Divorce failed again

Chapter 1785 A Group of Ashes

Chapter 1785 A Ball of Ashes

Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is a breeze for a woman to pack it up.

He grinned grinningly, "You obey me obediently, and I won't hurt you, otherwise you won't be able to return to the imperial capital."

"I can't see back to the imperial capital, is it you?"

Liu Ling's voice was cold, and with a flick of her finger, a red light flashed on her fingertips, and a ball of flame shot out of nowhere. In the eyes of the driver's master, this ball of flame suddenly moved towards his hand. And then, when the driver felt the pain, he was horrified to find that the knife he was holding had melted, and his hand had also melted...

He looked at the smiling woman as if he saw something terrible.

A desperate wail followed.

The driver used his remaining hand and was about to open the car door, but he didn't expect another ball of flames to rush towards his face, so he heard the woman say, "You did it to yourself, I gave you a chance, and it looks like you absolutely must It’s not the first time I’ve done it, so I’m doing justice for the heavens.”

In the remaining consciousness, there were only the four words "walking on behalf of the sky", and then in the sky full of fire, I didn't know anything.

The driver didn't even have time to regret it.

Just under Liu Ling's flame, it turned into a mass of ashes.

Then Liu Ling opened the car door, flicked the ashes, and with her movements, it floated outside, and disappeared without a trace when the night wind blew, this is the real ashes.

Liu Ling raised her eyebrows, this person has committed so many crimes that he is not even worthy of reincarnation.

She hooked the corners of her mouth, but frowned. It's really unlucky. No matter how she goes back, she can't drive.

And what about this car?
She moved her finger, and a ball of flame shot out of the sky, it was very bright in the night, it seemed to be the only light in this dark world, but then she thought that this car is different from the previous carriage, it has a fuel tank , which is filled with gasoline, and if it is ignited by fire, it will explode. If someone sees it and causes trouble, it will be boring.

So Liu Ling had no choice but to take back the flame.

She is standing on this road, is she going to use the power of the fire phoenix to fly back?
All female members of the Phoenix family can summon a fire phoenix.

Liu Ling is no exception.

However, her cultivation has stagnated in recent years, and she is also worried that her spiritual energy will be dissipated in the middle of the flight. If you can set up the enchantment in time, you don't have to be afraid of [-], just in case, what if there are people from the Xuanmen in the night sky?
Liu Ling was in a bad mood and kicked the car hard.

And at this moment, a light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Those are the lights of the car.

It's really a no-brainer.

Liu Ling stood by the side of the road and started waving.

The road is quite wide, and two cars can pass side by side.

Liu Ling stared at the car that was getting closer, and then saw that the driver was a young man, very handsome.

She thought the car would stop her.

After all, she is a beautiful woman, but she didn't think that in this barren mountain, in the middle of the night, such a beautiful woman is standing on the side of the road to stop a car, unless those people with evil intentions, ordinary people don't want to let her go. Such a person rides in a car, who knows what will happen.

In particular, there are no towns and houses in this area, and it belongs to the kind where there are no shops in the front and the village in the back.

Liu Ling didn't expect that the car didn't stop. It was obvious that there was only one person in the car. She frowned. Today is really inappropriate. If it wasn't for Gu Qiaoqiao and Sima Xiaowen to meddle in their own business, how could she be here? This desolate place is embarrassing.

Wait, those two women, sooner or later she will let them know the consequences of meddling.

Liu Ling clenched her fists. This place is still some distance away from the imperial capital. If she had known this, she would have found a better hotel in Yanjing to stay.

At this time, Liu Ling suddenly thought, should I burn this car?
If it is burned, there will be nothing left.

And at this moment, the car that was about to drive away suddenly stopped.

The driver hesitated, as if thinking about something, and finally reversed the car.

Liu Ling was overjoyed, the driver was quite good, and soon, the driver with good skills drove the car to a place not far from her, and then stopped, and then, a young man, got out of the car down.

Because of the lights of the car, he could see his eyebrows clearly.

It's really long.

And the appearance should belong to the kind of gentle and jade-like, but now I can't tell from the appearance, the driver she hired is honest and honest, but in the end he dared to attack her, and he was wiped out. , so it is the most unreliable to look at the appearance.

But these are insignificant to Liu Ling.

She is capable, and ordinary people want to touch her, it is simply beyond their control, idiotic dream!

Liu Ling smiled at the young man. The young man looked at the car and asked concerned, "I see you waved, but I didn't expect a girl to be on the side of the road so late, so I hesitated at the time. I think you must have something."

The young man explained to Liu Ling very gently the reason why he left without looking sideways just now, and then went back.

For these, Liu Ling didn't care, she pointed to the taxi, thought for a while and said, "This is the taxi I hired. The driver took me to Yanjing for errands. On the way back, he suddenly drove to this place. Then he got out of the car and locked me inside, I had no choice but to open the car door by myself, and the driver hasn’t come back until now.”

The young man frowned slightly. It turned out that the woman was a passenger. He thought she was the driver who broke down here.

But for no reason, how could the owner of this taxi disappear?
He couldn't help asking in surprise, "Did he say anything to you before getting out of the car?"

"He told me to stay here honestly and not move. He was going to find two friends. If I got out of the car privately, he would make me look good."

Liu Ling said half-truth and half-falsely.

The young man was thinking, if the driver had malicious intentions, why hasn't he come back?

He said to find someone, but where to find someone?

There is no one else within a ten-mile radius.

Then he looked at the beautiful female passenger again, and knew in his heart that maybe the taxi driver was malicious, but he didn't know what went wrong, so he hasn't come back until now.

But you can't just wait here.

Fortunately, I met him. If the malicious driver came back, this woman who didn't know the danger would definitely be hurt.

 The new book is in PK, I implore my little hands to give a collection and recommendation, I love you~~

(End of this chapter)

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