Chapter 1813
"Are you worried about grandpa?" Li He thought for a while, then asked in a deep voice.

Li Gufen frowned, hesitated, but still nodded slowly, "I'm really a little worried, after all, he regards you as his grandson, and I'm his granddaughter, I'm worried, the old man will be in this matter for a while It will be unacceptable emotionally.

We are so peaceful and peaceful now, which is a life I longed for and could not reach. Now that I finally live such a life, I will wake up with a smile in my dreams.

So I don't want to spoil such a life, and I don't want to make grandpa sad.

Also, he met a lot of old friends here, what if someone made fun of him for this? "

If it was the former Li Gufen, she would not have dared to say such things, but after nearly two years, she has been completely transformed, and she is completely different from before.

Some things need to be said clearly in advance.

Although Li He was anxious, he also knew that Xiaofen had to be given time, and always let her dispel all worries, so that the two of them could live together for a long time.

But before he could say anything, the door of the living room was pushed open at this moment, and the two of them looked at the door at the same time.

At this time, the two of them were standing in the center of the living room, and they would not sit on the sofa, so when Mr. Li came in, he rolled his eyes and coughed lightly. As usual, he first greeted his granddaughter, "Xiaofen, Aren't you busy ahead?"

Li Gufen felt a little hot on his face, but fortunately he covered it up in time, and hurried up to meet him, helped Mr. Li to sit on the sofa, and then said in a low voice, "Grandpa, it's nothing, I'll come back and get something."

Mr. Li glanced at Li Gufen, who was empty-handed, and then at his eldest grandson. His heart was full of twists and turns. In fact, he was worried about these two people. They both had intentions for each other, but no one said anything. When I am young, what time is this? If I continue to delay, in a few years this will be the age when I can be a grandparent.

Mr. Li is in a hurry, he is really worried, but he has no good way to worry.

Because they are not young at all, besides, this granddaughter's life is bitter, she has suffered so many crimes, and that marriage is so unfortunate, it must have left a shadow in her heart, and it is not easy to get out of it these years , and he is a grandfather after all, some things are really not easy to say to his granddaughter.

He originally wanted to ask Li He what he meant, but he thought that if this didn't work out, how could these two people stay under the same roof in the future?
After thinking about it, Mr. Li was only secretly anxious.

But at this moment, he murmured in his heart, it seemed that there was something wrong with these two people just now, did they pierce that layer of window paper?
He started to get anxious again, because there seemed to be a hundred cats' paws scratching in his heart, but he still pretended to be calm and said, "Now you are not as busy as before, and you can rest more."

Li Gufen took advantage of the situation and said, "Yeah, this is also thanks to Cheng Feng and Xiao Wen's good management.

Immediately, her eyes darkened again, she was really sorry for these two people, how wonderful, a golden boy and a jade girl are a natural pair, all the beautiful words in the world are piled up on the two of them, it is not an exaggeration at all.

But this is how to say the points are divided.

But she can't ask too much, because she is worried that Xiaowen will feel sad.

Mr. Li nodded, "These two young people are capable, ambitious and far-sighted. I don't think you will open this beef noodle restaurant all over the country in the future."

Li He smiled slightly at the side, "Grandpa, I heard what Cheng Feng said before, they not only want to drive to the whole country, but also want to drive to the whole world."

"...It is great that young people have pursuits and ambitions."

When Mr. Li said this, he looked at these two people absent-mindedly. No, there must be something wrong with these two people. He must have said something just now, otherwise he would not have such an expression.

But how can he ask around what he wants to know?

Before he could speak, Li Gufen put a cup of tea in front of Mr. Li, and said softly, "Grandpa, I'm going to take a look ahead, I'll make dinner."

"Xiaofen, let's have rice tonight. Grandpa has always eaten noodles these days, so he's getting tired of it."

People say, eat whatever you want, but no matter how delicious it is, you can't eat it every day.

"Don't worry, grandpa, don't tell me that's what I plan to do today. I'm cooking some of your favorite dishes." Li Gufen said in a soft voice.

"It can't just be my favorite dishes, but also your elder brother."

Mr. Li suddenly said with some reproach.

Li Gufen couldn't help but blush, and said in a low voice, "Grandpa, I'm sure I'll make what big brother likes to eat."

Li He couldn't help laughing, and said softly, "My taste is similar to that of grandpa, but I'll come to you tonight. Yipin Noodle Restaurant has just opened these few days, and you have worked hard."

Mr. Li quickly said, "Okay, okay, I want Li He to cook for us today, Xiaofen, just go to the front and have a look, let's try your big brother's cooking tonight."

"...Brother's craftsmanship is good." Li Gufen praised sincerely.

In order to take care of her grandfather, Li He has really honed her culinary skills over the past few years. The food she cooks is delicious, and Li Gufen lived in a depressive and extremely inferior environment from her marriage to the time she came to the imperial capital. environment.

Li Gufen had a good life before getting married, but since getting married, she seems to have fallen into a boundless hell.

And in the Lujia Village where she lives, almost many people behave like Mrs. Lu.

Not to mention patriarchy, I always think that the daughter-in-law is just let her call and scold her. Of course, there are tough daughter-in-laws, but they are one of the few.

Ever since she married into the Lu family, she has contracted almost all the work outside the house. In that family, only the younger brother-in-law Lu Hao would help her with the work before he became a soldier. Others, both openly and secretly, were abusing her , When I was young, because I was young and timid, my parents died and there was no family to rely on, just like the rootless duckweed, so I didn't know how to resist the oppression of the old lady of the Lu family.

Moreover, even if she resisted at that time, what could she do?She even has a household registration at Mrs. Lu's house.

The men in Lu's family are all about opening their mouths for their clothes, and she has never seen old man Lu, or her wolf-hearted husband, help in the kitchen with cooking.

So for the first time seeing Li He's skillful movements in the kitchen and his calm figure, in fact, her heart was touched at that moment, which she had never been in contact with before.

Even if it is Chu Chengfeng, he is also a noble son who does not touch the spring water with his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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