Divorce failed again

Chapter 1784 From now on, I will only pretend that there is no one like me

Chapter 1784 From now on, I will only pretend that there is no one like me

If it weren't for Gu Qiaoqiao and Sima Xiaowen being so nosy, it would be absolutely impossible for her to join the family again.

Liu Ling cursed bitterly in her heart, put on her sunglasses and knocked on the door.

It happened to be Qi Fang who opened the door, even though Liu Ling was wearing sunglasses, Qi Fang recognized him, he threw himself into Liu Ling's arms, hugged her tightly, and shouted joyfully, "Second Sister, Second Sister, you are back. Second Sister, do you remember us? You must have not recovered your memory in the mall yesterday, and you remembered it later, right?"

Before Liu Ling could speak, Qi Fang chattered a lot.

Liu Ling frowned and checked.

Little bastard, not only was his spiritual consciousness not damaged, but the aura remained in his body, bringing him unimaginable benefits in the future.

Although it is impossible to become a Taoist, the help to him in his studies, career, and life is huge. Maybe this is the so-called blessing in disguise.

Liu Ling pulled away Qi Fang's fingers, the look of disgust in his eyes was fleeting, and then he strode towards the room.

Qi Fang was stunned behind, the young boy was very smart, and he also felt that something was wrong, why the second sister's demeanor was different from before?

What does the second sister look like now?

Unattainable, yes, that's the feeling.

Qi Fang was a little sad, but he still followed Liu Ling into the house a little aggrieved.

Ten minutes later, Liu Ling came out.

Then he pushed open the door of the yard without hesitation, and walked quickly towards the place where the taxi was parked.

To her, this is a trivial matter. She simply told them that she has found her relatives, changed her name, and changed her household registration. Since then, she has nothing to do with the Qi family, and the 1000 yuan is to thank them The support of these years.

From the beginning to the end, she was the one talking, and the Qi family listened in a daze, without reacting.

And Qi Fang was the first to react.

Qi Fang quickly chased after him, and shouted from behind, "Second Sister, Second Sister, do you want us? Are you never going back to this house again? Is it true that I will never have Second Sister again? .”

The little boy burst into tears as he spoke.

Liu Ling frowned tightly, watching Qi Fang who was crying displeasedly.

In her memory, she didn't seem to have a deep relationship with this young boy, could it be one-sided?
It's really annoying. It's annoying.

She doesn't want to get involved with these ordinary people, especially people like the Qi family who have struggled on the poverty line all their lives and can't turn over for the rest of their lives, although she can show them something casually, which is enough for them to live a life without worry.

But she didn't want to, why, even if they are not related by blood, why should they care about them? In that case, wouldn't they raise a bunch of rice worms?
She doesn't owe them anything.

She endured her impatience, "Don't cry, no matter how much you cry, I should go or go, and I will just pretend that I am not there from now on."

Qi Fang looked at her with tears in his eyes.

As far as he could remember, the second sister was the one who saw the most people. He felt that the relationship between the two was very good. Why didn't the second sister recognize them when she found her relatives?
Suddenly, Qi Fang looked at Liu Ling seriously.

He found that the second sister's clothes were much better than before. He didn't know what, but he just felt that the clothes worn by the second sister must be the most expensive. In other words, her family's conditions are very good now, not like theirs. , so the second sister is afraid that they will drag her down.

The young boy who had figured it out suddenly felt cold. He no longer tried to keep Liu Ling, but stood blankly in the open space in front of the alley. He didn't move until Liu Ling disappeared.

It was already night at this time, so I threw 10 yuan to the driver and asked him to find a place to eat by himself, and Liu Ling went to another restaurant.

Feeling bad, she simply ate some, Liu Ling went to the parking place, and asked the driver to take her back to the imperial capital. At this time, the sky had already darkened, and it was estimated that it would be almost midnight in the imperial capital.

Liu Ling, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, was a little drowsy, while the driver in front, the master, was still talking at first, but he kept silent while driving.

At this time, they had already driven to a deserted area.

The drowsy Liu Ling found out from the corner of her eye that the driver was always watching her secretly in the rearview mirror.

Liu Ling sat up straight, glanced at the driver with sharp eyes, and then looked out the window. Sure enough, there was no village, no store, no lights, only the darkness of night.

Liu Ling glanced at the master in front again, and then looked out of the window, only to find that the road was not the same as before.

She was leaning lazily on the back seat of the car, with a half-smile on the corner of her mouth, and a cold light flashed in her eyes, it's true that there is a way to heaven, and there is no way to come in if you don't go to hell.

She said lightly, "Master, it seems that the road you are driving is not right."

"What's wrong? This is the road to the imperial capital." The driver said in a slightly strange voice.

Then he stepped on the accelerator and picked up the speed again.

In this case, the place where they are going is even more dark and boundless.

Dimly, the figure of the mountain can be seen in the distance. Does this mean that you want to drive up the mountain?
"Master driver, stop."

Liu Ling continued to speak unhurriedly, "Master driver, turn the car over and let's go back to the imperial capital. I'll just pretend that this didn't happen, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

She's in a bad mood, this driver really doesn't know how to find time.

The driver smiled strangely, "Beauty, stop immediately."

After saying this, he stopped the car as expected, and then, he pulled out a sharp knife from a tool box and threatened Liu Ling, "Don't shout, or I will kill you!"

Liu Ling raised her wrist and looked at her watch. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening. With such a delay, it would be midnight in the imperial capital.

A smoldering look appeared on her face, and her eyes became cold, "I gave you a chance, if you don't cherish it, don't blame me."

At this time, the driver master finally knew what was wrong.

Generally, at such moments, girls should be so frightened that they cry and beg for mercy, or some just faint.

He has done such things a lot, so he naturally knows the reactions of these women, but there is no woman like this one.

Not afraid of him at all, but dared to threaten him.

The master driver shook the dagger in his hand, thinking to himself, this woman is still too young, and dare to go back to the imperial capital alone at this time.

Especially the section of road they were driving on was under construction in autumn, and very few people passed by here.

(End of this chapter)

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