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Chapter 1804 He Likes You!

Chapter 1804 He Likes You!

Gu Qiaoqiao knew that sister Xiaowen and Qianqian would come, but she didn't say that girl Yunluo would follow.

But she liked Yunluo very much, and she led her in with a smile on her face.

Gu Qianqian was already an aunt.

But still like a child, he rushed towards Xiaobao and Xiaobei's room.

Those two little things were so cute that Gu Qianqian didn't even have time to talk to her sister.

Gu Qiaoqiao shook her head amusedly, but she was also happy.

For her own babies, she certainly hoped that her relatives would love them.

Gu Qiaoqiao glanced at Sima Xiaowen.

His expression was calm, no different from before.

Several people sat there chatting for a while. Although it was still during the Spring Festival, the busiest few days had passed.

The second and third uncles of the Qin family had already returned to their home, so the third day of junior high school seemed much quieter.

Qin Yize was not in their yard, he went to talk with the old man.

These women spoke more casually.

And at this time, Yunluo suddenly asked Gu Qiaoqiao, "Qiaoqiao, what are you going to do if you find Chang Qing who is trapped in time and space?"

Gu Qiaoqiao looked at Yunluo in surprise, and blurted out, "Have you got any news?"

"There is some news, but it's not accurate. It will take some time to confirm it." Yunluo said.

"What should I do? If you find him, of course you should bring him out quickly." Having said that, Gu Qiaoqiao frowned, "Although I can't imagine what kind of place he is staying in, it must be very uncomfortable."

"But if you really want to bring it back, you must know that it is a big living person."

Yunluo got the news last night. She told Gu Junbai about it at that time. Of course, she wanted to keep it from Chang Qing for the time being, but Gu Qiaoqiao needed to know. After all, she was trapped in time and space. Everything Chang Qing did was for Gu Qiaoqiao.

Gu Qiaoqiao was silent for a moment, so why didn't she know that what she brought back was a living person.

According to a certain law.

Chang Qing trapped in time and space should not exist.

If they were brought back, how would they get along with the current Chang Qing and the others?
Will it cause other unpredictable turmoil.

But if you don't bring him back, will you keep him trapped there forever?

Gu Qiaoqiao knew that she would never do that, otherwise she would not have told the ancestors of the Gu family about it, and the ancestors of the Gu family would not have taken it to heart, and would have asked someone for help whenever they had an opportunity.

"There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. There must be a way when the time comes. No matter what, it will be better than him alone in time and space."

At the end, Gu Qiaoqiao's tone became more and more firm.

Yunluo looked at Gu Qiaoqiao fixedly, frowned, and said directly, "Gu Qiaoqiao, do you know that Chang Qing in time and space likes you."

Gu Qiaoqiao froze for a moment, then simply nodded, "I know, but in my heart, he is the same as my own brother Zishu."

Yunluo couldn't help but sneered, "Qiaoqiao, you are deceiving yourself, how can this kind of liking be confused with that kind of family affection?"

"Otherwise?" Gu Qiaoqiao asked back.

Although she knew that Yunluo spoke in such a way.And sometimes she is very proud, but this kind of thing still makes her feel a little uncomfortable, "I have never had any hints or ambiguity towards Chang Qing, whether it was in the past or now, I only regard him as mine. dear brother."

Sima Xiaowen on the side said lightly, "Yunluo, you are a bit aggressive, I believe in Qiao Qiao, and I also believe in Chang Qing, they are all people who know what they should do and what they should not do, so you can no need to worry."

Yunluo chuckled, "Xiaowen, what do you mean by that? What should I worry about?"

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room became a little depressing. These three are all members of the Taoist sect. According to their cultivation, Yunluo is the tallest.

And she is from another world.

So the power on her body is a bit weird.

However, Gu Qiaoqiao and Sima Xiaowen really didn't take Yunluo's things seriously. They made friends with her only because she was worth it for being a simple person.

Sima Xiaowen looked at Yunluo with a half-smile, leaned lazily on the sofa, and said in a slow voice, "How are you? Everyone knows Sima Zhaozhi's heart, but I don't understand it, just Chang Qing's incomprehensible style What do you like about him?"

Yunluo's expression changed.

After a while, she stood up from the sofa opposite, and then with a wave of her hand, a barrier was set up in the room, and she casually grabbed it in the air, and a handful of cold light appeared in her hand, It seems to be a sword composed of countless light waves.

And although Sima Xiaowen was leaning lazily on the sofa, her reaction was also extremely fast. When Yunluo stood up on the opposite side and held the sword in her hand, she had already waved her hand. The fire phoenix flew out of the sky, flapping its huge wings, spitting flames from its mouth, and confronted the lightsaber.

And Sima Xiaowen stood behind Huofeng.

In this room, it seems that the next moment will become a battlefield.

Yun Luo said mockingly, "Even if Chang Qing doesn't understand the style, he is also a kind-hearted person, and he is much better than your obsessive scumbag."

Sima Xiaowen's complexion also changed, and they all said that beating people does not slap people in the face, and swearing does not reveal faults.

Sometimes an outspoken person is very annoying, because she doesn't care about your face and your self-esteem when she speaks, and she really says what she thinks.

But Sima Xiaowen is Sima Xiaowen after all, she said lightly, "Yunluo, you don't know Chu Chengfeng before, you don't know how our relationship is, now this person is not Chu Chengfeng, let me tell you again solemnly, don't Confuse him with the man from before, but you are right in one sentence, he is indeed a scumbag, but I have never forgotten him, you have to figure it out."

Before Yunluo could speak, Sima Xiaowen said again, "Chang Qing's child is a good boy, obsessed with academics, and he was unlucky in his childhood. He suffered a lot and suffered a lot. Don't say he doesn't mean anything to you now. , even if he likes you, you have to stay far away, because it is impossible for the two of you, you will leave sooner or later, so please don't give him any unnecessary harm."

This warning made Yunluo's face change.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Sima Xiaowen viciously.

This girl can speak more outspokenly than she does.

Gu Qiaoqiao was stunned, who would have thought that a fight would start while talking.

And her mind is a bit confused, what's going on, this Yunluo seems to like Chang Qing.

is it really like this?
(End of this chapter)

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