Divorce failed again

Chapter 1802 Is there amber by the river?

Chapter 1802 Is there amber by the river?

Gu Qiaoqiao's eyebrows brightened, but suddenly dimmed, "Oh, the child is too young now, so forget about such a long journey."

"I just want to go back, not now."

"Then when?" Gu Qiaoqiao asked.

"Of course it is the best season in Border Town."

"The best season for the border town base is July... Let me calculate when our Xiaobao and Xiaobei..."

Having said that, Gu Qiaoqiao paused for a moment, her eyes lit up, "Oh, Xiaobao and Xiaobei were running all over the place at that time."

It must be no problem to take them out, Gu Qiaoqiao smiled instantly.

In a good mood, Gu Qiaoqiao stretched out her hand and hooked Qin Yize's neck, Qing Lingling's eyes were shining with stars, and the corner of her mouth was smiling, "Ah Ze, let's go to the border city base in July, if If you're lucky, you might be able to pick up a few pieces of amber by the river."

Artificial amber is now on the market.

If it is pure natural amber, it is definitely worth collecting.

"Amber?" Qin Yize said softly, "I've never heard of it. Someone can pick up amber by the river."

"You are so busy every day, how do you know this news? I also heard about it when I heard other people chatting." Gu Qiaoqiao rolled his eyes and continued, "It's just word of mouth, and other people also heard it from others. But regardless of whether it’s true or not, let’s go and have a look, there really isn’t any amber in the collection in my hand.”

"Okay, I've arranged work in July, and I just happened to go to inspect the base."

"Then it's settled. Don't go back on your word when the time comes."

"I won't go back on my word." Qin Yize said dotingly with a gentle smile on his brows, "My wife speaks, and I will never discount it."

Gu Qiaoqiao laughed.

Qin Yize pressed a kiss on her forehead...

The night sky in the second day of junior high school was still pitch black. Today was not as good as yesterday, and I couldn't even see a single star.

The lights in Qin's other courtyard were turned off one by one, and the surroundings gradually fell into silence.

Xiaobai and Bailang were lying in the bedroom next to the master bedroom of Qin Yize and Gu Qiaoqiao.

They belong to an area with a door connecting two rooms in the middle.

In this way, it is also convenient to take care of two children.

If Xiaobai and Bailang were not here, the two children would sleep in the master bedroom.

In the past few days, because of the arrival of Xiaobai and White Wolf, the four little ones were moved to another room by Gu Qiaoqiao.

Xiaobai's eyes were slightly squinted.

Suddenly, it opened its eyes, the purple eyes, in the dark night, like two glowing purple gems.

Then it quietly patted the white wolf sleeping next to it with its paw.

The white wolf reacted quickly, standing up in a jiffy.

Instinctively looking at Xiaobai, waiting for its order, the difference between the white wolf's spiritual sense and Master Bai's is really too far, it can be said that there is a world of difference, naturally all actions follow Master Xiaobai's command.

Because it is winter now, and the winter in the north is very cold. Unlike the south, windows cannot be opened here, but there is usually a small transom for ventilation.

However, the ventilation conditions on the second floor are very good, and there is no need for a separate small air window, so the windows are tightly closed.

It is impossible to jump out of the window.

Xiao Bai led the white wolf, quietly walked across the carpet, and slipped out of the bedroom without making a sound.

When they reached the corridor, the two little ones became very fast, rushing downstairs.

Because I have stayed in Qin's other courtyard for a long time, and I am familiar with every place, this white wolf is also very powerful now, especially in opening the door, very skillful, put one paw on the doorknob, and twist the other paw, the closed cold-proof door It was opened.

A bitter cold air hits the face.

However, there was no one in the living room on the first floor, and it was completely silent at this moment.

It's still very late at night.

However, the white wolf turned around and quickly closed the cold door.

If Gu Qiaoqiao saw this movement, he would have to praise it. This is really a veteran, extremely skilled.

In order to open the door quickly, the white wolf has learned to walk upright.

Of course, this is not the time to talk about these things.

The passage outside was swept clean, but it was surrounded by white snow, and the two little ones could not see any traces running on it. In addition, the wild animals were originally wild animals, which were especially suitable for walking in this icy and snowy field. Although the yard is different from the forest.

Then they get to where the exception is thrown.

A high wall separates this place, but although it is a high wall, it is only more than 1.7 meters long.

With a bow, Xiaobai jumped up with a whoosh.

Then the white wolf followed Xiao Bai's example and landed on the wall in a chic and handsome posture.

Fortunately, the wall stack is still very wide, and the white wolf stands firmly.

Naturally, the situation outside the wall is clear at a glance.

In the dark night sky, a mass of red flames.Floating leisurely outside the wall.If it is seen by ordinary people, it will definitely be terrified.

And this white wolf and Xiaobai are naturally not ordinary people.

I will not be afraid of the inexplicable fireball floating in the night sky.

With sharp eyes, Xiaobai quickly looked around.

Strange, there are no cars and no people, how did this fire ball appear?
It has seen Sima Xiaowen perform her abilities.

But what Sima Xiaowen released was a beautiful fire phoenix.

The figure is huge, and when the wings flutter, sparks fly.

It looks scary, but its power is average, it's just a gimmick.

Xiaobai knows a little more than Bailang.

Although it doesn't quite understand the so-called love between Chu Chengfeng and Sima Xiaowen.

But it knows that Chu Chengfeng is now the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, and Sima Xiaowen is also a member of the Phoenix Clan.

Regardless of whether the Phoenix group is separated or co-authored, they all belong to the group that plays with fire.

They don't have much aura, and they mainly rely on their own spiritual fire to cultivate.

Obviously, the flame in front of him, with its eager light, is obviously not the kind of will-o'-the-wisp that humans fear.

And in the Taoist sect of the imperial capital, the people who can play with fire are Chu Chengfeng, who has awakened blood, and the four elders in the courtyard.

What is this fire trying to do?Who among them sent it?

Xiao Bai kept thinking in his heart, but he didn't charge forward immediately, because he didn't know if there were other unknown forces in this flame. After all, it and the white wolf were still a little afraid of fire.

Perhaps this is a little instinct of the animals that remain in their bodies.

Do you want to call Gu Qiaoqiao up?
You must know that the Frost Sword in Gu Qiaoqiao's hand is the nemesis of this fireball.

In fact, the current scene is very strange.

Under the dark night, there were two white animals, one big and one small.

These two animals have two purple eyes and one has two green eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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