Divorce failed again

Chapter 1814 Presided over the wedding in person

Chapter 1814 Presided over the wedding in person
So she has a very good impression of Li He like this.

At this moment, because Li Gufen remembered many things from the past, her complexion was not very good at first, but in the end she became a little gentle again.

And the light in his eyes was also flickering, as if there were countless thoughts on his mind, but he didn't know how to express it. Li Lao bowed his head and drank tea, but he didn't notice it. Li He, who had been paying attention to Li Gufen, noticed it. He walked forward and bowed. Asked in a low voice, "Xiaofen, what's wrong with you?"

Li Gufen raised her head suddenly, and fell into a pair of eyes full of warmth and concern.

At this moment, Li Gufen suddenly understood that if she missed Li He, she might never find someone better than him.

Facing him, Li Gufen slowly raised the corners of her mouth, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's okay."

Li He still wanted to ask something, but he hesitated to speak.

Although he didn't see Li Gufen's expression, Mr. Li saw Li He's concern.

Mr. Li coughed, and asked directly, "Is there something you two are hiding from Grandpa?"

Li Gufen and Li He were taken aback, and quickly looked at Mr. Li who was sitting on the sofa.

At this time, Mr. Li had already stood up, waving his hand to signal that they don't need to rush to explain, Mr. Li walked slowly to the two of them, looked at Li Gufen, and said gently, "Xiaofen, you are not young now, you If you don’t have a family, how can grandpa feel at ease, tell me if there is anyone you like, grandpa will personally preside over the wedding for you this time.”

Even though Li Gufen was no longer young, she couldn't help but blushed and said anxiously, "Grandpa, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"...I'm not talking nonsense. Grandpa is asking for your opinion. You're not a child anymore."

Before Li Gufen could speak up, Elder Li suddenly said, "Xiaofen, Grandpa has a suitable candidate here, he can be my grandson-in-law."

Not only Li Gufen, but Li He was also taken aback.

His face changed suddenly.

All of a sudden, countless thoughts turned in my mind. Could it be that grandpa doesn't like him? Could it be that grandpa didn't fancy him...

Grandpa tried him before, but at that time, Li Gufen hadn't come out from the shadow of her previous marriage at all. After all, she had been married for more than ten years, and she had been living in pain. Even if she divorced, how could she leave so quickly? Come out, so in order not to affect Li Gufen, he didn't dare to tell his grandpa what he wanted, he just faltered, but he thought grandpa would understand his intention.

So Li He looked at Elder Li with a bitter face, opened his mouth to say something, but swallowed it back abruptly, and he didn't even dare to ask Elder Li who he fell in love with.

Then I remembered that Mr. Li had really met a lot of old friends recently, and there were quite a few of these old friends who were of the right age.

By the way, he heard that his grandfather met another old man. He seemed to have heard what his grandfather said. The old man had a grandson who was just forty. His wife passed away and left behind a daughter.

It is said that his grandson is also very good. He started his own company, and he is also very upright and has a good character. He didn't care about it at the time. Now that he thinks about it, did grandpa take a fancy to him?
Although Li Gufen didn't think as much as Li He thought, she still felt embarrassed, "Grandpa, what nonsense are you talking about? Well, I won't tell you about me, I'm going to get busy."

"Don't go, you don't want to know who I told you about this person, I really like him."

At this time, Mr. Li was not in a hurry, and leisurely stopped Li Gufen. Anyway, even if Xiaofen didn't go ahead, there would be no big problem.

"Grandpa, stop thinking about it, I don't have that idea now."

Mr. Li didn't take it seriously, and asked Xiaofen again persistently, "Don't you want to know who this person is?"

In desperation, Li Gufen had no choice but to ask with a blushing face, "Grandpa, tell me quickly, who is that person? I still have to go ahead."

Mr. Li smiled treacherously, and suddenly stretched out his hand, patted his grandson's shoulder heavily, and said seriously, "The person I like is my eldest grandson, Li He."

With this slap, Li He's heart finally fell back from the cloud again.

This old man is really a child, a child, don't you know he is not young?He still made such a joke, so Xuan didn't have a heart attack, but Li He finally felt relieved, these things have been discussed today, Mr. Li also knew, and he also confessed his love to Li Gufen, so there is no It is necessary to cover up.

Besides, he is a businessman, and he doesn't like procrastination, so he also grinned, "Xiaofen, what do you think of me?"

Where did Li Gufen expect the situation to take a turn for the worse, and it turned into what it is now.

Mr. Li felt that this matter should be struck while the iron is hot. After all, his granddaughter is really too shy. It is really a pity to miss Li He. Moreover, he is really at ease when these two are together. How nice it is for the three of them to be together. Although Xiaofen is not young anymore, her body has gradually recovered. It is not impossible to give him a great-grandson.

In the room, Mr. Li and Li He stared at her, waiting for her answer. Li Gufen stamped her feet in shame, "...you two."

Then he turned around, opened the door and left quickly.

However, Li Gufen's back seemed to be running away, and Li He looked at Mr. Li worriedly.

Mr. Li gave Li He a push, "Quickly chase after him, and settle the marriage as soon as possible. Grandpa, I'm still waiting to preside over the wedding for you personally."

Li He, who had received the general order, grinned, and then quickly chased after him.

Now that it's been clarified, there's no need to make detours, and Li Gufen's last trace of doubt has been completely dispelled.

With grandpa's blessing, she can marry with peace of mind.

After all, it was a family of three, and Elder Li had the final say on everything, so Elder Li decided to arrange their wedding three months later.

And it only took two days to finalize this matter.

After Gu Qiaoqiao learned about it, she was surprised at first. After all, it was too sudden, and there was no warning before that, but what followed was joy.

I am so happy for Ms. Lee.

Sister Li is actually still at a good age now, her past marriage has long passed, and she has nothing to do with the Lu family.

And Brother Li is really nice.

This family can be regarded as a kind of completeness.

Gu Qiaoqiao discussed with Sima Xiaowen, but they wanted to arrange the marriage for Sister Li properly.

After all, this is a real restart of life for Sister Li.

How about we didn't wait for the discussion, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is here, and Sima Xiaowen went to the airport to pick up people from the Feng clan.

Along with him was Chu Chengfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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