Divorce failed again

Chapter 1803 Escape

Chapter 1803 Escape
It looked extraordinarily infiltrating in the dark night, coupled with a ball of flames suspended in mid-air.

If someone came over at this time, if he was not fainted by fright, then he must be praised for his courage.

Fortunately, in this cold midnight, no one really wandered outside, after all, it was winter.

So it's very quiet here.

Because of Xiaobai and Bailang, this space was blocked, and that ball of flames actually wanted to float into the yard just now, and I don't know what it was going to do, but it was not a good thing after all.

So at this time, the fireball naturally couldn't get in.

Suspended in mid-air, it seems to be hesitating, and it seems to be waiting for someone to command.

And at this moment, the fire ball may have received an order, and it will suddenly turn into a red light and disappear in front of Xiaobai and Bailang.

Xiaobai swished and jumped off the wall.

The white wolf followed.

Two white shadows ran forward following the red light at the speed of light.

Unfortunately, when turning around an alley, the red light disappeared.

Xiaobai and Bailang walked around in place several times, checked the surroundings again, found nothing unusual, and then went back to the Qin family's other courtyard again, of course this time they still climbed over the wall to enter.

When they returned to the bedroom, Qin Yize didn't wake up, but Gu Qiaoqiao opened his eyes.

Feeling the chill on Xiaobai and Bailang's body, he asked Xiaobai subconsciously, "What did you two do?"

"There was a red flame outside our yard. It seemed to want to come in, but when we saw the two of us going out, we ran away. We didn't find out who the owner was."

"Red flame, are you sure you read it right?" Gu Qiaoqiao asked in surprise.

"How can this be wrong?"

"Does it have a shape? Is it shaped like a phoenix?"

"Without shape, it's just a big ball of fire."

Gu Qiaoqiao couldn't help thinking, and after a long while, she subconsciously said to Xiaobai, "I think it should be that woman Liu Ling."

Xiaobai yelled, "That's right, years ago I thought something was wrong with that woman, and it really was her."

"You two have worked hard, go and rest, don't worry, she won't do anything for the time being."

Although the Qin family's other courtyard cannot be said to be impenetrable, it is almost the same.

The enchantment here was laid down by Gu Junbai himself.

Even if Xiaobai and Bailang didn't go out just now, the flames couldn't get in.

But you still have to be careful, after all, is the human heart unpredictable?
Especially for people like Liu Ling who have a vague sense of right and wrong.

People are different after all.

For some people, the so-called empathy does not exist.

Because that kind of people always think that what they do is right.

"Gu Qiaoqiao, why don't you go to that woman to settle accounts? Why do you run out of someone's yard for no reason? People like this are either rape or robbery. If you don't warn her, she will think you have nothing. Know."

Gu Qiaoqiao sighed, "Now it's not the same as before. Sometimes you can't be happy and enmity, and you must consider all aspects. Besides, we don't have evidence, so we just went there rashly. That woman Liu Ling is not ordinary. People. I will definitely retort, maybe in the end we will be framed by her instead, and that will not be worth the loss."

"People in the Taoist sect nowadays are getting more and more disorganized and boring."

Xiaobai said it with disgust.

"Actually, it was the same before, but you didn't pay attention to it. Although they are from the Taoist sect, didn't they also come from ordinary people? Of course, human nature will not disappear."

"Okay, I see."

After Xiaobai finished speaking, he stopped communicating with Gu Qiaoqiao subconsciously. Instead, he lay down on the soft carpet and rolled comfortably.

Gu Qiaoqiao is not worried, but she has something to rely on. After all, the barrier of the Qin family's other courtyard was arranged by the owner himself.

From Xiaobai's point of view, Gu Junbai and Yunluo are the most powerful in Taoism now.

Followed by Gu Qiaoqiao and Chu Chengfeng.

By the way, there is also Dongfang Yu.

Dongfang Yu also got a great opportunity because of Shang Qing, and Gu Qiaoqiao healed his cold disease. Now his cultivation level has risen to a higher level, which is almost the same as Gu Qiaoqiao.

But this Shinobu doesn't have to worry, because he has sworn with his life.

As for Liu Ling, Xiaobai really didn't notice it.

That ability is not enough for the white wolf.

But what Gu Qiaoqiao said was right, people like Liu Ling should be more careful.

Xiaobai sighed, it felt that since Gu Qiaoqiao gave birth to Xiaobao and Xiaobei, it seemed that it had a lot more responsibilities on its shoulders.

Whoops, what is it up to?
Cursing his lips, Xiaobai stopped thinking about these things, and soon fell into a dreamland.

And at the back of a house more than 1000 meters away from her in-laws' courtyard, Liu Ling managed to take back her spirit fire.

In order to prevent being recognized, she also changed the shape of the phoenix into a fireball.

But even so, today's matter was not successful, and he didn't even enter the other courtyard of the Qin family.

If she didn't feel wrong, the Qin family courtyard had set up quite a powerful barrier, even she couldn't get in.

It's just strange, why didn't she feel it when she went to the Qin family's other courtyard that day?
Is it just arranged?

Liu Ling's face was full of resentment, and she wiped the sweat off her forehead with resentment, and drove the car towards her apartment.

After all, as a Taoist, learning to drive is simply too easy, and with Chu Chengfeng around, it is easy to get a driver's license.

Chu Chengfeng drove this car for her this morning.

Although he did not apologize directly, he also indirectly expressed his apology.

That being the case, it's not good for Liu Ling to hold on to it all the time, so yesterday's incident just passed in such a muddle-headed way.

However, Liu Ling has always been uneasy. She felt that Sima Xiaowen and Gu Qiaoqiao were responsible for everything.

She didn't want to do anything to them today, but just checked.

I really didn't expect the Qin family's other courtyard to be so strict.

It's just that Bai Mi still has one thing to do, and she will always find a chance.

After the fifteenth day, many things should have a result.

Under the night, although there were cars on the street, it was past midnight after all, so Liu Ling drove faster and faster, rushing past the red lights one after another.Once, he almost ran into someone else's car.

But after all, she has a cultivation base, so she easily resolved it.

But even so, two cars crashed into a utility pole beside the road.

Liu Ling smiled coldly, feeling that the anger in her heart was much better.

Then slowed down and continued to drive forward.

On the morning of the third day of junior high school, after breakfast, Sima Xiaowen brought Gu Qianqian to the Qin family's other courtyard to play.

Yunluo also came with her.

 Thanks for reading~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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