it so nicely. You don't want to cause trouble. You just wanted to get rid of them at that time. There are many ways to solve the problem, but you chose the most ruthless one."

"All right!"

Speaking of this, Sima Xiaowen waved her hand, she is really full, what are you arguing with Liu Ling here?

"Don't say any more, I didn't tell the four elders and the patriarch about this matter, you can handle it yourself."

"Then thank you Sima Xiaowen." Liu Ling didn't take it seriously, still smiling.

"There's no need to thank me, but let me remind you, you have to take care of the Qi family's affairs, don't really cause trouble, let the Phoenix clan clean up the mess for you, and don't try to erase the memories of those people, your skill Not enough, no matter what method is used to let the Qi family return to a normal life, I will pay attention to it, and you have to take care of yourself."

After finishing speaking, Sima Xiaowen curled the corners of her mouth, stopped looking at Liu Ling's slightly changed face, but opened the car door, got in the car, started the car and drove away.

Liu Ling frowned tightly, the smile and gentleness on her face just now disappeared little by little, her eyes were dark and unpredictable, she stared at the direction where Sima Xiaowen disappeared, and it took a long time before she stomped hard. After stomping her feet, she thought, she should also learn to drive, not to mention that this kind of transportation is really too convenient.

Liu Ling turned and went to the apartment building, she was thinking about how to deal with the Qi family.

After entering the house, Liu Ling was not in a hurry, but called Chu Chengfeng and told him that she had something to leave the imperial capital and would come back tomorrow. Chu Chengfeng said a few words of no doubt, and then he put down the phone.

As the Spring Festival approached, Chu Chengfeng was much busier than in previous years. He was supposed to hold a sacrifice activity of the Phoenix Clan on the first day of the Lunar New Year, but considering that all members of the Phoenix Clan would come back on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the event was postponed. Then set the time for the first day of February.

This day is the birthday of the Phoenix clan.

So there are a lot of things to do. Although there are elders and other clan members below, there are many things that Chu Chengfeng needs to do, and the Chu family also has a lot of things to do.

In any case, he is still the eldest son of the Chu family, and with the Spring Festival approaching, the beef noodle restaurant will soon be closed.

Before closing down, we have to hold a meeting for the employees to commend them for their hard work over the past year, distribute some benefits, and distribute salaries and bonuses to everyone before the New Year. Although there is Sima Xiaowen, there are still many things that need to be signed by him. There is a Yipin Beef Noodle Restaurant project in the city center that is about to be completed, and the workers working there are also preparing to go home for the New Year.

This is the case in our Guo family. If you have money or not, you have to go home for the New Year. The Spring Festival is a day for family reunion, especially New Year’s Eve and the first day of the new year. It is very important in the eyes of Chinese people.

So Chu Chengfeng was so busy that he didn't have time to ask Liu Ling carefully what he was going to do.

Naturally, it was impossible for Liu Ling to tell Chu Chengfeng that after eating, he dressed up and put 1000 yuan in his satchel.

The Qi family is so poor, so the matter of throwing some money at them will be solved.

She didn't want to squeeze the train with others, and she didn't want to wait for the bus. In fact, it was best for Chu Chengfeng to take her there.

But this matter, because Chu Chengfeng can't know, so I just think about it.

But she can take a taxi for a round trip. Although it costs a lot, money doesn't make much sense to her. Not to mention what Chu Chengfeng gave her, she herself has a lot.

There are also things that she puts in the gods, and she can exchange a lot of money for anything she takes out. Without Chu Chengfeng, she, Liu Linger, still lives a life of glory and wealth, so how could she wrong herself.

The car Liu Ling hired was very high-end, it was newly bought, and the inside of the car was clean, Liu Ling was very satisfied.

The driver was a man less than 30 years old, not tall, he looked quite honest and honest, but Liu Ling took a look and left his sight.

Negotiated the price with the driver, of course, back and forth.

Liu Ling lived in Yanjing for a long time, so she didn't want to stay there for too long. It would be best to go back on the same day, but it would be around midnight when she came back at night.

Fortunately, there is a car, everything is very convenient.

After arriving in Yanjing, Liu Ling asked the driver to wait for her on the main road outside Qi's Hutong, while she walked towards Qi's house.

Fortunately, it is winter now. She knows that in summer, the smell here is not good at all. This is an old district, and it is said that it will be remodeled soon, but this news has been spread for three years, and there is no movement yet.

Some said that the developer ran away, and some said that there was a problem with the engineering design. Anyway, the urban area was delayed, and half of it was demolished. In winter it snowed, but it was better.

And the Qi family lives in a small courtyard in the alley inside.

Generally speaking, Qi's family is quite clean. The front and back of the house are well cleaned. In summer, although the yard is dilapidated, flowers are blooming inside and outside the yard, because Qi's mother is a person who likes to take care of flowers and plants. .

But the memory here is not very pleasant for Liu Ling who has recovered her blood and awakened.

Although relatively speaking, she didn't suffer much since she was a child, which is okay, but it's not the case for her Liu Ling.

She really has never lived such a life, and she feels very disgusted that she once had such a life.

(End of this chapter)

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